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不,不曾,没有:~必。~曾(céng )。~来。~尝。~竟(没有完成的)。~及(a.没有来得及;b.没有达到)。地支的第八位,属羊。用于记时:~时(下午一点至三点)。放在句末,表示疑问:“君除吏尽~?吾亦欲除吏”。……
汉语拼音:wèi jué
This petition shall be made to the first Administrative Panel appointed to hear a pending dispute between the parties.
这项申请应向指定的第一个审理双方未决争议的陪审团提交。A DLA Piper spokesman said the firm did not comment on pending litigation.
一位欧华发言人称,事务所不会就未决诉讼发表评论。We expect the US to be much busier and, pending conditions in individual markets, there is likely to be a pick-up in activity across Europe.
我们期望美国更忙碌,在整个欧洲活动的个人市场活动中的未决条件将会减少。Moreover, PIL cases were being given priority over other cases, which had remained pending in the court for years.
此外,法院优先处理公益诉讼案,使其他案件多年未决。The long inconclusive series of wars on the continent were comfortably removed, in terms of danger or observable bloodshed.
从危险性和明显的流血来看,大陆上长期未决胜负的一系列战争已经令人高兴地消除了。The empirical results show that this method is effective in improving the traditional estimation method of outstanding claims reserves.
实证分析表明,在历史数据较少和存在错误数据的情况下,本方法对改善未决赔款准备金的估计是有效的。Unemployment is high and the name dispute with Greece is still unresolved, stalling Macedonia's progress on joining NATO and the EU.
另外,马其顿的失业率居高不下,和希腊的国名之争县而未决,这些都影响着马其顿加入北约和欧盟的进度。Norwegian health officials did not appear troubled by the pending litigation.
挪威卫生部的官员似乎没有被这项未决的诉讼所烦扰。Task of writing data. So each time some data is written, a bit of.