







汉语拼音:tóng kǒng







  1. 虹膜中心的小圆孔。光线通过瞳孔进入眼内。

    柳青 《创业史》第一部第十六章:“ 杨书记 的瞳孔里放出憧憬的光芒。” 沙汀 《涓埃集·闯关十二》:“他们好像被黑夜吞没了,他停下来,尽量缩小他的瞳孔。” 蒋子龙 《乔厂长上任记·出山》:“ 乔光朴 一把将 石敢 从沙发上拉起来,枪口似的双睛瞄准 石敢 的瞳孔。”



  1. He plunges his knife into a sheep's eye socket, takes out the eye, cuts it in half, discards the pupil and pops the remainder in his mouth.


  2. In vascular, gastrointestinal, bladder, uterus, bronchus, and hair roots around the pupil where the muscle is called smooth muscle.


  3. His fine clothes were a tatter, his face a ruin. A shard from his sword transfixed the blind white pupil of his left eye.


  4. Or that the setting sun, you, elegant strands of hair, brown eyes, and tightly to the small mouth like cherry and out of me.


  5. Chinese Mantis eyes have "pseudo pupils" that seem to follow you around, but the eyes do not really move.


  6. Fight double-vision and two ears horizontally, the beard on both sides, tail slapping ground up, two forelegs, ready to voldemort leaping.


  7. And then it was afterward, and the nurse was shining a torch in her eyes, to see how big the pupils were, and writing it down on a chart.


  8. My song will sit in the pupils of your eyes, and will carry your sight into the heart of things.


  9. The pupils of his eyes flashed digital numbers as he calculated the commission in his head.


  1. 僵硬性瞳孔

    stiff pupils.

  2. 偏心性瞳孔

    eccentric pupil.

  3. 瞳孔的扩大

    dilation of the pupil.

  4. 瞳孔膜残存

    persistent Pupillary membrane.

  5. 辐辏瞳孔反射

    convergence pupillary reflex.

  6. 瞳孔反射减低

    Decreased pupillary reflex.

  7. 瞳孔药效试验

    pupillary pharmacodynamic test.

  8. 鍪瞳孔温热疗法

    transpupillary thermotherapy

  9. 耿氏瞳孔征

    Gunn pupillary sign.

  10. 肌强直性瞳孔

    myotonic pupil.

  11. 呼吸性瞳孔痉搦

    respiratory hippus

  12. 乖常瞳孔反射

    perverse pupillary reflex.

  13. 耿氏瞳孔现象

    Gunn pupillary phenomenon.

  14. 神经强直性瞳孔

    neurotonic pupil

  15. 深远蔚蓝的瞳孔

    Eyes of pure Deep azure

  16. 同感性瞳孔反射

    consensual pupillary reflex.

  17. 怎样放大瞳孔呢

    P How do you dilate the pupils

  18. 放大瞳孔有害吗?

    Is it harmful to dilate pupils.

  19. 瞳孔调节辐辏反射

    pupillary accommodation and convergence reflex

  20. 双侧瞳孔散大

    bilateral pupil dilation.

  21. 瞳孔正常能够收缩

    All right, pupils are equal and reactive.

  22. 瞳孔粘连性视蒙

    caligo pupillae

  23. 脊髓性瞳孔散大

    spinal mydriasis

  24. 精神性瞳孔散大

    psychic mydriasis

  25. 麻痹性瞳孔散大

    paralytic mydriasis

  26. 固定的瞳孔散大

    Fixed pupil dilation

  27. 瞳孔括约肌

    musculus sphincter pupillae.

  28. 褐色大瞳孔鸟眼

    Hazel Large Pupil Bird Eyes

  29. 他的瞳孔放大了。

    His pupils were dilated.

  30. 瞳孔环,色素褶皱

    pigment frill.


  1. 问:瞳孔拼音怎么拼?瞳孔的读音是什么?瞳孔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔的读音是tóngkǒng,瞳孔翻译成英文是 pupil

  2. 问:瞳孔区拼音怎么拼?瞳孔区的读音是什么?瞳孔区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔区的读音是tóng kǒng qū,瞳孔区翻译成英文是 pupillary zone

  3. 问:瞳孔的拼音怎么拼?瞳孔的的读音是什么?瞳孔的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔的的读音是,瞳孔的翻译成英文是 pupillary

  4. 问:瞳孔线拼音怎么拼?瞳孔线的读音是什么?瞳孔线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔线的读音是tóng kǒng xiàn,瞳孔线翻译成英文是 pupillary line

  5. 问:瞳孔缘拼音怎么拼?瞳孔缘的读音是什么?瞳孔缘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔缘的读音是tóng kǒng yuán,瞳孔缘翻译成英文是 pupillary margin, margo pupillaris

  6. 问:瞳孔肌拼音怎么拼?瞳孔肌的读音是什么?瞳孔肌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔肌的读音是tóng kǒng jī,瞳孔肌翻译成英文是 musculus pupillaris

  7. 问:瞳孔膜拼音怎么拼?瞳孔膜的读音是什么?瞳孔膜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔膜的读音是tóng kǒng mó,瞳孔膜翻译成英文是 pupillary membrane, membrana pupillaris

  8. 问:瞳孔轴拼音怎么拼?瞳孔轴的读音是什么?瞳孔轴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔轴的读音是tóng kǒng zhóu,瞳孔轴翻译成英文是 pupillary axis

  9. 问:瞳孔不等拼音怎么拼?瞳孔不等的读音是什么?瞳孔不等翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔不等的读音是tóng kǒng bù děng,瞳孔不等翻译成英文是 anisocoria

  10. 问:瞳孔反射拼音怎么拼?瞳孔反射的读音是什么?瞳孔反射翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔反射的读音是tóng kǒng fǎn shè,瞳孔反射翻译成英文是 pupillary reflex

  11. 问:瞳孔反应拼音怎么拼?瞳孔反应的读音是什么?瞳孔反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔反应的读音是tóng kǒng fǎn yìng,瞳孔反应翻译成英文是 pupillary reaction

  12. 问:瞳孔变形拼音怎么拼?瞳孔变形的读音是什么?瞳孔变形翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔变形的读音是tóng kǒng biàn xíng,瞳孔变形翻译成英文是 discoria

  13. 问:瞳孔图仪拼音怎么拼?瞳孔图仪的读音是什么?瞳孔图仪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔图仪的读音是tóng kǒng tú yí,瞳孔图仪翻译成英文是 pupillograph

  14. 问:瞳孔开大拼音怎么拼?瞳孔开大的读音是什么?瞳孔开大翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔开大的读音是,瞳孔开大翻译成英文是 mydriasis

  15. 问:瞳孔开肌拼音怎么拼?瞳孔开肌的读音是什么?瞳孔开肌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔开肌的读音是tóng kǒng kāi jī,瞳孔开肌翻译成英文是 musculus dilatator pupillae

  16. 问:瞳孔异位拼音怎么拼?瞳孔异位的读音是什么?瞳孔异位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔异位的读音是tóng kǒng yì wèi,瞳孔异位翻译成英文是 corectopia

  17. 问:瞳孔形成拼音怎么拼?瞳孔形成的读音是什么?瞳孔形成翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔形成的读音是tóng kǒng xíng chéng,瞳孔形成翻译成英文是 coremorphosis

  18. 问:瞳孔扩大拼音怎么拼?瞳孔扩大的读音是什么?瞳孔扩大翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔扩大的读音是,瞳孔扩大翻译成英文是 corectasis

  19. 问:瞳孔狭小拼音怎么拼?瞳孔狭小的读音是什么?瞳孔狭小翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔狭小的读音是tóng kǒng xiá xiǎo,瞳孔狭小翻译成英文是 stenocoriasis

  20. 问:瞳孔狭窄拼音怎么拼?瞳孔狭窄的读音是什么?瞳孔狭窄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞳孔狭窄的读音是tóng kǒng xiá zhǎi,瞳孔狭窄翻译成英文是 corestenoma


