


不幸的,不吉祥的:吉~。~信。庄稼收成不好:~年饥岁。恶:~暴。~恶。~顽。~相(xiàng )。~神恶煞。关于杀伤的:行(xíng )~。帮~。厉害,过甚:雨~风狂。……





汉语拼音:xiōng guāng






  1. He fell back into the bottom of the boat, his swollen eyes wild with anger and astonishment, his gun falling beside him.


  2. He stared at me with a cruel glitter in his eyes.


  3. he was a small , shriveled person , with bad teeth and a bilious air , an untidy grey beard , and savage eyes.


  4. the curved tusks of a walrus; his curved lips suggested a smile but his eyes were hard.


  5. Injun Joe infested all his dreams, and always with doom in his eye.


  6. The man was red as his beard, with features swollen and blurred by dissipation, and a hot, blazing blue eye.


  7. The face had suddenly thrust itself close, all distorted and showing the teeth, the eyes smouldering into him.


  8. From beneath their broad-brimmed hats of palm-leaf, gleamed eyes which, even in good-nature and merriment, had a kind of animal ferocity.


  9. I glance left and right, see every where nobody, noodles Lou fierce light.


  1. 他眼露凶光。

    He had a nasty look in his eye.

  2. 拷问者目露凶光。

    The torturer had a cruel glitter in his eyes.

  3. 他眼里流露出寻衅的凶光。

    There was a look of defiance in his eyes.

  4. 他眼露凶光地瞪着我。

    He stared at me with a cruel glitter in his eyes.

  5. 他的眼里露出一股凶光。

    There is a wild look in his eyes.

  6. 你娶我不娶?同事目露凶光。

    Do you marry me? Colleagues head open fierce light.

  7. 那把刀在月光下闪着凶光。

    The knife gleamed wickedly in the moonlight.

  8. 比彻姆两眼瞪着她,凶光毕露。

    Beauchamp glared at her murderously.

  9. 月光下, 他得两只眼睛闪着凶光。

    His fierce eyes shone in the moonlight.

  10. 月光下,他的两只眼睛闪着凶光。

    His fierce eyes shone in the moonlight.

  11. 歹徒目露凶光的样子让她很害怕。

    The ferocious look in the gangster's eyes scared her very much.

  12. 歹徒目露凶光的样子让她很害怕。

    The ferocious look in the gangster's eyes scared her very much.

  13. 那个残忍的人眼中有一股冷酷的凶光。

    There was a cold glitter in the cruel mans eyes.

  14. 他咧着嘴似乎在微笑, 眼里却露着凶光。

    His curved lips suggested a smile but his eyes were hard.

  15. 我左顾右盼,见四下没人,就面露凶光。

    I glance left and right, see every where nobody, noodles Lou fierce light.

  16. 她冷眼打量着他,眼睛冒出怨毒的凶光。

    She surveyed him coldly with eyes that spat venom.

  17. 他说我名叫罗德里格斯,目露凶光。

    My name is Rodriguez he says with death in his eye.

  18. 她满眼凶光地扑向他, 吓得他踉踉跄跄地向后退。

    She leapt on him with such ferocity in her eyes that he stumbled backwards.

  19. 他咧着嘴似乎在微笑,但他的眼中却露着凶光。

    His curved lips suggested a smile but his eyes were hard.

  20. 他咧着嘴似乎在微笑,但他的眼中却露着凶光。

    His curved lips suggested a smile but his eyes were hard.

  21. 这是因为审判官和陪审员眼睛里的凶光已经消失。

    For the glitter was gone from the eyes of judge and jury.

  22. 这是因为审判官和陪审员眼睛里得凶光已经消失。

    For the glitter was gone from the eyes of judge and jury.

  23. 他惊讶极了,眼睛瞪得大大的,还闪着一道凶光。

    The stare of extreme surprise imparted an air of ferocity also to his eyes.

  24. 他踌躇了一会儿,便上前打门,眼里射出凶光来。

    He hesitated a moment, then went up and knocked at the gate, a savage gleam in his eye.

  25. 里维尔鼓起腮帮子,呼出一口气。他得眼睛里露出凶光。

    Revere puffed his cheeks and blew, but his eyes were dangerous.

  26. 里维尔鼓起腮帮子,呼出一口气。他的眼睛里露出凶光。

    Revere puffed his cheeks and blew, but his eyes were dangerous.

  27. 印第安 乔老是出现在他的梦里,而且目露凶光。

    Injun Joe infested all his dreams, and always with doom in his eye.

  28. 那女郎眼露凶光,一提手,匕首便要往他耳中刺落。

    With murderous glare in her eyes, she raised the dagger and stabbed at his ear.


  1. 问:凶光拼音怎么拼?凶光的读音是什么?凶光翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凶光的读音是xiōngguāng,凶光翻译成英文是 Fierce looks.