


一种金属元素,可以制货币和器皿、电子设备、感光材料、装饰品等:~子。~杯。~牌。旧时用银铸成块的一种货币:~币。~锭。~洋。~钱。~圆(亦作“银元”)。~号(规模较大的钱庄)。~行(hāng )。~票。像银的颜色:~白。~发(fà)。~河(……





汉语拼音:yín bái







  1. 白中略带银光的颜色。

    王西彦 《鱼鬼》三:“她那银白的长发披散在瘦削的两肩。” 茹志鹃 《高高的白杨树·澄河边上》:“他真想立即看见那条河,一条银白色的河。”



  1. Outside, snow continued to fall quietly through the darkness, as bright and thick as static in the cones of light cast by the streetlights.


  2. She was a sweet, silver-haired oldtimer with a warm smile and a twinkle in her eye.


  3. A has a silver sheen, excellent dyeability and dyeing characteristics of bright color, enough to make a variety of knitted material.


  4. Dumbledore's silver hair was the only thing in the whole hall that shone as brightly as the ghosts.


  5. When these white flowers flying all over the sky .


  6. In the shadow of countless lights, the nest-building and a few on hand for the silver moonlight.


  7. Silvery white flagpole, bright-coloured five-star red flag flying the wind.


  8. Grandma has a silvery white hair, blue eyes kind of light is always shining.


  9. The grey rain curtain of this world rolls back and all turns to silver glass. And then you see it.


  1. 银白起泡酒

    silver fizz

  2. 银白克拉木

    paro rthatany

  3. 银白金合欢香精

    mimosa perfume

  4. 旷野一片银白。

    The country was blanketed with snow.

  5. 眨眼之间,天地一片银白。

    The blink ofeye, a white world.

  6. 青鱼的鳞是银白色的。

    A herring's scales are silver in colour.

  7. 青鱼得鳞是银白色得。

    A herring's scales are silver in colour.

  8. 银白杨硬枝扦插初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Hardwood Cutting Propagation of Populus alba

  9. 月光把池塘照得一片银白。

    Moonlight silvered the pond.

  10. 她的头发已变成银白色。

    Her hair had silvered.

  11. 窗上已颤动着银白的曙光。

    A wake flicker of silver light of dawn appears on the window.

  12. 当天空弥漫着这些银白的飞花。

    When these white flowers flying all over the sky.

  13. 电线包银白色珍珠与光明电线。

    Wire wrap large white pearls with BRIGHT silver wire.

  14. 这条银白色得痕迹是黏液。

    The slivery trail is slime.

  15. 这条银白色的痕迹是黏液。

    The slivery trail is slime.

  16. 一种银白色或灰色的砷矿。

    A white to gray arsenic ore, essentially FeAsS.

  17. 霜把树木都变成了银白色。

    The host painted all the trees silver.

  18. 月光把山脉染成了银白色。

    The moons rays tinged the mountains silver.

  19. 毛多时,色泽倾向于银白色。

    Long hair, silver and white color preference.

  20. 起来!银白十字军!正义的时刻来临了!

    Rise up, Argent Crusaders! The hour of justice has come!

  21. 整个大地变成了银白色的世界。

    The whole earth into the silvery white world.

  22. 银色, 白色或银白色和平与诚实。

    Argent, white or silver Peace and sincerity.

  23. 外面已是一片银白色的世界。

    Outside was a silvery white world.

  24. 银白杨与白榆远缘杂交的研究。

    A Study on the Distant Hybridization between Populus alba Linn. And Ulmus pumila Linn.

  25. 长的银白色的毛毛很硬且防水。

    The long silver white guard hair is tough and it is soil and water repellent.

  26. 银白色金属,性软而轻,具有延展性。

    Silver metal, soft and light, ductility.

  27. 那个英俊的男人长着银白色的头发。

    The handsome man had silver hair.

  28. 那个英俊得男人长着银白色得头发。

    The handsome man had silver hair.

  29. 她满脸皱纹,头发变成了银白色。

    Her face is wrinkled, and her hair has turned silver white.

  30. 停在外面的那辆银白的车是你的吗?

    Isn't that your silver car I saw parjed out front?


  1. 问:银白拼音怎么拼?银白的读音是什么?银白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:银白的读音是yínbái,银白翻译成英文是 silver; silvery white

  2. 问:银白杨拼音怎么拼?银白杨的读音是什么?银白杨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:银白杨的读音是,银白杨翻译成英文是 abele

  3. 问:银白色拼音怎么拼?银白色的读音是什么?银白色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:银白色的读音是yín bái sè,银白色翻译成英文是 silver

  4. 问:银白鱼拼音怎么拼?银白鱼的读音是什么?银白鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:银白鱼的读音是,银白鱼翻译成英文是 Anabarilius alburnops

  5. 问:银白真蝠拼音怎么拼?银白真蝠的读音是什么?银白真蝠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:银白真蝠的读音是yínbáizhēnfú,银白真蝠翻译成英文是 Wagner's mastiff-bat; Eumops glaucinus

  6. 问:银白颜料拼音怎么拼?银白颜料的读音是什么?银白颜料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:银白颜料的读音是yín bái yán liào,银白颜料翻译成英文是 silver white

  7. 问:银白冬夜蛾拼音怎么拼?银白冬夜蛾的读音是什么?银白冬夜蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:银白冬夜蛾的读音是yínbáidōngyè'é,银白冬夜蛾翻译成英文是 Cucullia nitida

  8. 问:银白色沙加拼音怎么拼?银白色沙加的读音是什么?银白色沙加翻译成英文是什么?

    答:银白色沙加的读音是Yínbáisèshājiā,银白色沙加翻译成英文是 Silva Saga

  9. 问:银白色襁褓拼音怎么拼?银白色襁褓的读音是什么?银白色襁褓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:银白色襁褓的读音是yín bái sè qiǎng bǎo,银白色襁褓翻译成英文是 silver swaddler

  10. 问:银白钙扇藻拼音怎么拼?银白钙扇藻的读音是什么?银白钙扇藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:银白钙扇藻的读音是yínbáigàishànzǎo,银白钙扇藻翻译成英文是 Udotea argentea

  11. 问:银白异序尺蛾拼音怎么拼?银白异序尺蛾的读音是什么?银白异序尺蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:银白异序尺蛾的读音是yínbáiyìxùchǐ'é,银白异序尺蛾翻译成英文是 Agnibesa recurvilineata

  12. 问:银白花叶点霉拼音怎么拼?银白花叶点霉的读音是什么?银白花叶点霉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:银白花叶点霉的读音是yínbáihuāyèdiǎnméi,银白花叶点霉翻译成英文是 Phyllosticta argyrea

  13. 问:银白齿缘壳蛞蝓拼音怎么拼?银白齿缘壳蛞蝓的读音是什么?银白齿缘壳蛞蝓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:银白齿缘壳蛞蝓的读音是yínbáichǐyuánkékuòyú,银白齿缘壳蛞蝓翻译成英文是 Yokoyamaia argentata

  14. 问:银白钙扇藻泡沫状变种拼音怎么拼?银白钙扇藻泡沫状变种的读音是什么?银白钙扇藻泡沫状变种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:银白钙扇藻泡沫状变种的读音是yínbáigàishànzǎo pàomòzhuàngbiànzhǒng,银白钙扇藻泡沫状变种翻译成英文是 Udotea argentea var.; spumosa