







汉语拼音:yě yǐ







  1. 语气助词。表肯定。

    《左传·僖公三十年》:“臣之壮也,犹不如人;今老矣,无能为也已。” 宋 欧阳修 《洛阳牡丹记》:“此又天地之大,不可考也已。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·侠女》:“请更寄语:再復尔,是不欲生也已!”

  2. 语气助词。表感叹。

    宋 曾巩 《江都县主簿王君夫人曾氏墓志》:“其可哀也已!其可哀也已!” 明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·人部一》:“ 元 , 石明三 ,一日而杀五虎,可谓盖代神力也已!”



  1. Earning all that through my own efforts was hugely satisfying. It made me feel almost rich, and grown up.


  2. After all, I had not seen him for fifteen years, and it was nine since he died.


  3. We have also expanded upon the concept of a flow as a "reusable, self-contained application controller module" .


  4. When it comes to human rights, too, the US seems to have drawn the conclusion it is not good policy to bad mouth its chief creditor.


  5. Although the agreement obligates North Korea to abandon its nuclear programs, Hill said, the other five parties also have made commitments.


  6. Corzine now heads MF Global Inc. , a financial services firm, and Obama has begun trying to repair his relations with the business sector.


  7. Along with a slow developing brain, and legal blindness, it was also determined that she was legally deaf in her right ear.


  8. So as Google has moved from trendy west coast start-up to major corporation, so it has started to behave like a major corporation.


  9. Another of Mr Zuma's kingmakers, the powerful ANC Youth League, also appears to have fallen out of love with its former idol.


  1. 薪资也已反弹。

    Salaries have also rebounded.

  2. 政府也已负债累累。

    The government had also incurred huge debts.

  3. 攻乎异端, 斯害也已。

    The study of strange doctrines is injurious indeed!

  4. 攻乎异端,斯害也已。

    The study of strange doctrines is injurious indeed!

  5. 降灵节也已不远

    Not so far to Whitsuntide

  6. 长江三桥也已动工。

    The third bridge over the Yangtze Rive has also started construction.

  7. 直飞和直航也已开通。

    Direct flights and shipping routes have been instituted.

  8. 欧洲也已吃饱喝足。

    Western Europe seems sated, too.

  9. 即便活着, 也已四方飘零。

    Wenn es noch lebt, irrt in der Welt zerstreuet.

  10. 她也已完全恢复和出院。

    She has also fully recovered and been discharged from hospital.

  11. 相应的道德准则也已尽人皆知

    The moral imperative is on the table.

  12. 企业留存收益也已开始上升。

    Corporate retained earnings have also begun to rise.

  13. 同一段的脚注也已过时。

    The footnote of the same paragraph was also outdated.

  14. 这个可能性也已被排除了。

    That possibility is also excluded.

  15. 最近的数字也已发生了变化。

    The recent numbers have also changed.

  16. 其他保障措施也已到位,他说。

    Other safeguards are in place, he says.

  17. 千兆位以太网也已出现。

    And gigabit Ethernet lies ahead, too.

  18. 俄罗斯的其它谎言也已被揭穿。

    Other Russian lies have also been debunked.

  19. 我也已懂得呆在原地一动不动。

    I also knowto have a place to stay at every turn.

  20. 与埃塔的谈判也已失败告终。

    The talks with ETA failed.

  21. 许多农村地区也已参照类似模式。

    Many rural areas have acted in similar fashion.

  22. 民警和宪兵也已加入兵变一方。

    The civilian and military police had joined the mutinous soldiers.

  23. 对加沙的海上封锁也已解除。

    The naval blockade on Gaza was also eased.

  24. 重审立场得时间也已成为过去。

    The time for restating wellknown well known positions is passed, the past.

  25. 重审立场的时间也已成为过去。

    The time for restating wellknown well known positions is passed, the past.

  26. 用于有轨列车的资金也已耗尽。

    As did the money for the tram.

  27. 而且你的生理时钟也已停止了。

    And your biological clock stopped ticking.

  28. 电影院,酒吧和迪斯科舞厅也已关闭。

    Movie theaters, bars and discos have also been shut.

  29. 我也已懂得,确实图片胜过千言万语。

    I had also learned that it's true that a picture speaks a thousand words.

  30. 主席也已同意对此案进行调查。

    The chairman has also given his approval for an investigation into the case.


  1. 问:也已拼音怎么拼?也已的读音是什么?也已翻译成英文是什么?

    答:也已的读音是yěyǐ,也已翻译成英文是 have/has also been