







汉语拼音:jiàn zhì



1.亦作“建寘”。扶植。《左传·昭公七年》:“吾子取 州,是免敝邑於戾,而建寘 丰氏 也。”

2.建立;设置。《汉书·武五子传赞》:“后遂命将出征,略取 河南,建置 朔方。”三国 魏 曹冏《六代论》:“夫树犹亲戚,土犹士民,建置不久,则轻下慢上。”唐 柳宗元《四门助教厅壁记》:“参明堂之政,原大教之极,其建置之道弘也。”清 江上蹇叟《通番之始》:“若其地理之分合,建置之沿革,则均不详也。”郭沫若《十批判书·古代研究的自我批判》:“古时所谓‘国’本是等于部落的意思,所谓‘封建藩卫’也不过是建置大小不等的各种殖民部落而已。”

3.建造;兴建。唐 李翱《与本使请停率修寺观钱状》:“若将兴之,是 苻融、梁武 皆为 仲尼、周公 也;若将废之,阁下又何患其尚寡,而復率其属合力建置之也?”宋 范仲淹《代胡侍郎奏表》:“前知州 李詔 在任日,重修宣圣庙,建置学舍数十厦。”

4.犹建树。宋 罗大经《鹤林玉露》卷三:“宋 端平 间,真西山 参大政,未及有所建置而薨。”

5.设施。明 唐顺之《提督军务兼巡抚谢表》:“事体一同所职,而建置各有攸司。”冯自由《中国教育会与爱国学社》:“然敝会同志无权无势,一切建置皆白地起造,无有凭借。”



  1. 亦作“ 建寘 ”。扶植。

    《左传·昭公七年》:“吾子取 州 ,是免敝邑於戾,而建寘 丰氏 也。”

  2. 建立;设置。

    《汉书·武五子传赞》:“后遂命将出征,略取 河南 ,建置 朔方 。” 三国 魏 曹冏 《六代论》:“夫树犹亲戚,土犹士民,建置不久,则轻下慢上。” 唐 柳宗元 《四门助教厅壁记》:“参明堂之政,原大教之极,其建置之道弘也。” 清 江上蹇叟 《通番之始》:“若其地理之分合,建置之沿革,则均不详也。” 郭沫若 《十批判书·古代研究的自我批判》:“古时所谓‘国’本是等于部落的意思,所谓‘封建藩卫’也不过是建置大小不等的各种殖民部落而已。”

  3. 建造;兴建。

    唐 李翱 《与本使请停率修寺观钱状》:“若将兴之,是 苻融 、 梁武 皆为 仲尼 、 周公 也;若将废之,阁下又何患其尚寡,而復率其属合力建置之也?” 宋 范仲淹 《代胡侍郎奏表》:“前知州 李詔 在任日,重修宣圣庙,建置学舍数十厦。”

  4. 犹建树。

    宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷三:“ 宋 端平 间, 真西山 参大政,未及有所建置而薨。”

  5. 设施。

    明 唐顺之 《提督军务兼巡抚谢表》:“事体一同所职,而建置各有攸司。” 冯自由 《中国教育会与爱国学社》:“然敝会同志无权无势,一切建置皆白地起造,无有凭借。”



  1. The donation has been used to endow a chair professorship , to set up a law library, and to enhance resources for teaching and research .


  2. These cities do not have to establish the city gate and the city wall, like this, the army may not prevent enters at will the city.


  3. Displays the test methods that have been affected since the last build of the application.


  4. The sculpture was a protest against the annual Canadian seal hunt and was commissioned by the International Fund for Animal Welfare.


  5. Before you and others on your team can use the build process template to create build definitions, you must register it with the system.


  6. Build History: Yokogawa town since the age of three yellow denebola that someone lives.


  7. The active platform can be quickly accessed and changed, allowing you to easily build a project targeting multiple platforms.


  8. As you build your query, the SQL pane automatically updates and reformats to be easily read.


  9. A solution configuration specifies how the projects in a solution are to be built and (if enabled) deployed.


  1. 行政建置变更

    the alteration of administrative regionalization

  2. 历史沿革建置沿革分设议

    To Set up the Contents of the Historical and Organizational Evolution Separately

  3. 社区的健身房建置相当完备。

    This community gym is well-equipped.

  4. 案和建置部署理的方式。

    How the file related to the build and deployment processes.

  5. 汉代国有粮仓建置考略

    Study of the Stated Barn Organizational System in the Han Dynasty

  6. 我們建置出一套全面的風險評估工具

    And so we built a universal risk assessment tool.

  7. 在建置件中有可的型。

    There are no registrable types in the built assembly.

  8. 使用相依性索引标签变更建置顺序。

    Use the dependencies tab to change the build order.

  9. 建置常态性疾病分类编码谘询网。

    Establish Disease Classification Coding Advisory Web frequently encountered diseases. 3.

  10. 我们正在重新建置我们的网站, 敬请期待。

    We are currently reconstructing our website, please wait and see.

  11. 我们正在重新建置我们得网站, 敬请期待。

    We are currently reconstructing our website, please wait and see.

  12. 限制海域边界之数位化数据建置与测试。

    The boundary data of restriction area establish and testing. 4.

  13. 政府专门建置了一个机构处理上访事件。

    The government specially set up an organization dealing with events concerning appeals to higher authorities for help.

  14. 政府专门建置了一个机构处理上访事件。

    The government specially set up an organization dealing with events concerning appeals to higher authorities for help.

  15. 三岔厅建置保留, 撤州判署, 设警察分厅。

    Office of build Sancha reservations, withdrawal state Department contractor, based Police at the Office.

  16. 把中殿分开的圆柱是建置于两个地基上。

    The pillars which divided the naves rested on two bases.

  17. 郭峪古城郭峪古城是太行山麓一座唐初建置的城堡。

    Guoyu old city Guoyu old city is a castle built at Taihang Mountain in early Tang dynasty.

  18. 这个单位不是行政建置, 而是根据具体需要设立得。

    This organization is set up not for administrative purposes but for meeting specific needs.

  19. 这个单位不是行政建置, 而是根据具体需要设立的。

    This organization is set up not for administrative purposes but for meeting specific needs.

  20. 这个单位不是行政建置,而是根据具体需要设立的。

    This organization is set up not for administrative purposes but for meeting specific needs.

  21. 指定以案建置的用程式型,以及需要被支援的或程式。

    Specify the type of application you will build with this project and the options or libraries you want supported.

  22. 遵从最后之定案,设计及规划符合客户需求之系统建置服务。

    Follow the final decision to design and plan the system implantation service that meet customer's request.

  23. 当建置完成时, 测试结果会做为组建状态报告的一部分。

    The test results are reported as part of the build status when a build finishes.

  24. 本论文描述自动化索引典建置与资讯视觉化的方法与结果。

    This paper describes automatic methods for thesaurus construction and information visualization and their testing results.


  1. 问:建置拼音怎么拼?建置的读音是什么?建置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:建置的读音是jiànzhì,建置翻译成英文是 To build a facility.; A facility



亦作“ 建寘 ”。
