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船。行船或飞行:~海。~空。~天。~行(xíng )。~班。民~。……
汉语拼音:chū háng
徐迟 《哥德巴赫猜想·地质之光》:“当货轮装货完毕,起锚出航,他们站在甲板上眺望南 欧 的透亮的天空,白皑皑的山间滑雪场和蔚蓝色的滨海浴场。” 孟伟哉 《一座雕像的诞生》:“医护人员们很高兴,都希望这雨连续下下去。这样,敌机便不能出航,列车便可以不停。”
a dangerous thunderstorm with a sailor before he begins a new voyage at the sea, which will be thought of as a skeleton at the feast .
千万别在水手出航之前同他说海上风暴有多么危险,这是最令他讨厌的话题。It was the kind of ship, called a cruise ship, that people travel around the world in, sometimes for weeks or months.
这艘游船载人环游各地,有时出航连续几周,有时则接连数月。It was not long before Peter decided to build a fleet of his own. He would take his army to sea.
不久后彼得决定成立一支自己的舰队,他要带领军队出航。The ship is ready to put out.
那条船已作好了出航的准备。No one would have looked at her twice except to wonder how she stayed afloat, and that was exactly why Davos was sailing on her.
除非是疑心她为何仍然浮着,没人会多看一眼,而这也正是为何戴佛斯会乘她出航。Mr. Butterworth described a recent day when a sailor who had never been on the boat came along.
巴特沃斯描述道,最近有一天,一位从未上过船的水手也一同出航。She told him to phone as to when he would be sailing.
她就他该在何时出航叫他打电话。We also took them out for an afternoon of sailing, dinner at an anchorage, and a sail back to the dock.
我们也带著我父母在下午短暂出航,在停泊处共享晚餐,再航行返回码头。If you're going out for a week on the river, you're going to take your vittles.