





给人东西同时从他那里取得别的东西:交~。对~。~工。~文。兑~。更改,变:变~。更(gēng )~。~马(喻撤换担负某项职务的人,含贬义)。~样。~气。~言之(换句话说)。……



汉语拼音:tuì huàn







  1. 退还不合适的,换取合适的。多指货物而言。

    《续资治通鉴·宋仁宗宝元元年》:“参知政事 韩亿 ,初乞男 综 不以资敍回授兄 纲 ,将朝廷要职从便退换,如己家之物,紊乱纲纪,举朝非笑。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五五回:“谁知开张之后,凡来买药水的,无一个不来退换。”如:货物出门,概不退换。



  1. Representations with the counters, counter claims that this phenomenon is not a quality issue, not returns.


  2. Sure, you can EXCHANGE it as long as you keep your RECEIPT with you.


  3. We accept returns up to seven days after purchase but we do not cover shipping and handling.


  4. Many on-line stores offer gift certificates that are convenient and easy to redeem.


  5. Millet mobile phone home return service will be in the " wind up" express to assume, covering the whole country more than 20 city.


  6. Complaint letters can be used for the purpose of having products replaced or money refunded.


  7. Bao : National notify customers within a week if we are not satisfied with the products consumers packages .


  8. You can exchange these jeans within a week of buying them.


  9. It is reported, millet mobile phone after-sales service will use the door returns, returns to the factory repair way.


  1. 货物出门, 概不退换

    Let the Buyer Beware.

  2. 货物出门,概不退换。

    Let the Buyer Beware.

  3. 我想退换这个手机。

    I would like to refund this mobile phone.

  4. 本店恕不退换货物。

    We cannot exchange goods.

  5. 这张机票可以退换吗?

    Is this ticket refundable or changeable

  6. 药品售出,概不退换。

    Once medicines leave the store they may not be returned.

  7. 产品不合规格,保证退换。

    Replacement is guaranteed if the products are not up to the standard.; We undertake to replace the specifications.

  8. 磁带一经售出,概不退换。

    The tapes are sold with all faults.

  9. 礼品一经送出, 恕不退换。

    All gifts exchanged or returned once delivered.

  10. 没有发票的商品不能退换。

    We cannot do a replacement without a receipt.

  11. 很抱歉,打折商品不能退换。

    I'm sorry, discounted products cannot be exchanged.

  12. 请保存收据,作为退换的凭证。

    Please present the receipt for exchange.

  13. 礼品不设退货或退换现金。

    Gifts redeemed are nonreturnable and cannot be exchanged for cash.

  14. 货物出门,若未损坏,可以退换。

    Goods sold, if not damaged, are returnable.

  15. 本店货物售出概不退换。

    Sale goods in this shop are not exchangeable.

  16. 退货或退换费用由顾客负担。

    The cost burden of return or refund is borne by customers.

  17. 我可以退换这件夹克衫吗

    Can I change this sport jacket, please

  18. 你为什么不退换这件衬衫呢?

    Why didn't you return the shirt or exchange it?

  19. 像这种坏的, 我们是可以退换的。

    Bad like kind, we are OK of exchange a purchase.

  20. 门票一经出售概不退款或退换。

    Tickets sold are not refundable, returnable, or exchangeable.

  21. 兑换的礼品不可退货或退换现金。

    Gifts redeemed are nonreturnable and cannot be exchanged for cash.

  22. 如果这个不适合,你让我退换吗?

    If this does not fit, will you exchange it?

  23. 依照本店规定,没有收据不能退换。

    According to our store policy, no allowed without receipts.

  24. 在下列情况时,恕不接受退货及退换。

    In the following cases, the return and refund will not be accepted.

  25. 联通快线卡一经售出,恕不退换。

    No refund or exchange once the UNICOM EXPRESS card is purchased.

  26. 有完整可行的售后服务及退换货承诺。

    Application must have an operational after service and warrantee.

  27. 这样她就能来退换,挑条她喜欢的了。

    Then she can come back and exchange it and get what she wants.

  28. 当然,你可以退换,只要你还留着收据即可。

    Sure, you can EXCHANGE it as long as you keep your RECEIPT with you.

  29. 在本店购买的商品七天内可以退换。

    Goods purchased in this store are refundable within seven days.

  30. 购物时商场规定,打折、特价商品不能退换。

    Shopping malls refuse to change discounted and special offer goods.


  1. 问:退换拼音怎么拼?退换的读音是什么?退换翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退换的读音是tuìhuàn,退换翻译成英文是 to exchange or refund


tuì huàn退换退还不合适的,换取合适的。多指货物而言。《续资治通鉴·宋仁宗宝元元年》:“参知政事 韩亿 ,初乞男 综 不以资敍回授兄 纲 ,将朝廷要职从便退换,如己家之物,紊乱纲纪,举朝非笑。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五五回:“谁知开张之后,凡来买药水的,无一个不来退换。”如:货物出门,概不退换。