







汉语拼音:yī bǎn








  1. 见“ 一板 ”。

  2. 书籍排印一次为一版,一版还可包括多次印刷。



  1. If you already have one of these libraries present on your computer, you do not need to install this documentation update.


  2. After many lurid front page headlines, he turned up in Belgium having contemplating suicide as a way out of his depression.


  3. I've been a loyal Windows man since the first version, which required you to write on the screen with crayons.


  4. A depiction of Angkor Wat has been a part of Cambodian national flags since the introduction of the first version circa 1863.


  5. Yesterday, Google also posted a major update to the UI builder that seem to render the UI a lot better than the previous versions.


  6. the first one is still great. has what I CONSIDER one of my best comics. . .


  7. This book, in its first edition, probably had more impact on launching the Agile movement than any other.


  8. Many subtle refinements have been made to the user interface since the early releases.


  9. However, some terms usually used in daily life like "Wei Bo" and "Xia Zai" will have to wait until the next edition.


  1. 这一版已付

    The edition has already gone down.

  2. 这一版已付印。

    The edition has already gone down.

  3. 你在看哪一版?

    Which section are you looking at?

  4. 这一版书限出5000册。

    The edition is confined to 5, 000 copies.

  5. 号外报纸中特殊的一版

    A special edition of a newspaper.

  6. 每一张大图片是一版开篇

    Every large image is the beginning of a section.

  7. 有的报纸一版有八个栏目。

    Some newspapers have eight columns to a page.

  8. 有得报纸一版有八个栏目。

    Some newspapers have eight columns to a page.

  9. 一版新缀卜辞与商王世系

    Newly Restored Oracle Inscription and Royal Genealogy of The Shang

  10. 他给他们每个人一版照片。

    He handed each of them a page of photos.

  11. 他们计划把这篇文章推迟到下一版刊发。

    They intend to hold the article over for the next edition.

  12. 本词典得这一版里新增加了很多词。

    Many words have been added to this edition of the dictionary.

  13. 本词典的这一版里新增加了很多词。

    Many words have been added to this edition of the dictionary.

  14. 用户界面自上一版以来进行了大量小改。

    Many subtle refinements have been made to the user interface since the early releases.

  15. 我们在十一月已经介绍过这一版的新特性。

    We covered the new features in November.

  16. 他伸手够到新货取出一版递给罗比。

    He reached for the new sheets and handed one to Robey.

  17. 在这一版的美国生活中,我们讨论美国人口趋向。

    In this edition of American Living, we are looking at some population trends in the USA.

  18. 家里的大人们喜欢头一版,即社论版,和世界新闻栏。

    The adults in the family like the front page, the editorial page, and the world news section.

  19. 第二版调焦环上的棱比前一版更宽更深。

    The second version also has wider and deeper knurling on the focusing ring than the previous version.

  20. 本次拍卖会得精品还包括一版80枚全版金猴邮票。

    Other star lots on offer include a full sheet of 78 Golden Monkey stamps in mint condition.

  21. 本次拍卖会的精品还包括一版80枚全版金猴邮票。

    Other star lots on offer include a full sheet of 80 Golden Monkey stamps in mint condition.

  22. 这也是为下一版焊接网规程得修订提供试验依据。

    This also is provides the experimental basis for the next edition welded mesh regulations revision.

  23. 这也是为下一版焊接网规程的修订提供试验依据。

    This also is provides the experimental basis for the next edition welded mesh regulations revision.

  24. 许多人可能认为我没有什么深度,但这本书却一版再版。

    Many people thought I was a fruitcake, but the book sold and sold.

  25. 相信我, 智器肯定会在下一版固件中解决很多小问题。

    Trust me, definitely SmartQ will fix the little issues in next firmware!

  26. 相比于上一版有许多改进, 都在注释里说明的很清楚了。

    Compared to the previous version has many improvements, are described in the notes in clear.

  27. 相比于上一版有许多改进,都在注释里说明得很清楚了。

    Compared to the previous version has many improvements, are described in the notes in clear.

  28. 本文讨论了从该卷最后一版后上诉法庭作出的最新判决。

    The text discusses new decisions rendered by the appellate court since the last edition of the volume.

  29. 一联网版也已经推出。

    An intranet edition is also available.

  30. 刊登在报纸第一版或在第一版报道

    to place or report on the front page of a newspaper