


察看;监管:监~。~办。~导。~察。~促。~师。~率(shuài )(亦作“督帅”)。~战。~学。责罚:~过(督察责备)。~责。古代将官名:都~。~邮。~护。总~。提~。~抚。……





汉语拼音:dū xué



教育行政机关中专 管视察和指导教育工作的人员。



  1. 学政的别名。

    明 清 派驻各省督导教育行政及考试的专职官员。 民国 后各级教育行政机关督导所属及学校的专员亦称“ 督学 ”。 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈异二·王祭酒》:“吾郡 歷城 明 翰林 王公敕 ,字 云芝 , 成化 甲辰进士及第第三人……官 河南 、 四川 督学。”《儒林外史》第八回:“ 蘧公子 道:‘家君做县令时,晚生尚幼,相随敝门伯 范老先生 在 山东 督学幕中读书。’” 沙汀 《防空》:“但那成为谈笑中心的督学马上玩着眼势,意思是要大家让他本人来说明一切。”

  2. 督导视察教育行政及主持考试。也称视学。

    清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·如是我闻二》:“余督学 闽 中时,一生以导人诬告,戍边。” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷三:“ 乾隆 壬午, 吴修撰 鸿 督学 湖南 。”



  1. The superintendent frowned. The principal pursed his lips. On their way out, the principal said the superintendent would like to see me.


  2. So, my little Polish patriot, you DO not wish to tell me who rules over us, the Russian inspector said. Answer me!


  3. Even Nixon's boss, Abbeville County superintendent Ivan Randolph, is unsettled by the practice.


  4. The (superintendent) of our school is responsible for our education.


  5. The Superintendent of Schools has approached several educators about filling the principal 's job.


  6. Are supervisors trained to be coaches?


  7. Education inspectors say the provision of education for learning disabled students is "very uneven" .


  8. "Recite the Lord's Prayer-in Russian, " Inspector Hornberg ordered.


  9. The outer door opened. There stood Inspector Hornberg.


  1. 课程专科督学

    curriculum specialist.

  2. 高级专科督学

    Senior Curriculum Specialist

  3. 公共教育副督学

    associate superintendent of public instruction

  4. 教育署督学协会

    Association of Inspectors, Education Department

  5. 马来文专科督学

    Specialist Inspector, Malay Language

  6. 督学下周要来视察。

    The school inspector is visiting next week.

  7. 督学咕哝着表示赞同。

    The inspector gave a grunt of approval.

  8. 淡米尔文专科督学

    Specialist Inspector, Tamil Language

  9. 我们学校督学对我们的教育负责。

    Theof our school is responsible for our education.

  10. 督学拿起一张, 给校长看。

    The superintendent picked one up, showed it to the principal.

  11. 督学阔步高视地走进校园。

    The superintendent swaggered into the schoolyard.

  12. 论高等职业教育督学机制改革

    On the Reform of the Education Inspectorate Mechanism of Higher Vocational Education in China

  13. 督学人员是否被训练成为了教练?

    Are supervisors trained to be coaches?

  14. 督学迷惑地问教师怎么回事。

    The educational inspector asks how the teacher returns a responsibility questioningly.

  15. 发挥专家督学作用, 提高整体教学质量

    Bring the Expert into a Play of SUpervision, Promote the Quality of Teaching

  16. 她用惊奇的眼光望了一眼面前的督学。

    She cast g glance of surprise at the school inspector before her.

  17. 老师要学生在督学来时迅速回答问题。

    The master told his boys to answer up when the Inspector came.

  18. 督学一来, 品行良好问题必在议事之列。

    Good behaviour must be the order of the day when the school inspector comes.

  19. 从法规上确立教育和科学部督学的地位。

    The Inspectorate of the Department of Education and Science is placed on a statutory footing.

  20. 外面的门开了,霍恩伯格督学站在那里。

    The outer door opened. There stood Inspector Hornberg.

  21. 作为一名督学, 我尽可能多的参与日常教学。

    Informally, as the superintendent, I try to teach as often as I can.

  22. 校长进来时, 我的心一沉, 同来的还有督学。

    My heart sank as the principal entered, along with the superintendent of schools.

  23. 校长进来时,我得心一沉,同来得还有督学。

    My heart sank as the principal entered, along with the superintendent of schools.

  24. 督学可以酌情允许父母在特殊情况下让学生退学。

    School governors have the discretion to allow parents to withdraw pupils in exceptional circumstances.

  25. 第九条国家督学每届任期3年,续聘一般不得超过三届。

    Educational inspector of the9th state every lieutenancy3 years, add is hired must not exceed3 commonly.

  26. 这个督学已经向几位教师提到要完成校长给得工作。

    The Superintendent of Schools has approached several educators about filling the principal's job.

  27. 这个督学已经向几位教师提到要完成校长给的工作。

    The Superintendent of Schools has approached several educators about filling the principal's job.

  28. 近来已有一份英国督学所作关于小学外语教学的报告。

    There's been a recent hmi's report on foreign language teaching in primary schools.

  29. 案例导学与任务督学相结合的程序设计课程教学模式探讨

    The Inquiry of Teaching Pattern for Program Design by Leading Examples and Studying with Tasks


  1. 问:督学拼音怎么拼?督学的读音是什么?督学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:督学的读音是dūxué,督学翻译成英文是 school inspector; superintendent of schools...



督学,明清派驻各省督导教 督导视察教育行政及主持考试。也称视学。育行政及考试的专职官员。