












  1. Planck is already in the process of assembling a second version of the map. It has funding to acquire at least four versions.


  2. The electronic search system reveals idiosyncrasies in the second edition that were not apparent before or did not matter.


  3. In 1991, Wolfram began to divide his time between Mathematica development and scientific research.


  4. Biomechanics Of The Upper Limbs: Mechanics, Modeling And Musculoskeletal Injuries, Second Edition.


  5. One of the most obvious changes in our second version of the ebuild script is the new case statement at the end of the code.


  6. Also, the 3rd Edition of A Designer's Guide to Instrumentation Amplifiers is now available online and in print.


  7. I see that the entrys in the OED second and draft third edition are a little different.


  8. The second edition of this book bulks up over the first edition, and not in very useful ways in my opinion.


  9. Bards, a completely revised class for Second Edition, are " glib of tongue, light of heart, and fleet of foot. "


  1. 资产没收法, 第二版

    The Law of Asset Forfeiture, Second Edition

  2. 输入反转程序,第二版

    The input reverser, second version

  3. 这本书是第二版。

    This book is in its second edition.

  4. 第二版只在美国出版。

    The second edition was published only in America.

  5. 这是这本词典的第二版。

    This is the second edition of this dictionary.

  6. 第二版比第一版好了许多。

    The second edition greatly improves on the first edition.

  7. 文字在第二版中得到修订。

    The text was emended in the second edition.

  8. 文字在第二版中得到修订。

    The text was emended in the second edition.

  9. 第二版比第一版改进了许多。

    The second edition greatly improves on the first edition.

  10. 二期鼻整形包括鼻重建, 第二版

    Secondary rhinoplasty including reconstruction of the nose, second edition.

  11. 第二版已于今年销售一空。

    The second edition was out of print this year.

  12. 第二版已于今年销售一空。

    The second edition was out of print this year.

  13. 这部词典马上要出第二版了。

    The dictionary is going into its second edition.

  14. 天体物理宇宙学的新观察第二版。

    New Perspectives in Astrophysical Cosmology Second Edition.

  15. 我已发信订购该词典的第二版。

    I've written off to order the second edition of the dictionary.

  16. 我已写信订购该词典的第二版。

    I've written away to order the second edition of the dictionary.

  17. 他可以将戴尔写进该书的第二版。

    He can include Dell in the second edition.

  18. 在第二版中,他对书中内容进行了大幅删减。

    He heavily expurgated the work in its second edition.

  19. 当然,这两章与第二版中的内容也有少许不同。

    Again, there is little different so far from the second edition.

  20. 章程第一版已于1997年3月31日废止,同时由第二版替代。

    This second edition of the statutes cancels and replaces the first edition published 31 of March 1997.

  21. 农奴制第二版直接导致了近代波兰的经济落后。

    The second reasons is the Second Edition of the Serfdom which made the economy of Poland backward.

  22. 本书第二版中大约有三分之一的内容来自第一版。

    About a third of the information in the second edition of this book came from the first.

  23. 书中内容或有误植之处, 将在第二版中予以更正。

    If any misprints have crept in, they will be corrected in the second edition.

  24. 预计在2010年完成特别顾问办公室经订正的小册子第二版。

    A revised second edition of the Office booklet on the mandate of the Special Adviser is foreseen in2010.

  25. 当我刚刚完成改书的第二版的时候,时间又过去了20年。

    I ve just finished second edition,and another 20 years have passed.

  26. 由于该手册得需求量大, 故在2002年5月又发行了第二版。

    Due to the high demand for the brochure, a second edition was published in May2002.

  27. 由于该手册的需求量大,故在2002年5月又发行了第二版。

    Due to the high demand for the brochure, a second edition was published in May2002.

  28. 此第二版扩展了第一版中流行的解决理论,技术和临床问题。

    This second edition expands on the theoretical, technical, and clinical issues addressed in the popular first edition.

  29. 第二次修改版

    the second revised edition

  30. 缴交第二份短论的修正版。

    Revisions of second essay due.