







汉语拼音:cōng mǐn








  1. 亦作“ 聪慜 ”。聪明。反应敏捷。

    《国语·晋语七》:“﹝ 晋悼公 ﹞知 羊舌职 之聪敏肃给也,使佐之。”《汉书·谷永传》:“陛下天然之性,疏通聪敏,上主之姿也。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·遐览》:“书在余处者,久之一月,足以大有所写,以不敢窃写者,政以 郑君 聪慜,邂逅知之,失其意则更以小丧大也。” 宋 王明清 《挥麈前录》卷三:“﹝ 李成 ﹞弱而聪敏,长而高迈。”《红楼梦》第四九回:“那 宝琴 年轻心热,且本性聪敏。” 茅盾 《子夜》五:“他毕竟是聪敏人,现在是什么都理会过来了。”



  1. Well, he turned out to be a brilliant student, went on to medical school and now he's a famous doctor in New York.


  2. He had seemed to be a normal child , if a little backward, until the age of eight .


  3. Congmin records some bedtime stories for his only child, Renjie, as he learns that he may die within a few months.


  4. Oh, baby when you talk like that, you make a woman go mad. So be wise (Si! ) and keep on (Si! ), reading the signs of my body.


  5. Meanwhile, Congmin repents for what he has done and plans to leave more money for his only child.


  6. He had probably been a prince of the house of Judah (v. 3). He was good looking and intelligent.


  7. No, just be smart and sit tight. You offered a good price and I'll bet if you sit tight, he'll call up tomorrow and agree to take it.


  8. On the other hand, Congmin bumps into Amy Zhou. He tries to beg her to return him a portion of his property, but in vain.


  9. Pride and passion seemed to be quivering in the balance with native refinement and intelligence.


  1. 聪敏的头脑

    an ingenious mind.

  2. 我有聪敏的头脑。

    I have an ingenious mind.

  3. 她丝毫也不比以前聪敏。

    She's nothing wiser than before.

  4. 他很聪敏,但是他不用功。

    He is very bright, but he doesn't work hard.

  5. 他很聪敏,却不爱学习。

    He is highly intelligent, but dislikes studying.

  6. 聪敏不是她的强项对吧?

    Subtlety isnt her strong suit, is it

  7. 那只雄性的人猿生性聪敏。

    The male ape is intelligent by nature.

  8. 聪敏的马匹确实宁愿喜欢蹩脚的骑手。

    Indeed, the wise horse prefers the bad rider.

  9. 他自小聪敏好学, 成绩一直遥遥领先。

    He has been clever and fond of studying since he was young, and way ahead of his peers in study.

  10. 他自小聪敏好学,成绩一直遥遥领先。

    He has been clever and fond of studying since he was young, and way ahead of his peers in study.

  11. 人人都希望被大家看做是聪敏人。

    Every mother's son wish to be consider solomon.

  12. 这是多么令人赞叹得聪敏与宽厚。

    This is the sagacity that how your person highly praises and clement.

  13. 这是多么令人赞叹的聪敏与宽厚。

    This is the sagacity that how your person highly praises and clement.

  14. 这孩子不仅聪敏而且反应快,是个捷才。

    This child is intelligent and swift.

  15. 这孩子不仅聪敏而且反应快, 是个捷才。

    The child is wasteful with money, so I am going to cut his allowance.

  16. 骄傲和激情似乎难以与优雅和聪敏相平衡。

    Pride and passion seemed to be quivering in the balance with native refinement and intelligence.

  17. 他为人聪敏,其实在香港还有光明的前途。

    He still had a good future in Hong Kong. He was a bright guy.

  18. 我的老板是我所认识的人当中最聪敏的一个。

    My boss is the smartest man I know.

  19. 同时, 聪敏还恳求中和让他为儿子庆祝生日。

    In the meantime, he also asks Zhenghe's permission to celebrate Renjie's birthday.

  20. 他有着聪敏的头脑,他可能成为另一个牛顿。

    He has an ingenious mind; he would be another Newton.

  21. 普罗斯珀罗亲王是个无忧无虑,无所畏惧,聪敏睿智的人。

    The Prince Prospero was happy and dauntless and sagacious.

  22. 我发现一般的村民, 嗯, 不太聪敏, 我们能不能这样说。

    I find the average village person, well, not very quick, shall we say.

  23. 世贤劝聪敏勿与英明做生意,但聪敏表示已有打算。

    Ep697 Shixian persuades Congmin not to do business with Yingming. Congmin states that he has plans of his own.

  24. 他有良好的教养,聪敏的天资,他总能迅速地解答我的疑问。

    He has always answered my inquires with the readiness of good breeding and good nature.

  25. 涅莫迪安人的生命大多贡献在他们竞争剧烈的商业聪敏上。

    The Neimoidian lifecycle has contributed much to their cutthroat business acumen.

  26. 我亦很庆幸有机会在大学结识到许多聪敏上进的同学。

    I am grateful for the opportunity to meet many smart and highly motivated people in the university.

  27. 玛丽是我所认识的最聪敏的姑娘之一, 她正准备上大学。

    Mary, one of the most intelligent girls I know, is planning to attend the university.

  28. 小音灵巧聪敏, 但因为瞳色, 怯于见人, 对慕容靖倒是很好。

    Cute little sound intelligent, but because of pupil color, afraid to see people, on Murong Jing is very good.

  29. 我需要面试的着装意见。我需要穿一件使我看起来聪敏专业的衣服。谁有什么建议么

    Need fashion advice for my job interview - need something that looks sharp and professional. Anyone?


  1. 问:聪敏拼音怎么拼?聪敏的读音是什么?聪敏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:聪敏的读音是cōngmǐn,聪敏翻译成英文是 Intelligent and quick.




【拼音】:cōng mǐn


【出处】:《国语·晋语七》:“﹝ 晋悼公 ﹞知 羊舌职 之聪敏肃给也,使佐之。”
