







汉语拼音:sī sī






  1. 象声词。

    宋 梅尧臣 《淘渠》诗:“老翁夜行无子携,眼昏失脚非有挤;明日寻者尔瘦妻,手提幼女哭嘶嘶。” 清 袁枚 《新齐谐·木姑娘坟》:“帘内妇女,堂上宾客,语嘶嘶不可辨。” 丁玲 《团聚》:“ 凤姑 把烟袋拿了来,他就嘶嘶的吸着烟。”



  1. The murky figure twisted into itself as the fire engulfed it. It hissed and howled. Bits of burning shadow fluttered off in the wind.


  2. The pilot felt a gun sticking in his back, and a voice hissed in his ear, "Take me to London. "


  3. it is possible , still , to breathe an air untainted and to hear the whispered passage of time.


  4. I forgot to turn down the stove setting, and the bubbly mixture changed to a hissing monster, spitting liquid all over the floor.


  5. "They make very distinctive noises, healthy cubs, squealing, and when you hear a lot of that you know a vocal cub is healthy, " she said.


  6. If you look at Microsoft and Netscape's home pages, from time to time it appears there's a bit of a hissing contest going back and forth.


  7. Several times a year, the calm world of the shrimp and algae would crackle and hiss and boil as calamity reigned for a few hours.


  8. Around them the concentric rings settled to the floor, and with a whispered hiss, all of the ridges melded into a single smooth surface.


  9. The fixture was hissing and smoking as he ripped it from the wall and toppled down to the landing below, still clutching it in his hand.


  1. 蛇嘶嘶作响。

    Snakes hiss.

  2. 蛇凶凶地嘶嘶作声。

    The snake gave an angry hiss.

  3. 柠檬水嘶嘶直起泡。

    The lemonade frothed up.

  4. 喷雾罐,嘶嘶,里面,外面

    Spray bottle sst sst. Inside, outside.

  5. 玻璃杯中嘶嘶冒着气泡。

    The bubbles swoshed around in the glass.

  6. 玻璃杯中嘶嘶冒着气泡。

    The bubbles swoshed around in the glass.

  7. 列车嘶嘶作响驶出了车站。

    The train hissed off the station.

  8. 霓虹灯正发出嘶嘶与噼啪声。

    The neon sign is fizzing and cracking.

  9. 杯里的香槟酒嘶嘶地冒泡。

    Champagne was fizzing in the glass.

  10. 你怎么知道, 护灵嘶嘶地说。

    You don't know, hissed the demon.

  11. 蒸汽大声地嘶嘶冒了出来。

    The steam escaped with a loud hissing noise.

  12. 这沸腾得汤正在嘶嘶地冒泡。

    The boiling soup was frothing.

  13. 这沸腾的汤正在嘶嘶地冒泡。

    The boiling soup was frothing.

  14. 蒸汽漏出来时发出嘶嘶的声音。

    The steam escaped with a hissing sound.

  15. 蒸汽漏出来时发出嘶嘶得声音。

    The steam escaped with a hissing sound.

  16. 他喝了口茶,发出嘶嘶的声音。

    He took a sip of tea making a slurping noise.

  17. 一阵嘶嘶的声音说明氧气正在放出。

    A steady hiss denoted that the oxygen was on.

  18. 你初倒这种饮料时,它会嘶嘶冒泡。

    The drink fizzes up when you first pour it.

  19. 那猫在狗走近时发出嘶嘶叫声。

    The cat hissed as the dog came near it.

  20. 机器发出一声嘶嘶的声音, 停了下来。

    The machine made a hissing sound and then stopped.

  21. 机器发出一声嘶嘶得声音,停了下来。

    The machine made a hissing sound and then stopped.

  22. 一声嘶嘶的叹息,很像车胎漏气的声音。

    A hissing sigh, rather like the sound of air escaping from a tyre.

  23. 你为什么总是从窗子进来, 然后说叽嘶, 哔嘶, 哔嘶嘶?

    Why do you always come at a window, and say Zizz, Bizz, Bizzz ?

  24. 我经过收音机的时候, 它嘶嘶蜂鸣了一下。

    A burst of static from the radio as I pass.

  25. 我经过收音机得时候,它嘶嘶蜂鸣了一下。

    A burst of static from the radio as I pass.

  26. 上面说只要加水,看它嘶嘶起泡就可以了。


  27. 我们能听到一只轮胎的嘶嘶漏气声。

    We can hear the hiss of air escaping from a tire.

  28. 我叫你不要咬人,但没有叫你不能嘶嘶作响。

    I asked you not to bite, but I didn't forbid you to hiss.

  29. 猫儿在狗走近它的时候发出嘶嘶的叫声。

    The cat hissed as the dog came near it.

  30. 凡是有甜美的鸟歌唱的地方, 都有毒蛇嘶嘶地叫。

    The serpent hisses where the sweet birds sing.


  1. 问:嘶嘶响拼音怎么拼?嘶嘶响的读音是什么?嘶嘶响翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嘶嘶响的读音是,嘶嘶响翻译成英文是 fizz

  2. 问:嘶嘶声拼音怎么拼?嘶嘶声的读音是什么?嘶嘶声翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嘶嘶声的读音是,嘶嘶声翻译成英文是 fizzle

  3. 问:嘶嘶的拼音怎么拼?嘶嘶的的读音是什么?嘶嘶的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嘶嘶的的读音是,嘶嘶的翻译成英文是 fizzy