


动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……






汉语拼音:mìng shǐ






  1. 任命使者。

    《晏子春秋·杂下六》:“ 齐 命使,各有所主,其贤者使使贤王,不肖者使使不肖王。”《新唐书·礼乐志八》:“册后……其日,临轩命使,如纳采。”



  1. make it about the right things and not waste time. ~ Gwyneth Paltrow, Vanity Fair.


  1. 你有没有听过有钱没命使。

    Do you have listen to die richly cause.

  2. 他买命工作使他身体很虚弱。

    His hard work left him rather weak.

  3. 野蛮拷打那个黑人嫌疑人,使其毙命。

    Gave the black suspect brutal treatment and killed him.

  4. 一个失足, 就会使我们命丧黄泉。

    One slip could send us falling to our death.

  5. 是癌症使他一命呜呼的。

    It was cancer that finished him off.

  6. 乱开车甚至会使你送命。

    Reckless driving may even cost your life.

  7. 这手术要么治好病人得病, 要么使之送命。

    The operation will kill or cure the patient.

  8. 这手术要么治好病人的病, 要么使之送命。

    The operation will kill or cure the patient.

  9. 他们使我的命在牢狱中断绝,并将一块石头抛在我身上。

    They have put an end to my life in the prison, stoning me with stones.

  10. 被污染的重要维他命使种族歧视达到极点。

    The contaminated vital vitamin made racial discrimination come to culmination.

  11. 要救他们的命脱离死亡, 并使他们在饥荒中存活。

    To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.

  12. 神命使人终生一生没世全身心地爱神,爱所有的人。

    God commands people to love Him and all other people with their whole beingall times.

  13. 开车不小心使他丧了命。

    Careless driving cost him his life.

  14. 现在你们要出告示命这些人停工,使这城不得建造,等我降旨。

    Give an order now, that these men are to do nothing more, and that the building of the town is to be stopped, till I give an order.

  15. 革命家的首要使命是逃离这一使命。

    The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it.

  16. 与命好的人交朋友会使你也成为命好的人。

    Make friends with good fortune would make your fortune better.

  17. 他的表现好像是身居高位就自然有权使人俯首听命。

    He behaves as if high rank automatically confers the right to be obeyed.

  18. 沉船使80人丧了命。

    By the sinking of the ship eighty souls were launched into eternity.

  19. 明天是9月12日,一个里程碑已过去,而一项使命人在继续。

    Tomorrow is September the10 th. A milestone has passed, and a mission goes on.

  20. 布朗是个好教练,他可以使球员做到三军用命。

    With a good coach like Larry Brown, he can bring them back together.

  21. 这一事故使500多人恐怖的要命。

    The accident sent more than 500 people in terror to their beaths.

  22. 遂命酒,使快弹数曲,曲罢悯然。

    She told me her story, heyday and then unhappiness.

  23. 尼的叫柔柔地,阴阴地。唔使甘硬,甘先裸你命。

    It is called a bit of solf and a bit of hard.It need not be too it will be kill you.

  24. 我所知道的事情足以使你的小命完蛋。

    Because there are things I know that could get you killed.

  25. 使我脱离那欺压我的恶人,就是围困我,要害我命的仇敌。

    From the wicked that oppress me, from my deadly enemies, who compass me about.

  26. 工业界的调和将有助于使这种长寿命成为现实。

    Industry accord may help make this longevity a reality.

  27. 她只是以她的情命权能集中于桌子使其移动。

    She had only concentrated on the table and by her vital power had made it move.

  28. 最使我们感兴趣的是一条通俗的信念猫有九条命。

    One of the things that fascinate us most about cats is the popular belief that they have nine lives.

  29. 约翰为了使工作顺利, 甘作个惟命是从的人。

    John tries to get ahead on his job by being a yes man.

  30. 你岂能知道天主怎样发命, 怎样使云中电光闪烁?

    Dost thou know when God commanded the rains, to shew his light of his clouds?