







汉语拼音:xīn bān







  1. 新的位次。

    唐 黄滔 《寄献梓橦山侯侍御》诗:“东门添故事,南省缺新班。”

  2. 学校中新的班级或教师新去执教的班级。如: 王老师 这学期又当班主任,接了一个新班。



  1. For change of contact number, please inform the popular music centre for information update and recruitment.


  2. I am back in school and I'm in a new class.


  3. In fact, no matter how well I have prepared for my lesson, the first lesson of a new class, I always feel I'm on pins and needles.


  1. 每月开新班, 随报随学。

    Open a new class monthly, with report with learn.

  2. 我得班这个学期我在一个新班。

    My Class I am in a new class this term.

  3. 我的班这个学期我在一个新班。

    My Class I am in a new class this term.

  4. 我已经回到了学校, 还进了一个新班。

    I am back in school and I'm in a new class.

  5. 烟台樱花日语学校新班晚班开课啦,欢迎垂询。

    The Yantai Oriental cherry Japanese School new class evening class teaches a course, welcome to deign to inquire.

  6. 我不喜欢我们班新来的女同学。

    I don't like the new girl in our class.

  7. 那位穿红衣服的女生是我们班新来的。

    The girl in red is a new comer to our class.

  8. 你的新健身班?

    Your new exercise class ?

  9. 在希腊班新企业几乎不可能关闭倒是多少简单一点。

    Opening a new business in Greece is well nigh impossible closing one is somewhat easier.

  10. 我太累了。我的新健身班太难了。

    I am exhausted. My new exercise class is so hard.

  11. 当我来到新的班上时,我感到茫然不知所措。

    I felt muddled up when I came to the new class.

  12. 你听说他们下班后要到一个新健身班吗?

    Did you hear that they are going to start an exercise after work ?

  13. 你听说他们要在工作之余开一个新健身班了吗?

    Did you hear that they are going to start an exercise class after work ?

  14. 我太累了。我那新的健身班太难了。

    I am exhausted.My new exercise class is so hard.

  15. 我们必须尽快指派新老师到班里去。

    We must soon appoint a new teacher to the class.

  16. 他们是我们班的新同学。

    They are new students in our class.

  17. 努力开创阳朔主体班培训新局面

    Yangshuo Party School Open up a New Prospect in the Training of the Principal Class

  18. 我有了新工作和一班新同事。

    I got a new job and a new set of work associations.

  19. 你觉得我们班的新同学波琳怎样?

    What do you think of Pauline, our new classmate ?

  20. 你见过我们班的新同学丹尼尔了吗?

    Have you met our new classmate, Daniel ?

  21. 他看中了你们班上新来的那个女孩。

    He's got his eye on the new girl in your class.

  22. 过了2个月才为那个主日学校班找到新得老师。

    It took two months to find a new replacement for that Sunday school class.

  23. 过了2个月才为那个主日学校班找到新的老师。

    It took two months to find a new replacement for that Sunday school class.

  24. 对,新的高级健身班。

    Yeah. My new advanced exercise class.

  25. 我们新开了一个班,教芭蕾。

    We have a new course. it's ballet.

  26. 那个新来得女生在班上穿得总是很漂亮。

    That new girl always looks sharp as a tack in class.

  27. 那位新来得男孩在班上总是穿得整整齐齐。

    The new boy always looks sharp as a tack in class.

  28. 那位新来得男孩在班上总是穿得着整整齐齐。

    The new boy always looked sharp as a tack in class.

  29. 为了丰富居民的文化生活,小区里的民校新开设了舞蹈班。

    In order to enrich the cultural life of the citizens, a dance class was opened in the spare-time school for adults this quarter.

  30. 那个新男生来到这个班上后,捷克就不如以前那么得势了。

    After the new boy came to the class, Jack had to take a back seat.