







汉语拼音:fàn rén








  1. 犯罪的人。多指在押的。

    《水浒传》第九回:“如有流配来的犯人,可叫他投我庄上来。”《说岳全传》第七四回:“再命把 张 、 秦 、 罗 、 万 四个犯人,推出斩首。” 鲁迅 《呐喊·药》:“听说今天结果的一个犯人,便是 夏 家的孩子。”



  1. When it was delivered to his cell, the prisoner said he was no longer hungry.


  2. Moreover, he looked as if he were ashamed to be working convicts and he had little to say to her these days.


  3. It is often elucidated that the prisoner died from cruel torture in prison. The traditional viewpoint isn't consistent with related records.


  4. " told to stand there, give the 'thumbs up', smile, stand behind all of the naked Iraqis in the pyramid take a picture, " she said.


  5. He squares his shoulders and warns the nervous looking inmate in front of him to put on his jail face.


  6. The relation of the various Nixon aides to one another was like that of prisoners in adjoining cells.


  7. When an inmate is in a life-threatening situation or seriously ill, he or she can reach out for help quickly, " he said. "


  8. Prior to a prisoner suffering from tuberculosis was transferred to another prison, they sent back a few days later, did not get treatment.


  9. I was escorted through the prison by an officer and a media relations person, and inmates were a rare sight.


  1. 把犯人释放

    to set a prisoner free.

  2. 犯人脱逃了。

    The prisoner broke loose.

  3. 普通刑事犯人

    petty criminal.

  4. 犯人分别受审。

    The prisoners were tried severally.

  5. 犯人拒绝招供。

    The prisoner refused to confess his crime.

  6. 还押中的犯人

    prisoners on remand

  7. 受审讯的犯人

    The prisoner at the bar.

  8. 像犯人照似的。

    It's like a mug shot.

  9. 犯人戴著手铐。

    The prisoner wore handcuffs.

  10. 犯人戴着手铐。

    The prisoner wore handcuffs.

  11. 犯人拒不招供。

    The prisoner refused to talk.

  12. 犯人戴著脚镣。

    The prisoner was kept in fetters.

  13. 犯人已获缓刑。

    The prisoner was put on probation.

  14. 对犯人从宽处理

    be lenient towards wrongdoers

  15. 这些犯人罪有应得。

    These prisoners were rightly punished for their crimes.

  16. 犯人被准予保释。

    The prisoner was granted bail.

  17. 严禁打骂犯人。

    To insult or strike prisoners is strictly forbidden.

  18. 法官释放了犯人。

    The judge discharged the prisoner.

  19. 犯人挣脱了看守。

    The prisoner broke away from his guards.

  20. 犯人服毒自杀了。

    The prisoner killed himself by taking poison.

  21. 据称他虐待犯人。

    It is alleged that he mistreated the prisoners.

  22. 还押犯人令状

    Warrant of Remand in Custody

  23. 那个犯人无人看守。

    The prisoner was left unguarded.

  24. 犯人均已绳之以法。

    Justice was meted out to the offenders.

  25. 法官判决犯人无罪。

    The court found the prisoner not guilty.

  26. 你确实是个犯人

    You are a criminal.

  27. 给犯人穿木靴子

    strike in the boots

  28. 他下令释放犯人。

    He issued instructions that the prisoners should be set free.

  29. 律师保释犯人出狱。

    The lawyer bailed the prisoner out of jail.

  30. 殴打犯人迫供

    beat a suspect into making a confession.


  1. 问:犯人拼音怎么拼?犯人的读音是什么?犯人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人的读音是fànrén,犯人翻译成英文是 prisoner

  2. 问:犯人栏拼音怎么拼?犯人栏的读音是什么?犯人栏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人栏的读音是fàn rén lán,犯人栏翻译成英文是 dock

  3. 问:犯人船拼音怎么拼?犯人船的读音是什么?犯人船翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人船的读音是fàn rén chuán,犯人船翻译成英文是 convict hulk

  4. 问:犯人费拼音怎么拼?犯人费的读音是什么?犯人费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人费的读音是fàn rén fèi,犯人费翻译成英文是 inmate fees

  5. 问:犯人义务拼音怎么拼?犯人义务的读音是什么?犯人义务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人义务的读音是fàn rén yì wù,犯人义务翻译成英文是 inmate's duty

  6. 问:犯人产品拼音怎么拼?犯人产品的读音是什么?犯人产品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人产品的读音是fàn rén chǎn pǐn,犯人产品翻译成英文是 inmate-made goods

  7. 问:犯人侵害拼音怎么拼?犯人侵害的读音是什么?犯人侵害翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人侵害的读音是fàn rén qīn hài,犯人侵害翻译成英文是 inmate assault

  8. 问:犯人保护拼音怎么拼?犯人保护的读音是什么?犯人保护翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人保护的读音是fàn rén bǎo hù,犯人保护翻译成英文是 inmate protection

  9. 问:犯人力气拼音怎么拼?犯人力气的读音是什么?犯人力气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人力气的读音是fàn rén lì qì,犯人力气翻译成英文是 inmate strength

  10. 问:犯人医生拼音怎么拼?犯人医生的读音是什么?犯人医生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人医生的读音是fàn rén yī shēng,犯人医生翻译成英文是 prisoner's physician

  11. 问:犯人原告拼音怎么拼?犯人原告的读音是什么?犯人原告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人原告的读音是fàn rén yuán gào,犯人原告翻译成英文是 inmate plaintiff

  12. 问:犯人同意拼音怎么拼?犯人同意的读音是什么?犯人同意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人同意的读音是fàn rén tóng yì,犯人同意翻译成英文是 prisoner's consent

  13. 问:犯人团结拼音怎么拼?犯人团结的读音是什么?犯人团结翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人团结的读音是fàn rén tuán jié,犯人团结翻译成英文是 inmate solidarity

  14. 问:犯人妖魔拼音怎么拼?犯人妖魔的读音是什么?犯人妖魔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人妖魔的读音是fàn rén yāo mó,犯人妖魔翻译成英文是 convict bogey

  15. 问:犯人守则拼音怎么拼?犯人守则的读音是什么?犯人守则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人守则的读音是fàn rén shǒu zé,犯人守则翻译成英文是 rules for prisoners

  16. 问:犯人帐篷拼音怎么拼?犯人帐篷的读音是什么?犯人帐篷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人帐篷的读音是fàn rén zhàng péng,犯人帐篷翻译成英文是 inmate tent

  17. 问:犯人帮伙拼音怎么拼?犯人帮伙的读音是什么?犯人帮伙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人帮伙的读音是fàn rén bāng huǒ,犯人帮伙翻译成英文是 inmate gang

  18. 问:犯人帮派拼音怎么拼?犯人帮派的读音是什么?犯人帮派翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人帮派的读音是fàn rén bāng pài,犯人帮派翻译成英文是 inmate clique

  19. 问:犯人律师拼音怎么拼?犯人律师的读音是什么?犯人律师翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人律师的读音是fàn rén lǜ shī,犯人律师翻译成英文是 jailhouse lawyer

  20. 问:犯人房间拼音怎么拼?犯人房间的读音是什么?犯人房间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犯人房间的读音是fàn rén fáng jiān,犯人房间翻译成英文是 inmate room

