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汉语拼音:bǐ shǒu
《战国策·燕策三》:“发图,图穷而匕首见。”《史记·刺客列传》:“ 桓公 与 庄公 既盟於坛上, 曹沫 执匕首劫 齐桓公 。” 司马贞 索隐:“ 刘氏 云‘短剑也’。《盐铁论》以为长尺八寸,其头类匕,故云‘匕首’也。” 唐 柳宗元 《古东门行》:“当街一叱百吏走, 冯敬 胸中函匕首。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第九章:“ 马海龙 立即猛扑上去,用匕首结果了他。”
He crafted organic tools of cloak and dagger, and created an insidious virus with which he afflicted Mara Jade Skywalker.
他精心制作的有机工具可用于伪装和充当匕首。他创制过一种潜伏病毒,让玛拉·杰德·天行者深受折磨。As you know, a bayonet is a sort of knife or spear that soldiers clip onto the end of their rifles.
正如你所知道的,刺刀(bayonet)是一种士兵们装在步枪枪头上的匕首或尖刺。When I got to King's palace in Jericho, I put the dagger right in the sword-holder I made with my own material.
第二天,我来到国王在耶利哥的宫殿,并藏着我那把自制的匕首。Going on an excursion, a woman should have with her a man and a dagger.
女人远行应该带上一个男人和一把匕首。He tried to be heartless when he went into the sleeping beauty's room with a knief.
他尽可能的让自己狠下心来,手持匕首走进了宫殿里睡美人的房间。That old beggar-- he told me a fine tale about the Duke and his magical dagger.
那个老乞丐他告诉我了一个关于公爵和他的魔法匕首的故事Throughout this conversation Hadji Murad sat with his hand behind the handle of his dagger and a faintly disdainful smile on his lips.
整个谈话,与他的手阿的Murad坐在他后面的处理及匕首不屑的笑容依稀在嘴上。Trinket ran to the door and closed it, then he drew out his trusty dagger and proceeded to stab all four eunuchs in me chest.
韦小宝大喜,先奔过去掩上了厅门,拔出匕首,在董金魁和三名太监胸口一人一剑。Dashing down the rifle, he drew out a dagger and streaked towards the enemy soldier.