







汉语拼音:fēng chǎn








  1. 谓财产多,富足。


  2. 谓产量高。多指农业。



  1. There was so much ice in 1992 , the following year, that there was a bumper crop of polar bear cubs who were known as the Pinatubo cubs .


  2. Cocksfoot is one of our deepest rooting grasses and, judged purely on a dry-matter basis, it is also one of our most productive species.


  3. Scientific fertilization is one of the important methods to achieve the fast-growth and high-yield Eucalyptus.


  4. The suitable branching height and direction bring the great convenience in shaping project, is the base of early bearing and heavy bearing.


  5. Interest in sugar waned after prospects for a bumper harvest from Brazil and India offset expectations of supply shortages.


  6. Iceland also faces tricky negotiations over access by other EU members to its rich fishing grounds .


  7. The god of wine and of an orgiastic religion celebrating the power and fertility of nature.


  8. Indicators of the bumper close planting tea orchard can be obtained from linear regression equation.


  9. High - yielding cultivation technology of a hybridized Hickory .


  1. 丰产稳产性

    high and steady yield.

  2. 杨树丰产林

    fast growing and high yield poplar forest.

  3. 丰产稳产技术

    high and stable yield production.

  4. 这些庄稼可望丰产。

    The crops are promising.

  5. 树莓丰产栽培技术

    Abundant Production Cultural Practices of Bramble.

  6. 春季果树丰产管理

    Caring for the Fertility Fruit Trees in Spring

  7. 梨树丰产栽培技术。

    High yield cultivation technology of Pyrus L.

  8. 果园今年可望丰产。

    The orchard is expected to yield a large harvest this year.

  9. 胡萝卜容易种植和丰产。

    Carrots are easy to grow and harvest.

  10. 龙眼丰产稳产培育措施

    The Cultivation Measures for Longan Steady Heavy Yield

  11. 无花果的优质丰产栽培

    Techniques for culture of common fig to get high yidld and quality

  12. 半夏丰产的关键措施

    Essential Measure for High Yidlds of Pinellia Tuber

  13. 山地桑园综合丰产技术

    Integrative techniques of mulberry field management for high yielding in mountainous regions

  14. 木瓜早实丰产栽培技术

    Culture technique for early high yield of Chinese flowing quince.

  15. 大果杂交榛丰产栽培技术。

    Highyielding cultivation technology of a hybridized Hickory.

  16. 旱地裸燕麦丰产栽培技术

    High yield culture technique of naked oat in arid land

  17. 这些田地大有希望可获丰产。

    These fields give fair promise of a good harvest.

  18. 桐柏大枣及其丰产栽培技术

    The jujube tree Tongbaidazao and is high yield cultivation techniques

  19. 旱坡地枣园枣树丰产指标

    High Yield Index of Jujube Tree in Arid Hillside Garden

  20. 山楂幼树密植丰产的研究

    A study on getting bumper crops by close planting of young haw trees

  21. 油橄榄丰产稳产栽培技术研究

    Research on Cultivation Techniques for High and Stable Yield of Olea europaeal

  22. 山杏人工林丰产技术研究

    Study on High yielding Technology of Prunus armeniaca var. ansu Maxim Plantation

  23. 油橄榄的早实丰产栽培技术

    Early Ripening and High Yield Cultivation Technology of Olea europaea

  24. 紫胶丰产优质的肥药试验

    Fertilizer and Medicinal Experiment of the High Yield and High Quality of lac

  25. 福建滨海丰产萄萄的土宜条件

    The conditions of soil for high yield grape in coastal region of Fujian Province

  26. 清香核桃早期优质丰产栽培技术

    The cultivation technology of the early fragrant walnut of fine quality and bumper harvest

  27. 板栗早果丰产栽培试验初报

    The culture technics of early bearing and high yield of Castanea mollissima Blume

  28. 高海拔水浇地春小麦丰产栽培措施

    High yield cultivation measures of spring wheat in plateau irrigated land

  29. 龙眼丰产稳产关键调控技术应用

    Apply Regulating and Control Techniques to promote High and Stable Yield in Longan Production

  30. 山地野生酸枣嫁接大枣丰产技术

    Techniques of Grafting a Shoot Twig from Good Date Tree into Wild Jujube on Mountainous Region


  1. 问:丰产拼音怎么拼?丰产的读音是什么?丰产翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丰产的读音是fēngchǎn,丰产翻译成英文是 high yield; bumper crop; fertility

  2. 问:丰产作物拼音怎么拼?丰产作物的读音是什么?丰产作物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丰产作物的读音是fēngchǎnzuòwù,丰产作物翻译成英文是 bumper crops



丰产 fēng chǎn (1).财产多,富足。《后汉书·独行传·刘翊》:“家世丰产,常能周施,而不有其惠。” (2).产量高。多指农业。