







汉语拼音:táo yuán








  1. “ 桃花源 ”的省称。

    南朝 陈 徐陵 《山斋诗》:“桃源惊往客,鹤嶠断来宾。” 唐 杜甫 《北征》诗:“缅思桃源内,益嘆身世拙。” 明 张煌言 《赠卢牧舟大司马》诗:“ 并州 正有来苏望,忍説桃源可避 秦 。” 邹韬奋 《萍踪忆语》二八:“他们缺乏相当的娱乐,赌博也是一条出路。所以有许多都在这里面寻觅他们的桃源。”参见“ 桃花源 ”。

  2. 指 桃源洞 。

    唐 李涉 《赠长安小主人》诗:“仙路迷人应有术, 桃源 不必在深山。” 元 任昱 《清江引·题情》曲:“ 桃源 水流清似玉,长恨因缘误。”参见“ 桃源洞 ”。

  3. 宋 时 临安县 嘉会门 外 泠水峪 ,夹山多桃花,中有流水,人称 桃源 ,为都人游集之地。

    苏轼 《介亭饯杨杰次公》诗“丹青明灭 风篁岭 ,环佩空响 桃花源 ” 查慎行 注引 元 潜说友 《咸淳临安志》:“ 泠水峪 在 嘉会门 外,夹山多桃花,中有流水,为城南胜概,旧呼 桃源 ,游人多集焉。”



  1. Their homes, like a piece of Taoyuan. bonuses grass green, rolling Shakes the Barley, rice green, the wind dancing Liu.


  2. Taiwan has scooped top honors at the annual Golden Horse Film Awards, one of the most prestigious ceremonies for Chinese-language films.


  3. Welcome you to arrive at "the buddhist day pure land, haven Tongren" sincerely to enjoy the happy travel!


  4. The second chapter analyses the inside consistency and difference of Taoyuan southwest mandarin in terms of initial, final, tone.


  5. Taoyuan Scenic Area in recent years the world's development and construction of a focus on viewing the landscape.


  6. Recommended play: U. S. villagers who lived in the dam on a day or two isolated Taoyuan had about life.


  7. Tea, like heart yoga, take me away from the glitz of the downtown, to the fresh Taoyuan.


  8. The discussion about whether this world is Xanadu has experienced a process from negation to affirmation.


  9. Taoyuan Hongxing Zhisan Limited, located in the top 100 counties and cities of Guangdong Province, Heshan City, Taoyuan Township.


  1. 桃源大叶茶

    Taoyuan big leaf tea.

  2. 桃源水秀山亦青。

    The Peach Fountainhead is clear and mountains green.

  3. 论唐代桃源意象的新变

    On the Meaning Change of the Land of Peach Blossoms in the Tang Dynasty

  4. 标准单人间,南宁桃源饭店预订

    Standard single room tao yuan hotel, nanning reservation.

  5. 论沈从文的湘西小说与桃源情结

    On the Xiangxi Novels and the Complex of Arcadia of Mr. Shen Congwen

  6. 标准双人房,武夷山世纪桃源酒店预订

    Standard twin room wuyishan century land hotel reservation.

  7. 湖南桃源洞国家森林公园森林的环境效益评价

    Appraisements of forest environment benefits of the Taoyuandong National Forest Garden in Hunan Province.

  8. 广州番禺南村华南碧桂园映翠桃源1街130号

    No 130 of 1 street Yincuitaoyuan, Hua nan bi gui yuan, Nancun town Guangzhou Panyu

  9. 试论基于桃源大叶茶树特殊性状的匹配生产技术

    Matching Technology on Special Traits of Taoyuan Big Leaf Tea

  10. 果实不同发育阶段去果对桃源叶光合作用的影响

    Leaf Photosynthesis in Response to Fruit Thining at Different Phenological Stages of Fruit Development in Peach Trees

  11. 土壤干旱对庆丰桃源、库叶碳同化物含量的影响

    The Effects of Drought on Sink Leaves Carbohydrate Metabolism in Peach Source.

  12. 水分胁迫对庆丰桃源、库叶碳代谢酶活性的影响

    Effect of Water Stress on Enzyme of Carbohydrate Metabolism in Peach Source and Sink Leaves

  13. 玛莉,你桃源有太浓芝士味同埋鱼味,平时唔洗咩?

    Mary, Your twat tastes too much of cheese and fish. Dont you wash down here

  14. 又衬以绿竹翠柳, 田园农舍, 仿佛桃源仙境般迷幻。

    Also lined green bamboo Cui Liu, rural farmhouse, as if like a psychedelic wonderland Taoyuan.

  15. 武陵桃源的理想传到高丽以后,发生了一些微妙的变化。

    After the ideal of peach source of Wuling passed to the Koryo, it changed delicately.

  16. 宛如置身漓江, 又似进入桃源, 佳景俯拾皆是, 令人大饱眼福。

    Like outside Lijiang, Yousi into Taoyuan, Kai King abound, it is amazing.

  17. 这个国家, 一直是欧洲工业的桃源之地, 拥有庞大林产和矿产。

    The country, long one of Europe's industrial backwaters, sat on vast forestry and mineral assets.

  18. 楚门伯班克过着看上去似乎是简单的生活在桃源岛。

    Truman Burbank leads what seems to be a simple life on the island of Seahaven.


  1. 问:桃源拼音怎么拼?桃源的读音是什么?桃源翻译成英文是什么?

    答:桃源的读音是Táoyuán,桃源翻译成英文是 桃源县 Taoyuan County, lying in Changde, Hunan Pr...

  2. 问:桃源洞拼音怎么拼?桃源洞的读音是什么?桃源洞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:桃源洞的读音是Táoyuándòng,桃源洞翻译成英文是 Towon-dong

  3. 问:桃源站拼音怎么拼?桃源站的读音是什么?桃源站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:桃源站的读音是,桃源站翻译成英文是 Dowon Station

  4. 问:桃源球螋拼音怎么拼?桃源球螋的读音是什么?桃源球螋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:桃源球螋的读音是Táoyuánqiúsōu,桃源球螋翻译成英文是 Forficula taoyuanensis

  5. 问:桃源仙谷自然风景区拼音怎么拼?桃源仙谷自然风景区的读音是什么?桃源仙谷自然风景区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:桃源仙谷自然风景区的读音是táoyuán xiān gǔ zìrán fēngjǐngqū,桃源仙谷自然风景区翻译成英文是 Taoyuanxiangu Natural Scenic Area



“桃源”是个多义词,它可以指桃源(湖南省常德市辖县), 桃源(汉语词语), 桃源(重庆酉阳土家族苗族自治县下辖镇), 桃源(枞阳县老洲镇桃源村)。