




1. 票 [piào]2. 票 [piāo]票 [piào]纸币,通货:钞~。~子。~额。印的或写的凭证:~据。~证。股~。车~。选~。非职业演戏:~戏。~友。量词,相当于“批”:一~货物。被匪绑架做抵押的人:绑~儿。撕~儿。票 [piāo……



汉语拼音:xuǎn piào






  1. 选举者用来填写或圈定被选举人姓名的票。

    张友鸾 《秦淮粉墨图》第十一回:“哪一个选区,也只能让选票有馀,岂能让选票不足?”《花城》1981年第2期:“ 陈肖霞 是1979年评选的全国十名最佳运动员中的第一名,她的选票有八万多张。”



  1. With the exception of ethnic minority parties, only political parties receiving at least 5% of the total national vote can enter Sejm.


  2. Once qualified, minor party candidates are placed directly on the General Election ballot and do not appear on primary ballots.


  3. Make sure you choose correctly. -. . . that they're on your side, because you're on TV right now, trying to get votes.


  4. The SPD must share the left-leaning vote with the Greens and with the ex-communist Left Party, with which it refuses to govern.


  5. Employing quantum cryptography to transmit the vote from polling stations to central counting house is thus a bit of a publicity stunt.


  6. It is possible that such offers were made by confidence tricksters who had no means of rigging the counting.


  7. He gave a troubling impression that his popularity justified limiting the checks and balances typical of a democracy.


  8. This seems naive: a new party of the left, if it ever came into being, might split the Democratic vote and thus elect more Republicans.


  9. An unusually personal ( "very difficult" ) television interview on February 14th seems to have done him some good in the polls.


  1. 用钱拉选票

    cash for votes.

  2. 选票结算表

    ballot paper account

  3. 损坏的选票

    spoilt ballot paper.

  4. 低选票例外

    lower voting exception.

  5. 选票的处置

    disposal of ballot papers

  6. 伪造的选票。

    A fabricated voting paper

  7. 为某人拉选票

    to canvass for somebody

  8. 拉选票, 拉定单

    A solicitation of votes or orders.

  9. 拉选票,拉定单。

    A solicitation of votes or orders.

  10. 集合选票, 拉选票集合或拉选票

    To assemble or canvass.

  11. 功能界别选票

    functional constituency ballot paper.

  12. 他们在数选票。

    They are counting the ballots now.

  13. 选票上写上什么

    What is written on an election ballot.

  14. 禁欲提案的选票

    for the abstinenceonly bill.

  15. 职员登录选票数

    The clerk recorded the votes.

  16. 为候选人拉选票

    to deliver votes to the candidate

  17. 他们到处拉选票。

    They are canvassing everywhere.

  18. 不获接纳的选票

    rejected ballot paper

  19. 六张选票中的五张

    Five out of six votes

  20. 她获得了98张选票。

    She polled 98 votes.

  21. 奔走整个州拉选票

    ride a state

  22. 我想掌握1000张选票

    I want to sew up 1000 votes.

  23. 选票算好了没有?

    Have the votes been counted up yet ?

  24. 他们去那里投选票。

    They went there to poll.

  25. 也有用选票选举的。

    There was also voting by ballot.

  26. 扣押有争议的选票

    Impounding disputed electoral ballots.

  27. 秘密就在于选票表格

    And the secret is the ballot form.

  28. 已用尽选择的选票

    exhausted ballot paper

  29. 你怎么会有选票的?

    How do you have the votes?

  30. 保守党候选人获8000选票。

    The Tory candidate received polled 8000 votes.


  1. 问:选票拼音怎么拼?选票的读音是什么?选票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:选票的读音是xuǎnpiào,选票翻译成英文是 vote; ballot ticket

  2. 问:选票背书拼音怎么拼?选票背书的读音是什么?选票背书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:选票背书的读音是xuǎn piào bèi shū,选票背书翻译成英文是 indorsement of ballot

  3. 问:选票检查人拼音怎么拼?选票检查人的读音是什么?选票检查人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:选票检查人的读音是xuǎn piào jiǎn chá rén,选票检查人翻译成英文是 scrutineer