







汉语拼音:diào lán







  1. 亦作“吊篮”。升降机上运送人上下的篮状装置。

    吴运铎 《把一切献给党·在矿井里》:“他们马上用绳子捆住我的腰,把我抬到升降机吊篮顶板上,司机慢慢开动吊篮,把我送出了井口。”



  1. When the voyagers from their car saw the land through the mist, they had not been able to reconnoiter it sufficiently.


  2. Their eyes could not pierce through the thick mist which had gathered beneath the car.


  3. Which specifically does the electrically operated hanging basket right angle buckle the superiority characteristic to have?


  4. She rode a pride horse and slid, then she slides with a glider made of hidden hide.


  5. Which does the concrete electrically operated hanging basket rise and fall the principle to have?


  6. Window cleaners are pulled up and down tall buildings on cradles.


  7. Which characteristics does the construction hanging basket electric appliance box technology have?


  8. the most influential architectural basket manufacturer in Shandong Province Ning Ning County Air electric plant baskets.


  9. Through research and test, the self-reliance manufacturing for the core barrel of pressure water reactor internals has been realized.


  1. 高处作业吊篮

    temporarily installed suspended access equipment for work at heights

  2. 这是气囊, 这是吊篮, 载荷。

    This is the envelope and this is the gondola, the payload.

  3. 粮仓,煤井安检防爆吊篮

    granary, Meijing explosionproof security basket.

  4. 大家一声不响,吊篮里静悄悄的。

    A complete silence reigned in the car.

  5. 吊篮式棉花移栽机的研究

    Research of the Cotton Transplanting Machine with the Nacelle

  6. 吊篮提升机异常声响原因分析

    The analysis of the abnormal sound of gondola hoist

  7. 如何认识电动吊篮的配重问题?

    How to know the electrically operated hanging basket's counterweight question?

  8. 吊篮悬挂在热气球上, 通常为敞口的吊篮

    A usually open gondola suspended from a hotair balloon.

  9. 吊篮是用于起重机的一种起重工具。

    Basket is used as a crane lifting gear.

  10. 提升机是高空作业吊篮的关键部件。

    Hoist is the most important part of powered suspended platform.

  11. 提升机是高空作业吊篮得关键部件。

    Hoist is the most important part of powered suspended platform.

  12. 支架通过吊篮设备由下至上进行拆卸。

    The bracket was disassembled by swinging scaffold from down to up.

  13. 吊篮桁架的有限元分析与实测研究

    Finite Element Analysis and Practical Measure Research of Truss of Nacelle

  14. 高空气球吊篮方位控制的反作用飞轮系统

    Research on the Reaction Wheel Control System in the Azimuth Control of Nacelle

  15. 他们的目光没法透过吊篮下面的浓雾。

    Their eyes could not pierce through the thick mist which had gathered beneath the car.

  16. 高处作业吊篮在大厦大堂维护中的应用

    Application of temporarily installed suspended access equipment to maintenance of mansion hall

  17. 吊篮的使用可大大降低劳动强度,提高劳动效率。

    Hanging basket's use may reduce the labor intensity greatly, raises the labor efficiency.

  18. 适于盘盒容器,吊篮,花墙,窗盒和阳台栽培。

    Comfortable at dish box container, nacelle, tracery wall, window box and balcony help advance somebody's career.

  19. 承受着吊篮的网子是用非常结实的麻绳编的。

    The net destined to support the car was made of very solid hempen cord.

  20. 承受着吊篮得网子是用非常结实得麻绳编得。

    The net destined to support the car was made of very solid hempen cord.

  21. 高空气球吊篮方位控制系统的反作用飞轮控制模式

    The Reaction Wheel Control Mode in the Azimuth Control of Nacelle System

  22. 建筑吊篮脚手架一般分手动和电动两种。

    The construction hanging basket scaffold divides manual and the electrically operated two kinds generally.

  23. 反应堆吊篮在空气和静水中的振动特性分析

    Dynamical Characteristics Analysis of Core Barrel of Nuclear Reactors in Air and Still Water

  24. 电动吊篮直角扣件的优势特点具体有哪些?

    Which specifically does the electrically operated hanging basket right angle buckle the superiority characteristic to have

  25. 窗户清洁工乘坐能升降得吊篮清洗高层建筑物得窗子。

    Window cleaners are pulled up and down tall buildings on cradles.

  26. 窗户清洁工乘坐能升降的吊篮清洗高层建筑物的窗子。

    Window cleaners are pulled up and down tall buildings on cradles.

  27. 吊篮和平盘式取样器加大了对水流的阻力。

    The basket and pan types cause an increased resistance to flow.

  28. 平流层气球吊篮姿态远程视景监控系统设计

    The Design of Stratospheric Balloonborne Gondola Motion Remote Virtualscenes Monitor and Control System

  29. 气球吊篮悬在空中吊在气球下的篮子,封闭舱或仪器舱。

    A basket, an enclosure, or an instrument slingsuspended from and carried aloft by a balloon.

  30. 到现在为止,所有的研究是操纵吊篮,而不是操纵气球。

    Till now, all efforts have been devoted to directing the car rather than the balloon.


  1. 问:吊篮拼音怎么拼?吊篮的读音是什么?吊篮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吊篮的读音是diào lán,吊篮翻译成英文是 basket; gondola

  2. 问:吊篮植物拼音怎么拼?吊篮植物的读音是什么?吊篮植物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吊篮植物的读音是diàolánzhíwù,吊篮植物翻译成英文是 basket plant