




人或某些动物体内器官之一,在肝脏右叶的下部:~囊。苦~。~固醇。肝~相照(指对人忠诚,以真心相见)。不怕凶暴和危险的精神、勇气:~量。~气。壮~。~魄。~大妄为(wéi )。装在器物内部而中空的东西:球~。暖瓶~。……



汉语拼音:xióng dǎn






  1. 熊的胆。可入药。

    唐 段成式 《酉阳杂俎续集·支动》:“熊胆,春在首,夏在腹,秋在左足,冬在右足。” 宋 周密 《齐东野语·经验方》:“熊胆善辟尘。试之之法:净一器,尘幂其上,投胆一粒许,则凝尘豁然而开。以之治目障翳,极验。” 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·兽二·熊》:“熊胆,苦入心,寒胜热,手少阴、厥阴、足阳明经药也。”



  1. 'No one's going to die for the lack of bear bile, ' she said in a telephone interview.


  2. Develop hare bravery now popular, its officinal value is high, pharmacodynamics function and ursine courage are similar.


  3. In February, a Chinese bear bile liquor maker faced strong online protest when it unveiled its fund-raising plans.


  4. Effective elements have been found now to substitute for the bear's liver, why would still let these animals suffer in this way?


  5. Many Chinese practitioners also state that there are at least 75 herbal alternatives that can replace the use of bear bile.


  6. The Methods of determination of different bile acid constituents in Fel Ursi were reviewed in theis paper.


  7. Samples routinely analysed included suspected bear gall bladder and musk grains.


  8. MethodsTo detect the spectra character of LBP and DFU by Fourier transformation and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering.


  9. Objective: To determine the content ursodeoxycholic acid of Compound Capsule of Bear Gall thylic.


  1. 熊胆注射液

    Bear gallbladder injection.

  2. 熊胆珍珠膏

    Bear gall mixed pearl Oint.

  3. 熊胆降热丸

    Xiongdan Jiangre pills.

  4. 熊胆珍珠痔疮膏

    Xiongdanzhenzhu haemorrhoids ointment

  5. 熊胆胆色素的研究

    Studies on Bile Pigments in Bear Gall

  6. 复方熊胆薄荷含片

    Compound Bear Gall Deppermint Buccal Tablets

  7. 熊胆黄芩滴眼液

    Bear bile Scutelllaria Eye Drops

  8. 兔胆和熊胆的药效比较

    Comparison Between Pharmacologic Actions of Rabbit Bile and Bear.

  9. 熊胆注射液的降血脂作用

    Effects of Bear Bile Injection on Blood Lipid

  10. 因此,兔胆已成为熊胆替代品。

    Accordingly, hare bravery already became ursine bravery substitute.

  11. 精制熊胆粉活血化瘀作用研究

    The Effects of the Refined Bear Gall on Removing Blood Stasis

  12. 目的研制熊胆的薄膜包衣片剂。

    Objective To prepare the film coated bear bile tablet.

  13. 引流熊胆与熊胆药理作用比较的研究

    Pharmacological Studies on the Comparison betweenthe Drainage and Certified Fel Ursi

  14. 人工引流熊胆与天然熊胆的药理作用比较

    Compared of Pharmacologic action between Artificial Draining Bear Gall and Natural Bear Gall

  15. 熊胆具有广泛的药理作用及应用价值。

    Ursodexcholis acid, the primary chemical component of bear bile, has widely pharmacological value.

  16. 因为争议,一些药店已经停止出售熊胆产品。

    Some pharmacies have stopped selling bear bile products as a result of the dispute.

  17. 近几年,公众对活取熊胆的愤慨不断升级。

    Public outrage at the extraction of bear bile has been growing in recent years.

  18. 目的测定复方熊胆乙肝胶囊中熊去氧胆酸的含量。

    Objective To determine the content ursodeoxycholic acid of Compound Capsule of Bear Gall thylic.

  19. 鉴定熊胆,麝香等物品,便是经常进行的测试项目。

    Samples routinely analysed included suspected bear gall bladder and musk grains.

  20. 其谱图有熊胆特有成分熊去氧胆酸峰,具有特征性。

    The TLC spectrum characteristicof bear gall, which reflects its componentsrevealed trulythe composition of bear gall.

  21. 熊用益胆素对无管取胆的熊胆粉产量与质量的影响

    Effect of Feed Additives on Production and Quality of Bile Powder Obtained with Tubeless Method from Black Bear

  22. 熊胆滴眼液联合阿斯匹林治疗春季结膜炎的临床研究

    A clinical study on vernal conjunctivitis for treatment with combination of xiongdan eyedrops and aspirin


  1. 问:熊胆草拼音怎么拼?熊胆草的读音是什么?熊胆草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熊胆草的读音是xióngdǎncǎo,熊胆草翻译成英文是 Conyza blinii