


哺乳动物,种类很多,听觉嗅觉都很敏锐,善于看守门户,有的可以训练成军犬、警犬:走~。~彘(狗和猪)。~刨(páo )(一种游泳动作)。~盗(小偷)。~腿子。~仗人势。~尾续貂(喻拿粗劣的东西接到美好的东西后面,很不相称,常指文章)。……





汉语拼音:gǒu shǐ







  1. 比喻卑劣的人。

    《新五代史·死事传·孙晟》:“与 冯延巳 并为 昪 相。 晟 轻 延巳 为人,常曰:‘金椀玉盃而盛狗屎可乎?’”



  1. "You're a fucking piece of shit man, " he said as he carried him downhill on his back.


  2. That was more than any of them had done , and if it was "just plain dumb luck, " that was fine with me.


  3. "You know for the last quarter of a century, people have written stone bullshit about Marilyn, " he said at the end of our interview.


  4. my sister has mistaken me for a mushroom . she keeps me in the dark and feeds me shit.


  5. I'm digging on the isotopes, this metaphysics shit is dope, and if all this can give me hope, you know I'm satisfied.


  6. The crowd carried me out to the center of the lawn, then dropped me on my back in what felt like a pile of fresh dog waste.


  7. You think you know everything, but you know shit!


  8. I never thought that alcohol could ease the notion of the sadness Now what used to be a happy home done turned into some bad shit!


  9. In this case, "stinky dog dropping" become a reality and not just a curse. You can step on them any time of aren't careful.


  1. 狗屎真煞风景。

    Dog waste is a Blight.

  2. 无神论狗屎一说。

    Atheism No shit.

  3. 狗屎的经贸学院!

    Who eat the dog shit?

  4. 他踹到了狗屎。

    He trod in dog's mess.

  5. 他踹到了狗屎。

    He trod in dog's mess.

  6. 别踩上狗屎了。

    Don't step in that dog poo!

  7. 这是个狗屎体系

    It's a crap system.

  8. 你真是一坨狗屎。

    You really are a piece of shit.

  9. 你相信这种狗屎吗?

    You believe that shit

  10. 便道上满是狗屎。

    The pavement was covered in dogs'excrement.

  11. 你对我就像对狗屎!

    You treat me like I'm an asshole!

  12. 你这个狗屎臭的很!

    Your shit still smells bad!

  13. 你这坨狗屎。完蛋了。

    Because this shit.Is over.

  14. 便道上的一堆狗屎。

    a pile of dog shit on the pavement

  15. 苏茜你看上去像狗屎。

    Susie Diamond You look like shit.

  16. 我算是走狗屎运了。

    It was really, you know, sort of a shitty time.

  17. 有不用与狗屎为伍的?

    That don't have to put up with all this shit?

  18. 踩到狗屎会觉得幸运。

    You count yourself fortunate to have stepped in dog shit.

  19. 我为什么要采取所有狗屎?

    Why should I take all that shit?

  20. 真狗屎。我忘了我的手机了。

    Shit. I had forgotten about my cell phone.

  21. 你只关心你自己,狗屎一块!

    You only care about yourself, you piece of shit!

  22. 我以为你知道这些狗屎东西。

    I thought you knew about this shit.

  23. 我的鞋子粘上了些狗屎。

    I got some dog dirt on my shoes.

  24. 巴哈教同样的狗屎, 不同的屎条。

    Bahaiism Same shit, different pile.

  25. 马拉其是狗屎的意思吧?

    SOBER Malarkeys slang for bullshit, isnt it.

  26. 他就是个狗屎堆,没人愿意理他。

    He is completely disdained by everybody.

  27. 他就是个狗屎堆,没人愿意理他。

    He is completely disdained by everybody.

  28. 一样的狗屎,不一样的时候,嗯,兔子?

    Same shit, different day, huh, rabbit?

  29. 所有的门童都是狗屎脑子。

    All doormen are a pack of shitheads.

  30. 枪托折轴弹簧生锈,狗屎列兵。

    Rust on the butt plate hinge spring, private bullshit. Revoked.


  1. 问:狗屎堆拼音怎么拼?狗屎堆的读音是什么?狗屎堆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狗屎堆的读音是gǒushǐduī,狗屎堆翻译成英文是 Used as a metaphor to refer to a spurned person....


