


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà xiàng






  1. 称大词。在三段论的结论中做谓项的概念。如在三段论“凡金属都能导电(大前提),铜是金属(小前提),所以铜能导电(结论)”中,“导电”就是大项。



  1. The division now contributes close to a third of the firm's total profits, according to an executive at the company.


  2. Each of these major cost categories consists of a number of cost components.


  3. Some of these can produce as many as half a million worms per day and are large-scale commercial enterprises.


  4. With the big-picture stuff in place, Mr Osborne could administer a few small balms to the economy's sorest spots (see table).


  5. The need to be seen protecting the home front has apparently extended political impregnability over another big chunk of the federal budget.


  6. It's by no means comprehensive, I had to cut stuff to get just 10 (including their tendency to start randomly quoting Monty Python).


  7. The points to be discussed can be brought under three main headings.


  8. You have to turn to much bigger initiatives, like war and defense, to get beyond this chump change and approach the bailout figure.


  9. The survey is based the findings on five categories: stability, health care, culture and environment, education and infrastructure.


  1. 有28大项,300小项。

    It would have 28 big events, and 300 small events.

  2. 哇, 大项目。来劲。

    Wow, big project. I like it.

  3. 哇,大项目。来劲。

    Wow, big project. I like it.

  4. 家用电脑日常维护八大项

    Eight Attentions in Appliance Computer Daily Maintanence

  5. 我们手下有个大项目。

    I've got a big job on my hands.

  6. 我不太擅长管理大项目。

    I'm not very good at managing large projects.

  7. 最大项, 中心指标和下级的关系

    The Relation of Maximum Term, Central Index and Lower Order

  8. 告诉你,他们会给你打招呼,他们会给你大项链。

    Tell em, show you the papa, fo dey show you the cable.

  9. 要搞几个大项目, 表示我们的信心。

    We should build some large projects to demonstrate our confidence.

  10. 家庭财政问题的核心是关于大项开支的决定。

    In the centre of the family's financial matters are the decisions concerning larger expenditure.

  11. 对于大项、复杂的活动,系统更能发挥其优势。

    For large items, complex activities, the system can play to their advantage.

  12. 我一直在忙一个大项目,总算完成了。

    I've been working on a big project, and I've finally finished it.

  13. 这两大项费用又是由许多分项费用组成的。

    Each of these major cost categories consists of a number of cost components.

  14. 我们认识到耆英的个人安全是一个大项目。

    We recognize that personal safety is a major issue for seniors.

  15. 要是执行大项目合同, 几家公司可以联手同干。

    On a big contract several firms may work in conjunction.

  16. 竞技体操是我国奥运会和锦标赛的拿分大项。

    Athletics gymnastics is our country the Olympic Games and the championship points below the.

  17. 供应商评审表共分三大项,其下各有若干题目。

    The evaluation falls in to three sections , and there are some questions in each section.

  18. 基本上说,一个计划比投资组合更像是一个大项目。

    Basically, a program is much more like a very large project than a portfolio.

  19. 关于主范式中极小项和极大项的下标算法

    On the Suffix Calculating Approach to Miniterm and Maxiterm in Principal Normal Form

  20. 一个长达18个月的大项目。我知道我能担此重任。

    for Secretary Clinton, successfully, and I knew I could handle a bigger job.

  21. 教育部门的开支逐年增长,是国家预算的第三大项。

    The expenditure for the educational sector is progressively increasing, representing the third largest in the national budget.

  22. 然后我们被邀请为奥林匹克比赛 做点大项目。

    And then we were asked to do something really big for the Olympics.

  23. 优质的团队合作能在及其少量的时间内完成大项目。

    Good teamwork can get a large project completed in an amazingly short amount of time.

  24. 浅谈用最小项和最大项化简同一逻辑函数的规律

    Study on the Rule of the Simplification of Sa me Logic Function through the Minterm and the Maxterm

  25. 高铁成为了爱国的象征,并且是下一个出口的大项目。

    Highspeed rail was a patriotic symbol and the next great export.

  26. 联合研究的大项目, 尤其是在计算机领域的项目, 开始实施了。

    Major joint research programs were launched, particularly in the computer field.

  27. 这允许你把一个长期的大项目分成多个阶段去完成。

    This allows you to design large project structures with different phases spread over the project duration cycle.

  28. 唐菖蒲引进成功, 使珠江三角洲切花生产增加了一个大项目。

    Tang Chang cattail introduces a success, make Pearl River delta cut beautiful production to add a big project.


  1. 问:大项拼音怎么拼?大项的读音是什么?大项翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大项的读音是dàxiàng,大项翻译成英文是 sport

  2. 问:大项形式拼音怎么拼?大项形式的读音是什么?大项形式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大项形式的读音是dà xiàng xíng shì,大项形式翻译成英文是 maxterm form