







汉语拼音:jiān zhāng






  1. 佩带在制服两肩上用以表示级别的标志。

    郭希仁 《从戎纪略》:“ 彦彪 令各营於肩章均添四标字样,官长进謁皆称 邱大帅 ,儼然以兵马都督自居。”



  1. Her shoulder strap pressure in I didn't see, I intend to see her eyes, so the young.


  2. Death appeared to him with large epaulets , and he almost made the military salute to him.


  3. Patterns of epaulets and insignias for reserve ranks and the ways of wearing them shall be promulgated by the Central Military Commission.


  4. "You're a handsome gentleman, " he looked at the gold on my epaulettes, "Captain. I suspect you are a ladies' man. "


  5. Only the black dress uniform with silver flashes and buttons, Jastrow thinks, gives this very common-looking fellow Rahm any presence.


  6. Equipment carried on the shoulders often made it difficult to recognise the ranks of the soldiers, the PLA explained.


  7. The new president has little knowledge or experience of the world or of government, and has evident chips on his shoulder.


  8. And although the Workers' Party of Korea nominally controls the army, all those new epaulettes show which power structure counts.


  9. The Norah shirt dress is crafted from lightweight cotton poplin with cool military-inspired epaulets and roll-tab sleeves.


  1. 陆军的肩章

    shoulder loop

  2. 肩章状血管翳

    epaulet pannus.

  3. 金黄色的肩章

    golden epaulets

  4. 军官们的肩章被扯掉。

    They tore the epaulets from officers.

  5. 因为肩上贴有你的肩章。

    because on your shoulder is your combat patch.

  6. 肩章上这些是金色的条纹?

    And the epaulets are gold bullion?

  7. 在每个肩部的功能肩章。

    Functional epaulet at each shoulder.

  8. 权力不是来自于一块肩章, 或者一支枪。

    Power don't come from a badge or a gun.

  9. 将军军服的肩上镶着表示军衔的肩章。

    The shoulders of the general's uniform were piped with signs of his rank.

  10. 前面两个口袋并有口袋盖,肩膀上带肩章。

    Two pockets on front with over the pockets and epaulettes on shoulders.

  11. 肩章肩上的装饰物,尤为军服上有流苏的肩带。

    A shoulder ornament, especially a fringed strap worn on military uniforms.

  12. 肩章肩上得装饰物,尤为军服上有流苏得肩带。

    A shoulder ornament, especially a fringed strap worn on military uniforms.

  13. 喂, 亨利, 你的肩章上又多了一条杠了。

    I say, Henry, you've got yourself another stripe!

  14. 他们穿着标准的海军制服,戴着的二等士官的肩章。

    They wore standard Naval uniforms bearing the stripes of a petty officer second class.

  15. 衣服下摆会变松, 肩章会从肩部往衣领走位。

    Hemlines of coats would be loosened while rank insignias would be moved from shoulders to collars.

  16. 库尔特把盒子打开。里面是中尉的一杠肩章。

    Kurt opened the box. Inside were the single silver bar insignia of a lieutenant junior grade.

  17. 两个内搞定的小方格,像针的小网眼肩肩章细节。

    Two interior buttoned pockets, shoulder epaulettes with small eyelet like stitch detail.

  18. 他俩默默的取下对方的少尉肩章, 换上中尉的标识。

    They silently removed the ensign pips from each others epaulets, and fastened the jg bars there.

  19. 军官身着长尾军服,只有右肩上有带流苏的肩章。

    The officer wears a habit with longer tails and a fringed epaulette on the right shoulder only.

  20. 看到他制服上的肩章, 我们觉得还是躲着他点儿比较好。

    Looking at the flash on his uniform, we decided it would be wise to avoid him.

  21. 看到他制服上得肩章,我们觉得还是躲着他点儿比较好。

    Looking at the flash on his uniform, we decided it would be wise to avoid him.

  22. 看到他制服上的肩章,我们觉得还是躲着他点儿比较好。

    Looking at the flash on his uniform, we decided it would be wise to avoid him.

  23. 她的肩章压在背带下我没看清, 我到有意看了她两眼, 好年青。

    Her shoulder strap pressure in I didn't see, I intend to see her eyes, so the young.


  1. 问:肩章拼音怎么拼?肩章的读音是什么?肩章翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肩章的读音是jiānzhāng,肩章翻译成英文是 shoulder mark; shoulder loop

  2. 问:肩章鲨拼音怎么拼?肩章鲨的读音是什么?肩章鲨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肩章鲨的读音是,肩章鲨翻译成英文是 Epaulette shark


