




1. 夫 [fū]2. 夫 [fú]夫 [fū]旧时称成年男子:渔~。农~。万~不当之勇。旧时称服劳役的人:~役。拉~。〔~子〕a.旧时对学者的称呼;b.旧时称老师;c.旧时妻称夫;d.称读古书而思想陈腐的人。与妻结成配偶者:丈~。~妇。夫……



汉语拼音:chuán fū







  1. 在船上工作的人。




  1. Lao Chuanfu could not wait to ask, he thought it was singing, but he heard that: after Tianbao tell the truth he went to do business.

  2. Suddenly my wife spotted a boat moored to the bank. In it there was a boatman fast asleep.

  3. He was landed from the boat, within half a mile of the castle, and rewarded his towers with a guilder , to their great satisfaction.

  4. We were like the boat people on top of a cargo ship.

  5. And then when you cycle back to the river bank, the boatman is waiting for you. And he is, of course, smiling.

  6. The boatman was just guiding it, there was no effort, for the wind was doing all the work.

  7. She is so remarkable because since gondoliers took to the waterways of Venice in 1094, there had never been a woman among them.

  8. In it there was a boatman fast asleep. We gently woke him up and asked him to ferry us to the other side.

  9. Turning back down the main street, we quickened our pace and made our way rapidly towards the stream where we hoped the boatman was waiting.


  1. 船夫们弓身划桨。

    The boatmen bent to their oars.

  2. 船夫溺毙了乘客。

    The boater drowned the passenger.

  3. 船夫在码头修船。

    The fisherman is repairing his boat in the dock.

  4. 伏尔加船夫之歌

    Song Of The Volga Boatmen

  5. 船夫们还在安放行李。

    The boatmen were still arranging the luggage.

  6. 船夫们一边划桨一边喊号子。

    The boatmen accompany the stroke of their oars with the sound of their voices.

  7. 船夫把我渡过了河。

    The boatman put me across the river.

  8. 船夫愿冒险渡他们过江。

    The boatman was willing to risk ferrying them across.

  9. 船夫拒绝划船把他送回去。

    The boatman refused to row him back.

  10. 平底船船夫摇平底船的人

    The person who propels a gondola.

  11. 船夫用竿把船推离码头。

    The boatmen boomed the boat off the wharf.

  12. 由威尼斯的船夫演唱的船歌。

    a boating song sung by Venetian gondoliers.

  13. 船夫用船把他们摆渡过河。

    The boater boated them across the river.

  14. 驳船船夫船上的船长或水手

    The master or a crew member of a barge.

  15. 船夫琢磨了一下,决定抛弃诚信。

    Boatman pondering a moment, decided to abandon the faith.

  16. 船夫在平稳的河上撑船航行。

    Boatmen poling bargesup a placid river.

  17. 与我们的船夫齐唱大海之歌。

    Join our chanteymen singing songs of the sea.

  18. 船上有一船夫在呼呼大睡。

    In it there was a boatman fast asleep.

  19. 船夫是个年轻英俊得壮小伙。

    The boatman was a strong handsome young guy.

  20. 船夫是个年轻英俊的壮小伙。

    The boatman was a strong handsome young guy.

  21. 就这样,船夫欺骗了不知多少人。

    In this way, I do not know how many people have deceived the boatman.

  22. 太可惜了,因为我也住在船夫。

    That's too bad because I'm at the boatman.

  23. 我多希望我认识一位友善的船夫

    I wish I knew a friendly boatman

  24. 听呀,有人在浅滩上喊船夫呢。

    Listen, someone is shouting for the boatman at the ford.

  25. 船夫拿起了篙子, 把船撑离了岸。

    The boatman took up the pole and shoved the boat off.

  26. 菲律宾船夫沿着瓦瓦坝河划着竹筏。

    A boatman paddles his bamboo raft along the river at Wawa Dam, Philippines.

  27. 船夫马杜得船停泊在拉耿尼得码头。

    The boat of the boatman Madhu is moored at the wharf of Rajgunj.

  28. 船夫马杜的船停泊在拉耿尼的码头。

    The boat of the boatman Madhu is moored at the wharf of Rajgunj.

  29. 船夫马杜得船停泊在拉默尼得码头。

    The boat of the boatman Madhu is moored at the wharf or Rajgunj.

  30. 船夫马杜的船停泊在拉默尼的码头。

    The boat of the boatman Madhu is moored at the wharf or Rajgunj.


  1. 问:船夫拼音怎么拼?船夫的读音是什么?船夫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:船夫的读音是chuánfū,船夫翻译成英文是 boatman; crew



词目:船夫 拼音:chuán fū 词义:指在木船上工作的人。

基本解释 [boatman] 在木船上工作的人 详细解释 在船上工作的人。
