


1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……




1. 伯 [bó]2. 伯 [bǎi]3. 伯 [bà]伯 [bó]兄弟排行次序:~仲(指兄弟的次第,喻事物不相上下)。父亲的哥哥:~~。~父。~母。对父辈戚友的尊称:老~。世~。封建制度五等爵位的第三等:~爵。旧时对文章、道德足为表率者的……


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……



汉语拼音:xiāng jīng bó yǒu







  • 【解释】:伯有:春秋时郑国大夫良霄的字,相传他死后鬼魂作祟。形容无缘无故自相惊扰。
  • 【出自】:《左传·昭公七年》:“郑人相惊以伯有,曰:‘伯有至矣。’则皆走,不知所往。”
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语;含贬义


  1. na.
  2. raise false alarms out of [

  3. for] nothing;frighten oneself without reason

  1. 每相有功电能输入

    Active energy import per phase

  2. 平均每相有功功率

    Average active power per phase

  3. 有相抵触的承诺

    Inconsistent Commitments

  4. 你有相熟的土地投资顾问吗?

    Do you have a familiar land investment consultant?

  5. 坐有样,站有相,言有规,行有距。

    Take a sample, the station phase, a regulatory statement, a line from.

  6. 也许他们就是有相吸的费洛蒙。

    Maybe they just have the right pheromones.

  7. 键盘焦点的概念与活动窗口的概念有相。

    The concept of keyboard focus is related to that of an active window.

  8. 配有相称衬衫的蓝色羊皮茄克衫。

    A blue suede jacket with matching shirt.

  9. 外国是否有相类似的课程可作参考?

    Is any reference made towards similar curriculum in other countries ?

  10. 每一枚订婚戒指都会有相配套的结婚戒指。

    Each engagement ring will have a matching wedding band.

  11. 相手术有没有任何科学依据?

    Does palmistry have any basis in science

  12. 若是运行火星跟本命金星有相, 把指挥权交给对方。

    If it is transiting Mars to your natal Venus, expect your partner to take the lead.

  13. 特里和沙伦相恋有六个星期了。

    Terry has been going out with Sharon for six weeks.

  14. 工作簿和工作簿中的每个工作表都有相关联的代码文件。

    The workbook and each sheet in the workbook has an associated code file.

  15. 这与其他媒介中的通信模型相比较有何异同?

    How does that compare the the communication models in other mediums?

  16. 东部湖泊相发育有泥岩,湖泊相中发育有重力流沈积体。

    There are abound sandstone bodies caused by sediments gravity flow developed in it.

  17. 代表不同成矿阶段的包裹体气相组成有明显差异。

    Various gaseous composition of fluid inclusion represents different mineralization stages.

  18. 王侯将相, 宁有种呼?

    King generals and ministers of state Hou, peaceful to have kind call?

  19. 王侯将相,宁有种呼?

    King generals and ministers of state Hou, peaceful to have kind call?

  20. 友人远去相将半月有余。

    It has been over half a month since my friend went far away.

  21. 吃要有吃相。

    Mind your table manners.

  22. 和登高相联系的有吃重阳糕的风俗。

    And the associated high Chongyang have to eat cake custom.

  23. 这与实际生活相, 就有一定得弊端。

    This and real life photograph, have proper corrupt practice.

  24. 这与实际生活相, 就有一定的弊端。

    This and real life photograph, have proper corrupt practice.

  25. 学习相你确有天赋, 但是你应该更加专心。

    It is true, I find it hard to buckle down!

  26. 你相不相信有黑人连环杀手这件事。

    You can believe in black serial killers or not.

  27. 有夫妻相的人是有福气的

    Couples who have similar looks with each other are blissful.

  28. 有夫妻相的人是有福气的

    Couples who have similar looks with each other are blissful.

  29. 设置类型中有不相配之处。

    There is a mismatch in the settings type.

  30. 店主感觉到背后有刀相逼。

    A shop owner feels a blade press against his back.

