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1. 阿 [ā]2. 阿 [ē]阿 [ā]加在称呼上的词头:~大。~爷。~爹。~罗汉。~毛。~婆。~弟。~姊。阿 [ē]迎合,偏袒:~附。~其所好。~谀逢迎。凹曲处:山~。……
汉语拼音:ā jiāo
指 汉武帝 陈 皇后 。
《汉武故事》:“ 胶东王 数岁,公主抱置膝上问曰:‘儿欲得妇否?’长主指左右长御百餘人,皆云不用,指其女:‘ 阿娇 好否?’笑对曰:‘好,若得 阿娇 作妇,当作金屋贮之。’长主大悦。” 宋 王安石 《明妃曲》之一:“君不见咫尺 长门 闭 阿娇 ,人生失意无南北。”
唐 孙棨 《题妓王福娘墙》诗之二:“寒绣衣裳餉 阿娇 ,新团香兽不禁烧。” 明 无名氏 《霞笺记·霞笺题字》:“何必歌 苏小 ,行云知已遏,类鸣蜩,欲傍秦筝看 阿娇 。” 郁达夫 《怀扬州--用姜白石<小红低唱我吹箫>韵》:“乱掷黄金买 阿娇 ,穷来 吴市 再吹簫。”参见“ 金屋藏娇 ”。
清 郝懿行 《证俗文》卷四:“子女, 关中 谓之麆子,亦谓之阿娇。《輟耕録》: 段继昌 好饮,以钱遗之者尽送酒家,名酒曰黄娇。盖 关中 以儿女为阿娇,故况之。”
During her "extended vacation" , Gillian continued to receive career training. She was confident about future plans.
雪藏期间,阿娇一直接受有关演艺事业的培训,她对将来充满了信心。Yan Zhao after the door, although she was involved in more than one star, but all seem to point the finger of blame Gillian.
艳照门发生后,虽然涉及的明星不止她一个,但所有的矛头似乎都指向阿娇。"May I write a note? " asked Gillian, with a smile. Miss Hayden supplied him with paper and pen, and then went back to her writing table.
“我可以写一张纸条?”问阿娇,面带微笑。海登小姐提供纸笔他,然后又回到她的写字台。The blind man took a small book from his coat pocket and held it out. Gillian opened it and saw that it was a bank deposit book.
瞎子了一本小书,从他的上衣口袋里,并举行了它。阿娇打开一看,只见这是一个银行存折。June 16 is the birthday of Joey Yung, she said that day she will go for dinner with her friends and asked whether the same Ajiao ?
6月16日是容祖儿的生日,她表示当天应与朋友一起吃饭,问是否会相约阿娇?E Jiao in the film "Princess revenge in mind, " he said he was not so stupid boyfriend shoot nude.
阿娇在拍《公主复仇记》的时候说自己不会那麽蠢被男友拍裸照。When i saw the photos of Gillian and Edison from the internet, i called Gillian and we agreed to call it a day.
当我在网上看到阿娇和陈冠希的照片,我给阿娇打电话,我们同意分手。When he saw Gillian coming near he took a noisy, deep breath, laid down his book and took off his glasses.
当他看到阿娇来到附近,他参加了一个喧闹,深吸一口气,放下书,摘下眼镜。Gillian said that this matter like a time bomb, she often worried about not knowing when they will explode.
Gillian question whether customary comeback.
Although, Gillian has officially lifting the ban.
其中陈冠希, 阿娇的入选引起了争议。
One Edison, the Ejiao selected aroused controversy.
Is it inevitable for Gillian to confront the negative response after comeback.
但阿娇很傻很天真, 碰触了人的底线。
Gillian silly, but very naive, touch a human's bottom line.
由于阿娇到场, 昨晚的会议现场气氛十分热烈。
Because A Jiao is present, the meeting site atmosphere last night is very enthusiastic.
由于阿娇到场, 昨晚得会议现场气氛十分热烈。
Because A Jiao is present, the meeting site atmosphere last night is very enthusiastic.
而之后阿娇在面对媒体时, 也显得更为小心。
And later A Jiao is in when facing medium, also appear more careful.
Ejiao appears very monographs, hence I also will not disturb her.
不过, 阿娇是否代言该游戏至今未有明确答案。
Nevertheless, a Jiao is acting this game has no character up to now clear answer.
I am not loyal fans of Gallian, even don't know her full name.
I hope Gillian have the enough force to get out of the low life.
Previously, was photographed by a paparazzi back, Gillian traumatic turned upside down.
Ejiao if it is to find that I really want to rewrite the The script.
明星都要减肥, 但阿娇瘦了, 是因为为了爷爷吃斋。
Star must lose weight, but Ejiao thin, it is because in order to Grandpa Chizhai.
In Yan Zhao gates, Gillian promiscuous behavior, but it makes unsightly.
Lawyer Tolman looked at Gillian in a hostile and questioning way.
而阿娇则表示这对她而言无疑是一个新的契机, 一个挑战。
And A Jiao states this is right is a new chance undoubtedly her, a challenge.