




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:quàn shuō








  1. 劝人从事某事或使其对某事表示同意。

    《汉书·疏广传》:“宜从丈人所,劝説君买田宅。” 宋 吴淑 《江淮异人录·司马郊》:“ 郊 怒以物击小儿,中面流血。巡人执 郊 送於虞侯。虞侯素知其名,方善劝説之。” 冰心 《寂寞》:“婶婶只懒懒的,禁不住妹妹和 小小 的撺掇劝说,只得随同出去。”



  1. I tried to tell myself that I'm young, that this is the time to be casual, careless, lighthearted and fun; don't ruin it.


  2. While you may not be able to do anything to persuade your company to turn up the heat, you can try a few tricks to stay as warm as possible.


  3. Speaking in front of the class and trying to persuade them to vote for our teams was an important thing we learned from this activity.


  4. At any rate she induced father to give up his place as a farm-hand, sell his horse and embark on an independent enterprise of his own.


  5. Mr. Paulson said he had to convince a reluctant Mr. Bush that saving AIG was the right decision.


  6. When he persuaded Paul Gauguin to join him in Arles, van Gogh believed that they would inspire each other's work. It was a tragic delusion.


  7. He made the man promise never to rob anyone again and when he agreed, Sohail gave him $40 and a loaf of bread.


  8. At the moment, a goat passed and persuaded monkeys not to waste the time, instead, monkeys waved it aside at all.


  9. Their strategy depends on the troika persuading banks to agree to what is called a "haircut" in the value of their holdings of such bonds.


  1. 劝说透露秘密

    Persuaded to impart the secret.

  2. 她被劝说吃药。

    She is tried to persuade to eat the medicine.

  3. 劝说他也没有用。

    It was of no avail to persuade him.

  4. 我怕你劝说我放弃

    I was afraid you'd talk me out of it.

  5. 我苦口婆心,再三劝说。

    I described, and enforced them earnestly.

  6. 他劝说买新轮胎。

    He tries to persuade to buy the new tire.

  7. 我极力劝说他合作。

    I strongly advised him to cooperate.

  8. 他们劝说他使他答应。

    They reasoned him into compliance.

  9. 他难劝说得不得了。

    It is incredibly difficult to persuade him.

  10. 他难劝说得不得了。

    It is incredibly difficult to persuade him.

  11. 广告语言的劝说力

    Exhortation Power of Commercial English Advertising

  12. 劝说良久, 终无效果。

    My long persuasion failed to yield any result.

  13. 她劝说他把握时机

    She advised that he should make hay while the sun shined

  14. 劝说良久,终无效果。

    My long persuasion failed to yield any result.

  15. 律师劝说法官休庭。

    Counsel prevail upon the judge to grant an adjournment.

  16. 老师劝说学生们要细心。

    The teacher recommended that the student should be careful.

  17. 他劝说我换一下工作。

    He talked me into changing my job.

  18. 我诚挚地劝说他合作。

    I earnestly advised him to cooperate.

  19. 他坚持不听一切劝说。

    He stands out against all persuasion.

  20. 稍加劝说他就接受了。

    After a little persuasion, he accepted.

  21. 谁劝说你加入这个协会?

    Who persuaded you to join this society ?

  22. 我们劝说他做这些实验。

    We talked him into making these experiments.

  23. 劝说他良心发现, 回头是岸。

    try to persuade him to recover his conscience and turn from his evil ways

  24. 他们劝说他做那件事。

    They reasoned him into doing it.

  25. 他是个劝说人的能手。

    He is a great hand at giving advice.

  26. 以强行劝说赢得一匹马

    to overpersuade a horse

  27. 劝说了很久他才同意。

    It took a lot of coaxing before he agreed.

  28. 她的劝说以失败而告终。

    Her persuasion ended in failure.

  29. 他的劝说以失败而告终。

    His persuasions were to no avail.

  30. 稍加劝说后,他就接受了。

    After a little persuasion, he accepted.


  1. 问:劝说拼音怎么拼?劝说的读音是什么?劝说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:劝说的读音是quànshuō,劝说翻译成英文是 persuade

  2. 问:劝说别人信教权拼音怎么拼?劝说别人信教权的读音是什么?劝说别人信教权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:劝说别人信教权的读音是quàn shuō bié rén xìn jiào quán,劝说别人信教权翻译成英文是 right to proselytize




拼音:quàn shuō定义:劝说是指公共关系人员运用多种传播方式,努力地影响公众接受组织的观点,或促使公众主动地采取某种行动劝说是指劝人做某种事情或使人对某种事情表示同意基本解释[persuade; advise] 用言语打动