






1. 射 [shè]2. 射 [yè]3. 射 [yì]射 [shè]放箭:~箭。后羿~日。用推力或弹力送出子弹等:~击。扫~。发~。~程。~手。气体或液体等受到压力迅速流出:喷~。注~。放出光、热、电波等:~电。辐~。~线。照~。反~。有……



汉语拼音:màn fǎn shè






  1. 光线照在粗糙的表面上,不规则地散向各方面的反射现象。



  1. The method can be used for measurement study of the characteristics of the object surface with the characteristic of diffuse reflection.


  2. I knew that the lighting should be pale and diffuse, because the intention for the scene was to picture a blizzard during the day.


  3. The surface of the mantle is specially texturized: the light casts after multiple diffuse reflections to gain homogeneous emission.


  4. The current diffuse reflectance spectroscopy can be used to monitor oxygen content in PWS skin qualitatively and observe the change trend.


  5. The Diffuse shadow slider value is no longer hidden behind the Shadow slope offset slider.


  6. Previously, we have presented pilot studies that assess the diagnostic power of auto-fluorescence and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy.


  7. The shiny silver ball's diffused color would be silver and its specular component white.


  8. Considering the diversity of sand defects in the system adopts the method of transmission and diffuse to collect information.


  9. The possibility of using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy for the quality control of ruin pharmaceuticals was investigated.


  1. 这是用于漫反射图。

    That's it for the diffuse map.

  2. 此时其镜面反射能力减弱,漫反射能力增强。

    Its specula reflection weakened while scattering reflection reinforced.

  3. 傅里叶变换近红外漫反射光谱

    Fourier transform near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy

  4. 我们还没有实现漫反射的物理现象。

    What is still really lacking is the physical phenomenon of diffusion.

  5. 首先,对漫反射成分的处理进行说明。

    First, the process for the diffuse reflection component will be described.

  6. 使光无序散射的表面表现为漫反射。

    A surface scatters light randomly has a diffuse appearance.

  7. 探测受声波调制的激光漫反射回波信号

    Detection of a Sound of Modulation Signal in Scattering Laser

  8. 我们会另外增加两个灯光来模拟漫反射。

    We will add two more lights to fake diffusion.

  9. 纸张和纸板试验。纸张和纸板蓝色漫反射系数测量

    Paper and board tests. measurement of diffuse blue reflectance factor of paper and board.

  10. 为了追求简洁, 这里我们只考虑漫反射部分。

    For the sake of simplicity only the diffuse component will be taken into account.

  11. 参照红皮书,漫反射部分的颜色是这样定义的

    According to the red book the diffuse component of the vertex color is defined as

  12. 人体组织中光的漫反射理论与仿真研究

    Theoretical Study and Simulation of Diffuse Light from Biological Tissue

  13. 标签紫外真空紫外漫反射板双向反射比分布函数。

    UV and VUV diffuser bidirectioncal reflectance distribution function.

  14. 基于漫反射光谱的茶园土壤硝态氮检测

    Soil nitrate nitrogen sensing for tea garden based on diffuse reflectance spectroscopy

  15. 激光制导武器仿真系统漫反射屏研制及标定

    Development and Demarcating of Diffuse Reflector of Laser Guided Weapon Simulation System

  16. 每个材质都有漫反射、凹凸和高光贴图。

    Every material has diffuse, bump and specular map.

  17. 基于最佳漫反射像素的汽车表面高光检测

    Highlight Detection of Surfaces of Vehicles Based on Best Diffuse Reflection Pixel

  18. 它支持同标准材质同一类型的漫反射表面着色。

    It'supports the same kinds of diffuse surface shading that standard material does.

  19. 采用桔纹漫反射板,使光线柔和且照射角度大。

    Adopting reflection plate like orange surface so as to make light soft and have large range of illumination.

  20. 激光照射下组织漫反射光谱与自体荧光光谱研究

    Theoretical Study of the Tissues Reflectance and the Autofluorescence Spectra; spectral radiation exitance

  21. 近红外漫反射光谱易受样品颗粒度的影响。

    NIR spectroscopy is prone to be influenced by the granularity of the sample.

  22. 但是, 由于镜面反射成分和漫反射成分, 该关系不同。

    However, the relationship changes depending on the specular reflection component and the diffuse reflection component.

  23. 漫反射阴影滑块值不再隐藏在阴影斜坡偏移滑块的背后。

    The Diffuse shadow slider value is no longer hidden behind the Shadow slope offset slider.

  24. 背景光要求是漫反射光用漫射玻璃散射得光是最合适得。

    Background light requirement is diffuse light diffuse scattering of light glass is the most appropriate.

  25. 背景光要求是漫反射光用漫射玻璃散射的光是最合适的。

    Background light requirement is diffuse light diffuse scattering of light glass is the most appropriate.

  26. 有了位移贴图以后,把它变为漫反射贴图也很简单。

    When the displacement map is ready, it is very easy to turn it to a diffuse map.

  27. 近红外漫反射光谱聚类分析用于血竭的鉴别


  28. 为了避免这个, 漫反射成分将被加到每个顶点上去。

    In order to avoid this, an ambient component can be added to each vertex.

  29. 此外, 如图73中所示, 漫反射成分得偏振度相对低。

    Moreover, as shown in fig.73, the degree of polarization of the diffuse reflection component is relatively low.

  30. 此外,如图73中所示,漫反射成分的偏振度相对低。

    Moreover, as shown in fig.73, the degree of polarization of the diffuse reflection component is relatively low.


  1. 问:漫反射拼音怎么拼?漫反射的读音是什么?漫反射翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漫反射的读音是,漫反射翻译成英文是 Diffuse reflection

  2. 问:漫反射光拼音怎么拼?漫反射光的读音是什么?漫反射光翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漫反射光的读音是màn fǎn shè guāng,漫反射光翻译成英文是 diffused reflection light

  3. 问:漫反射器拼音怎么拼?漫反射器的读音是什么?漫反射器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漫反射器的读音是màn fǎn shè qì,漫反射器翻译成英文是 diffuse reflector

  4. 问:漫反射板拼音怎么拼?漫反射板的读音是什么?漫反射板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漫反射板的读音是màn fǎn shè bǎn,漫反射板翻译成英文是 diffuse reflector

  5. 问:漫反射比拼音怎么拼?漫反射比的读音是什么?漫反射比翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漫反射比的读音是màn fǎn shè bǐ,漫反射比翻译成英文是 diffuse reflectance

  6. 问:漫反射的拼音怎么拼?漫反射的的读音是什么?漫反射的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漫反射的的读音是,漫反射的翻译成英文是 irreflexive

  7. 问:漫反射光谱拼音怎么拼?漫反射光谱的读音是什么?漫反射光谱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漫反射光谱的读音是màn fǎn shè guāng pǔ,漫反射光谱翻译成英文是 diffuse reflectance spectroscopy

  8. 问:漫反射系数拼音怎么拼?漫反射系数的读音是什么?漫反射系数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漫反射系数的读音是màn fǎn shè xì shù,漫反射系数翻译成英文是 diffuse reflection factor

  9. 问:漫反射表面拼音怎么拼?漫反射表面的读音是什么?漫反射表面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漫反射表面的读音是màn fǎn shè biǎo miàn,漫反射表面翻译成英文是 Lambertian Surface

  10. 问:漫反射光谱法拼音怎么拼?漫反射光谱法的读音是什么?漫反射光谱法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漫反射光谱法的读音是màn fǎn shè guāng pǔ fǎ,漫反射光谱法翻译成英文是 diffuse reflectance spectroscopy

  11. 问:漫反射红外光谱术拼音怎么拼?漫反射红外光谱术的读音是什么?漫反射红外光谱术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漫反射红外光谱术的读音是màn fǎn shè hóng wài guāng pǔ shù,漫反射红外光谱术翻译成英文是 diffuse reflectance infrared spectrometry...