




船。行船或飞行:~海。~空。~天。~行(xíng )。~班。民~。……



汉语拼音:mí háng






  1. 谓轮船、飞机等迷失航行方向。



  1. A primitive version of that concept had been floating around the sci-fi world since the advent of Star Trek in the sixties.


  2. Star Trek fans will protest that the power of Q comes from the Q Continuum but I'll ask them to go with me on this one.


  3. It really is like the Holographic Deck on Star Trek, except that very few of you realize the truth.


  4. And even the pop culture, I feel like you know I'm very forthcoming. I've never seen Star Trek, I've never. . . I don't know Doctor Who.


  5. They were all wearing leisure suits, going to discos , watching Star Trek. The Vietnam War just faded away.


  6. "Any time you touch the feed point its kind of like squeezing the jugular vein on your neck like the Vulcan hold from Star Trek" said Banos.


  7. ANDREW: He wanted me to come over and watch "Star Trek" with him.


  8. RoamEO might look like the Romulan version of a Star Trek tricorder, but it's actually a handheld monitoring device to track your pets.


  9. These guiding stones are styled as a sparkling fire that leads the lost ones out of the darkness toward their sweet, sweet Home .


  1. 应聘者演了星际迷航的角色。

    Applicant acted out a Star Trek role.

  2. 就像星际迷航中的片段,对吧?

    It was like a Star Trek episode, you know?

  3. 大学生网络迷航现象的调查研究

    Phenomenon of Getting Lost in Networks within University Students

  4. 星舰迷航之深层九号第一季


  5. 用激光技术为迷航的飞行员示警

    Laser Technology to be Used to Warn Straying Pilots

  6. 它是不是新的星际迷航电影呢?

    Is it a new Star Trek movie?

  7. 星际迷航之九度深空堕落

    Deep Space Nine The Fallen

  8. 星际迷航记之二可汗的愤怒

    Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan

  9. 在星际迷航会上可真有一些疯子。

    There were some real kooks at the Star Trek convention.

  10. 我们迷航飘荡于风暴中, 青春的雷雨一旦过去。

    Rudderless , we drift athwart a tempest, and when once the storm of youth is past.

  11. 以我看一定还是星际迷航的传送器系统最好。

    Mine has to be the transporter from Star Trek.

  12. 般若波罗蜜多,是明灯,能指引迷航的水手。

    Prajna Paramita is a sword that can cut out unnecessary tangling and involving!

  13. 毫无疑问, 星舰迷航记的玩家是很挑剔的。

    No doubt about it, Star Trek fans are a very nitpicky lot.

  14. 亮白的概念外观让它看起来像是星际迷航里的。

    The bright white concept looks like it belongs on the set of Star Trek.

  15. 这条船迷航了, 结果开得离冰天雪地得南极洲太近了。

    The ship got lost and sailed too close to the icy Antarctic.

  16. 网络环境下学习者信息超载和迷航的成因及化解

    On the Cause and Solution to the Problem that the learners are Overloaded and Lost with Information

  17. 般若波罗蜜多,是明灯,能指引迷航得水手。

    Prajna Paramita is a sword that can cut out unnecessary tangling and involving!

  18. 这条船迷航了,结果开得离冰天雪地的南极洲太近了。

    The ship got lost and sailed too close to the icy Antarctic.

  19. 随着网络学习的普及,大学生信息迷航现象也随之产生。

    The information mazing phenomenon among university students occurs along with the popularization of the network learning.

  20. 随着网络学习得普及,大学生信息迷航现象也随之产生。

    The information mazing phenomenon among university students occurs along with the popularization of the network learning.

  21. 错误情感理论,被漂亮地诠释,在电视及电影星际迷航中。

    And the wrong theory of the emotions is beautifully illustrated in the television and movie series Star Trek.

  22. 莎拉你们全都是怪胎。星舰迷航记的回放比魔法奇兵还多!

    Sarah Youre all freaks. Star Trek has more reruns than Buffy does!

  23. 莎拉星舰迷航记是给呆瓜看的。你这辈子都要当呆瓜吗

    Sarah Star Trek is for dorks. Do you want to be a dork all your life.

  24. 他们一身休服, 逛迪斯可, 看星舰迷航记, 越战就这麽消失了。

    They were all wearing leisure suits, going to discos, watching Star Trek.


  1. 问:迷航拼音怎么拼?迷航的读音是什么?迷航翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迷航的读音是míháng,迷航翻译成英文是 drift off course; lose one's course; get lost...