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1. 别 [bié]2. 别 [biè]别 [bié]分离:~离。~情。~绪(离别时离别后的情感)。分~。告~。久~重逢。分门~类。差别:霄壤之~。分类:类~。性~。职~。级~。派~。另外的:~人。~号。~字。~墅。~论。~开生面。卡住,插……
汉语拼音:bié yàng
宋 杨万里 《立秋后一日雨天欲暮小立问月亭》诗:“雨后林中别样凉,意行幽径不知长。” 元 王实甫 《西厢记》第三本第二折:“他人行别样的亲,俺根前取次看。” 清 纳兰性德 《眼儿媚·咏梅》词:“谁似白霓裳,别样清幽,自然标格。”
明 刘若愚 《酌中志·恭记先帝诞生》:“前曾有旨多选淑媛,不好称别样名色,今可称曰‘钦命选侍某氏出’。” 鲁迅 《<呐喊>自序》:“我要到N进K学堂去了,仿佛是想走异路,逃异地,去寻求别样的人们。”
It reminds me of the "next day in the infinite-Bi Lin, Ying Hung Different Day flowers" of verse.
它让我想起了“接天莲中无穷碧,映日荷花别样红”的诗句。Napoleon made ironical remarks during Fabvier's account of it, as though he had not expected it to be otherwise in his absence.
拿破仑在法布维埃报告的中间插了几句讽刺的话,好像没有他在那儿,他并不期望事情会有别样的结果。Does not seem to reduce the work pressure, unfamiliar with the environment for other thoughts, including around.
工作压力似乎没有减轻,陌生的环境里有着别样的思绪,包括身边的人或事。Now I felt a new kind of fear. My life was in serious danger, although I had not done anything wrong.
现在我感到一种别样的恐惧。虽然我什么都没做错,但我的生命处在巨大的危险之中。But I noticed that guy was looking at me. It was a different kind of look, look with love in his eyes.
但我注意到那个家伙在看我,而且是一种别样的眼神,眼里充满爱意。but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.
后来有世上的思虑,钱财的迷惑,和别样的私欲,进来把道挤住了,就不能结实。Nominally a captain in the French navy, Cousteau spent most of his working life pioneering a new form of celebrity, that of the TV explorer.
作为法国海军的名义上尉,康斯塔用他大部分职业生涯造就了别样的名人,即电视探险家。Ismay was so severely shocked by the diagnosis that he decided to live out his last days in style.
诊断结果如晴天霹雳,伊斯梅决定以别样的方式度过最后的日子。All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you.