







汉语拼音:ēn chǒng








  1. 谓帝王对臣下的优遇宠幸。亦泛指对下属的宠爱。

    汉 王充 《论衡·幸偶》:“无德薄才,以色称媚……邪人反道而受恩宠。” 唐 韩愈 《论淮西事宜状》:“臣谬承恩宠,获掌纶誥,地亲职重,不同庶寮。”《京本通俗小说·菩萨蛮》:“主人恩义重,两载蒙恩宠。” 陈白尘 《大风歌》第一幕:“皇太后对足下可谓恩宠备至。”



  1. And now I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, who is able to build up, and to give an inheritance among all the sanctified.


  2. It was considered a sign of favor when he called someone up to the front, although conversation with him flowed rather thinly.


  3. See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.


  4. Dear children! In this time of grace, when God has permitted me to be with you, little children, I call you anew to conversion.


  5. It had pleASed God to enlighten our minds so far AS to see that some doctrines, which we had esteemed truths, were errors. . .


  6. In ascending, what you are being given is the opportunity to return to a previous state of bliss that you used to enjoy.


  7. All that are with me salute thee: salute them that love us in the faith. The grace of God be with you all. Amen.


  8. Although by nature he is the only- begotten , by grace he has joined many to himself and made them one with him.


  9. The Violet Flame is the gift of transformation and will help you move from the wheel of Karma into a state of Grace.


  1. 恩宠和爱慕。

    Blessings and love.

  2. 感谢您的恩宠!

    Master, Thank You for Your Benevolence!

  3. 感谢您的恩宠!

    Master, Thank You for Your Benevolence!

  4. 蒙神恩宠, 我就是我。

    And by the grace of God, I am what I am.

  5. 冰雹, 玛丽, 充满恩宠。

    Hail, Mary, full of grace.

  6. 在万能的神的的恩宠下

    By the grace of God Almighty

  7. 死亡中也无恩宠

    No favors from the dead

  8. 论自然与恩宠的关系

    Karl Rahner on the Relation of Nature and Grace

  9. 他们使他备受恩宠。

    They load him with favors.

  10. 灯笼易碎,恩宠难回。

    Bestowed favor from the royal family is as fragile as a lantern.

  11. 灯笼易碎,恩宠难回。

    Bestowed favor from the royal family is as fragile as a lantern.

  12. 命运一直对他恩宠有加。

    Fortune had been kind to him.

  13. 蒙上帝恩宠, 他们免於一死。

    By the grace of God their lives were spared.

  14. 蒙上帝恩宠, 他们免于一死。

    By the grace of God their lives were spared.

  15. 谁就恰当地承受上天的恩宠。

    They rightly do inherit heaven's graces.

  16. 孤独的孩子,你是造物的恩宠。

    You the forlorn kid are the favourite of the Infinite.

  17. 请赐予我赢得乐透彩的恩宠。

    Give me the grace to win the lottery.

  18. 怕我不爱她, 唯恐失去我的恩宠!

    Dreading my love, the loss thereof still fearing!

  19. 这样的恩宠太过分了,不能容忍。

    The favour was too much to bear.

  20. 摩根一家曾备受国王恩宠。

    The Morgans used to bask in the favour of the king.

  21. 谁就恰当地承受上天得恩宠。

    They rightly do inherit heaven's graces.

  22. 宫廷里挤满了力求恩宠的年轻人。

    The court was thronged with young men for favours.

  23. 恩宠有自己的花园的山坡上摩螺旋。

    The Graces had their gardens on the slopes of Mount Helicon.

  24. 我由于出色的工作赢得了我老板的恩宠。

    I've won my boss' s favor owing to my outstanding work.

  25. 我用全然的、无条件的、充分的爱,恩宠自己。

    I love myself totally, wholly, and fully.

  26. 他们家的孩子都很受人恩宠。

    Every child in his family is in good graces of other people.

  27. 能看到上帝在这里是何等的恩宠!

    What a privilege it is to see God here! A glimpse of Him is heaven below!

  28. 这不是梦, 这是我得所有, 我得家庭和恩宠。

    Now I am home, here among my trappings and belongings I belong.

  29. 这不是梦,这是我的所有,我的家庭和恩宠。

    Now I am home, here among my trappings and belongings I belong.

  30. 它带给我们上帝的恩宠,是我们的首要义务。

    It draweth unto us the Grace of God and is our first obligation.


  1. 问:恩宠拼音怎么拼?恩宠的读音是什么?恩宠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩宠的读音是ēnchǒng,恩宠翻译成英文是 Favor and special treatment of a monarch to his o...

  2. 问:恩宠桥拼音怎么拼?恩宠桥的读音是什么?恩宠桥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩宠桥的读音是,恩宠桥翻译成英文是 Ponte alle Grazie

  3. 问:恩宠圣母 (米兰)拼音怎么拼?恩宠圣母 (米兰)的读音是什么?恩宠圣母 (米兰)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恩宠圣母 (米兰)的读音是,恩宠圣母 (米兰)翻译成英文是 Santa Maria delle Grazie


