


丢:遗~。坐~良机。收复~地。流离~所。违背:~约。~信。找不着:迷~方向。没有掌握住:~言。~职。~调(tiáo )。没有达到:~望。~意。错误:~误。~策。过~。~之毫厘,谬以千里。改变常态:惊慌~色。……


1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……



汉语拼音:shī guò






  1. 过失,过错。

    《楚辞·九章·橘颂》:“闭心自慎,不终失过兮。”一本作“ 过失 ”。



  1. But since the world was made, God has never broken a single promise made to one of His trusting children.


  2. Skilful and quick to spot a pass, the Lyon star also has a reputation for never missing from the penalty spot.


  3. I have never broken an engagement for fifty-seven years. Let us go down into the chart-room and pray.


  4. And get this: United have not conceded a league goal in over 14 hours.


  1. 你的角色曾经失过恋吗?

    Has your character lost any loves?

  2. 据报导, 这个村庄失过一次火。

    It is reported that there was a fire in the village.

  3. 报纸报导说这个村庄失过一次火。

    The newspaper reported that there had been a fire in the village.

  4. 然而, 有谁会冷落一把从未失过手的宝剑?

    And who would lay aside a sword that never lost ?

  5. 他只是失过一个球,所有人都把他当罪人。

    He missed one measly field goal, and everybody's against him.

  6. 她是个精于窃盗与渗透行动的大师,从未失过手。

    She is the master of infiltration and thievery who never misses her target.

  7. 她是个精于窃盗与渗透行动的大师,从未失过手。

    She is the master of infiltration and thievery who never misses her target.

  8. 但是上帝从创世以来,从来没有向祂的孩子失过一次信。

    But since the world was made, God has never broken a single promise made to one of His trusting children.

  9. 失误过失。

    Blunder A very stupid or unnecessary mistake.

  10. 犯罪,过失,犯罪,过失。

    commit a sin, sin, transgress, trespass.

  11. 他并无过失。

    No blame attaches to his act.

  12. 经理愿意承担过失。

    The manager was ready to shoulder the blame.

  13. 我低下头来承认过失。

    I bowed my head in acknowledgement of guilt.

  14. 而现在我想弥补过失。

    And now I'm just trying to make things right again.

  15. 而现在我想弥补过失。

    And now I'm just trying to make things right again.

  16. 在职务的要求中有过失。

    Failing in what duty requires.

  17. 他觉得自己并没有什么过失。

    He feels he is blameless.

  18. 调查法庭查实双方均有过失。

    A court of enquiry established that there were faults on both sides.

  19. 给人以攻击口实的小过失。

    A minor offence which provided a peg to hang their attack on.

  20. 朋友狗的死亡证明他有过失。

    It was brought home to him by the death of a friend's dog.

  21. 因过失、不幸或缪误而受苦或受害

    Suffer because of wrongdoing, misfortune or an error

  22. 但是投资等级也能涵盖众多过失。

    But ratings can cover a multitude of sins.

  23. 罪, 过失要求原谅或补偿的罪过过失。

    requiring forgiveness or reparation a trespass.

  24. 给人以攻击口实得小过失。

    a minor offence which provided a peg to hang their attack on

  25. 原来我们在许多事上都有过失。

    For in many things we offend all.

  26. 他宽容地故意装着不知那个过失。

    He kindly winked at the oversight.

  27. 不系安全带可被认为是共同过失。

    Not wearing seatbelts can be seen as contributory negligence.

  28. 她决意要在下个星期弥补这个过失。

    Next week, she intended to correct that omission.

  29. 一项调查证明该学校没有任何过失。

    An investigation exonerated the school from any blame.

  30. 我这外也会看看是否有什么过失。

    And I'll see if there was any mistake on our end.