




1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:fàng dà jìng






  1. 用以放大被观察物体的凸透镜。



  1. It sometimes feels as if in Latin America, with its even bigger gulf, the same thing is true on a larger scale.


  2. With a magnifying glass, the rays of the sun can be focused to set grass or paper on fire.


  3. If you take a close look with a magnifying glass, you'll see that the fibers all line up in the same direction, up and down on the page.


  4. You can think of the lightbox shown in Figure 4 as a photo that you're viewing through a loupe on a lightbox.


  5. If you would like to see a preview of an individual certificate, please click on the magnifying glass to the right of the certificate title.


  6. To do a close reading, you choose a specific passage and analyze it in fine detail, as if with a magnifying glass.


  7. She used a telescope to read the blackboard and a magnifying glass for her textbooks.


  8. If not for you, for me, but with a larger lens on the immediate-gratification, conspicuously consumptive society in which we live.


  9. The magnifying glass makes the cake crumbs easy to see.


  1. 螺旋式放大镜

    spiral loupe.

  2. 架式放大镜

    rack amplifier.

  3. 三脚放大镜

    tripod magnifier.

  4. 分划放大镜

    magnifying glass on a stand.

  5. 海图桌放大镜

    chart table viewer

  6. 带荧光灯放大镜

    magnifier with fluorescent lighting

  7. 放大镜可以聚光。

    Magnifying glasses can concentrate light.

  8. 放大镜可以聚光。

    Magnifying glasses can concentrate light.

  9. 带头灯的放大镜

    loupe with dry battery box

  10. 显示放大镜图层。

    Unhide the search shape layer.

  11. 用放大镜检查划口。

    Use a magnifying loop to inspect the cut.

  12. 跟珍尼问有没有放大镜。

    Lf you ask jean, there might be a magnifier around.

  13. 这个放大镜能放大二十倍。

    This glass magnifies 20 diameters.

  14. 品牌的故事从放大镜开始。

    The brand story starts with magnifiers.

  15. 带灯放大镜有什么特点?

    What are the special features of our illuminated LED magnifiers

  16. 瞳距可调双筒放大镜

    loupe with pupillary adjustment, binocular

  17. 托尼是的。你有放大镜吗

    TONY Yes. Do you have a magnifying glass

  18. 然后我把放大镜放在上面。

    Then I put the magnifier in place.

  19. 这是一个十倍的放大镜。

    That's a magnifier times 8.

  20. 拿望远镜看别人, 拿放大镜看自己。

    Take binoculars to see other people, take a magnifying glass to see himself.

  21. 他使用放大镜,以便看清小字。

    He uses a magnifying glass to read the tiny print.

  22. 要看清楚,放大镜是不可或缺的。

    To see this clearly, a magnifying glass is essential.

  23. 该放大镜可将这图像放大50倍。

    The magnifying glass enlarges the image fifty times.

  24. 手上放大镜看小字挺管用的。

    The hand held magnifier is good for reading the fine print.

  25. 手上放大镜看小字挺管用得。

    The hand held magnifier is good for reading the fine print.

  26. 放大器能放大的器具,尤指放大镜

    One that magnifies, especially a magnifying glass.

  27. 我想是时候要一副放大镜了。

    I guess it's time for some reading glasses.

  28. 在剃须刀插座边上装一面放大镜。

    Do place a shaving mirror close to the shaver socket.

  29. 我需要哪种类型的双目放大镜?

    Which model loupe do I need

  30. 您可以使用放大镜来避免这些限制。

    You can use Magnifier to overcome these limitations.


  1. 问:放大镜拼音怎么拼?放大镜的读音是什么?放大镜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放大镜的读音是fàngdàjìng,放大镜翻译成英文是 magnifying lens

  2. 问:放大镜图标拼音怎么拼?放大镜图标的读音是什么?放大镜图标翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放大镜图标的读音是fàng dà jìng tú biāo,放大镜图标翻译成英文是 magnifying glass icon