








关于军事或技击的,与“文”相对:~装。~器。~警。~林。~坛。~生。~旦。~丑。~净。~举。勇猛,猛烈:英~。威~。~断。~士。~夫。半步,泛指脚步:步~。踵~。行(xíng )不数~。姓。……



汉语拼音:qì wén jiù wǔ








  • 【解释】:放弃文业,改从武事。
  • 【出自】:元·无名氏《九世同居》第一折:“吾闻诗礼传家,此子弃文就武,亦各言其志也,曾读《武经七书》么?”
  • 【示例】:小可兀自~,来此落草,制使又是有罪的人,虽经赦宥,难复前职。


  1. na.
  2. abandon the pen for the sword;cast aside one'

  3. s books and take up military life;desert letters to become a soldier;lay down the pen for the sword;quit civilian life and join the military;The book is laid aside for the gun.

  1. 武田军就交给你了。

    I will leave Takeda to you.

  2. 善讲不听,就会武讲。

    But if reasoning goes unheeded, arms will have to speak.

  3. 这就是反衬散打的武德。

    This is the contrast of Sanda Takenori.

  4. 原来朱熹就是武夷山人哪

    Zhu Xi actually a native of Wuyi Mountain

  5. 然后就去了大名鼎鼎的武侯祠。

    And then went to the famous Temple.

  6. 你老子就连个戒指也不能看看?小武。

    Your old man can't even take a look at it?

  7. 内容就是表现武王克商的丰功伟业。

    This dance was to manifest this great victory.

  8. 那个懦弱得熊猫根本就不是块习武得料。

    That flabby panda is not a warrior.

  9. 而且古武技的破绽或许就是武技自身威力的强弱。

    And the flaw of ancient martial skill is probably the lusty alternatively feeble of Wu Ji oneself power.

  10. 小武给枫叶发信问好, 就这样, 两人相识了。

    Xiaowu says hello to to maple leaf post a letter, such, two people were acquainted.

  11. 对, 这就是武舞, 一些经过加工提炼后的技击

    Yes, this is the Martial Arts, after a number of processed refined Attack

  12. 自古以来, 文人与武人得征服方式, 就根本不同。

    Ever since the ancient times the literati and warriors had conquered the world in drasticly different ways.

  13. 自古以来,文人与武人的征服方式,就根本不同。

    Ever since the ancient times the literati and warriors had conquered the world in drasticly different ways.

  14. 武王认为和氏欺骗了他,就砍掉了和氏的右脚。

    King Wu believed that He Shi Had deceived him and had He Shi's right foot cut off.

  15. 几个小时内,60岁的武其芝就因食道癌而去世。

    Within hours Wu Qizhi, 60, was dead from cancer of the esophagus.

  16. 著名诗人李白, 就把武则天列为唐朝七圣之一。

    Famous poet Li Bai, once regarded her as one of the seven sages in Tang Dynasty.

  17. 违背了人民的意愿, 武元甲的小股部队也就失去了后援。

    Withoutthe will of the people, giap's small units are left without reinforcements.

  18. 按照这样的逻辑,去观赏黄国武的美人系列,也就见怪不怪了。

    We can enjoy GuoWu's painting in this way.

  19. 在地球上, 前寒武纪的许多记录就保存在类似的岩石里。

    This is illustrated by the fact that on Earth most of the Precambrian record is preserved in such lithologies.

  20. 武元甲将军对此了然于心, 就像他的老师孙子那样。

    Thisis a notion that general giap well understood, as did the master, sun tzu.

  21. 她清早就从武昌出发, 两个半小时还没有到我家。

    She set out in the early morning from Wuchang but did not arrive at my home after two and half an hour.

  22. 就全球而言,前寒武纪和新生代是金矿的重要成矿期。

    Among them the Precambrian and Cenozoic eras are the main metallogenic epoches in the world.

  23. 还有两个月就到春节了,武元甲设计了一个惊天骗局。

    Withjust two months until tet, giap plays what might be his greatest deception.

  24. 武贾西奇在训练营得第一天就遭受扭伤脚踝得伤病。

    Vujacic suffered a sprained ankle two weeks ago on the first day of training camp.

  25. 武贾西奇在训练营的第一天就遭受扭伤脚踝的伤病。

    Vujacic suffered a sprained ankle two weeks ago on the first day of training camp.

  26. 武侯祠?向左拐,然后直走100米左右,你就会看到它了。

    Wuhou Temple Turn left and go straight ahead about100 meters. And you will see it.

  27. 由于高宗的身体状况一直不好, 就由武则天替他处理政务。

    Gaozong in good health, often let her handle his duties for him.

  28. 武则天从承平降世就对于她倾注了特殊得眷注和宠爱。

    Wu came from the land of the special care and favor.

  29. 武则天从承平降世就对于她倾注了特殊的眷注和宠爱。

    Wu came from the land of the special care and favor.

  30. 猎豹一旦消失,叉角羚在今日环境就显得英雄无用武之地了。

    In the absence of cheetah, the pronghorn appears overbuilt for its environment today.

