




屈指卷(juǎn )握起来的手:~头(“头”读轻声)。徒手的武术:~术。打~。太极~。~谱。~脚。肢体弯曲:~曲。~起腿来。量词,用于拳头打人的动作:打他几~。……





汉语拼音:tái quán dào






  1. This technique, with its fast and strong feature, is relatively easy to use.


  2. When Mr. Lee presented Mr. Obama with a gift of a taekwondo outfit, Mr. Obama recalled lessons he took in the martial art when he was young.


  3. Vicars in London have been trained in tae kwon do, a Korean form of karate, after a survey showing that they were at high risk of attack.


  4. Once a week, try to go on a long (two hours or more) hike or walk.


  5. Practitioners wear a white, loose-fitting uniform known as a do bok, tied at the waist with a colored belt that indicates rank.


  6. But if you're not ready to squeeze into shorts or a leotard and grunt through an hour of jazzing or kickboxing, don't despair.


  7. Objective: to investigate the general ECG characteristics of taekwondo athletes at rest state and the incidence rate of arrhythmia.


  8. Self control (Guk Ki). To have control of your body and mind. A Taekwondo student should practice controlling his actions and reactions.


  9. It's the heart of Coney IsIand. It has adult education, basketball CPR, Lamaze, water ballet, senior's tae kwon do. It's great.


  1. 世界跆拳道邀请赛

    World International Taekwondo Tournament

  2. 世界东龙会跆拳道联盟

    World Eastern Dragon Taekwondo Federation

  3. 跆拳道比赛分3局,每局3分钟。

    A taekwondo match comprises three rounds lasting three minutes each.

  4. 喜欢,我练跆拳道一年了。

    Yes, I practice Taekwondo for one year.

  5. 谢谢你和我一起打跆拳道

    Thank you for doing Tae Kwon Doe with me.

  6. 跆拳道和我的生活已经完了。

    Taekwondo and my life are gone now.

  7. 跆拳道边角战术在比赛中的应用

    Application of Sideline and Corner Tactics in Competition

  8. 你专心跆拳道和上大学, 知道吗?

    You just focus on Taekwondo and college, remember?

  9. 不是, 我是去参加跆拳道比赛的。

    Not really. I was there for the kickboxing tournament.

  10. 武术与跆拳道段位制比较研究

    Comparative Study of The System of Duan between Martial Arts and Taekwondo

  11. 我做瑜伽,跳健身舞,还有跆拳道。

    I do yoga and zumba and kickboxing.

  12. 跆拳道比赛节律与间歇训练法相似。

    Tae Kwon Do competition is similar to the method of interval training.

  13. 跆拳道运动中膝关节的损伤及其预防

    Knee joint injury in practicing taekwondo and precaution.

  14. 散打与竞技跆拳道运动训练比较研究

    Comparison on Training of Wushu Combat and Tae Kwon Do Sport

  15. 在跆拳道里,打对手的脸是犯规的!

    In Taekwondo, it's against the rules to punch your opponent's face!

  16. 跆拳道竞技中的判断能力和训练方法

    On the Ability of Judgments in the Taekwondo Competition and Its Training Methods

  17. 跆拳道, 空手道, 柔道传播对武术传播的启示

    Enlightenment of Propagation of Kickboxing, Karate and Judo to that of Wushu

  18. 浅谈传统跆拳道在教学中的道与技

    Study of Principle and Technique of Traditional Kickboxing in Teaching

  19. 比如,我参加了曲棍球和跆拳道队。

    I was on the hockey and the kickboxing teams, for example.

  20. 要赢得跆拳道比赛要靠策略和把握时机。

    Taekwondo matches are won with strategy and timing.

  21. 武术散打腿法与跆拳道腿法的比较研究

    The Comparative Study on the Leg Technique between Wushu and Taekwondo

  22. 我记忆中的跆拳道和万世馆清晰可见。

    My memories about Taekwondo and manseh hall are precious.

  23. 你能给我讲讲跆拳道的基本规则吗?

    Can you tell me some basic rules about taekwondo?

  24. 在学跆拳道的过程当中, 最辛苦的是什麽?

    What is the most difficult thing for you when you are learning tae kwon do ?

  25. 弗吉尔,这是我第一次看跆拳道比赛。

    Virgil, it's the first time for me to watch a taekwondo competition.

  26. 我必须警告你我精通柔道、空手道和跆拳道。

    I must warn you that I know judo, Krai magna and Tae Kwon do.

  27. 加入了像跆拳道和芭蕾舞这样的新表演。

    New performances such as taekwondo and ballet have been added.

  28. 跆拳道训练和比赛中心率和血乳酸的变化

    Changes of Heart Rate and Blood Lactic Acid in Taekwondo Training and Competition

  29. 我可是从小被我妈逼着练跆拳道长大的。

    I was brought up by my mom made his kickboxing grew up.

  30. 为了多赚点钱,我还兼职当跆拳道教练。

    I also moonlight as a tae kwon do instructor to make some extra money.


  1. 问:跆拳道拼音怎么拼?跆拳道的读音是什么?跆拳道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:跆拳道的读音是táiquándào,跆拳道翻译成英文是 Taekwondo, a sport which originated on the Korea...

  2. 问:跆拳道场拼音怎么拼?跆拳道场的读音是什么?跆拳道场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:跆拳道场的读音是táiquándào chǎng,跆拳道场翻译成英文是 Taekwondo School

  3. 问:跆拳道测试拼音怎么拼?跆拳道测试的读音是什么?跆拳道测试翻译成英文是什么?

    答:跆拳道测试的读音是tái quán dào cè shì,跆拳道测试翻译成英文是 taekwondo test

  4. 问:跆拳道四要素拼音怎么拼?跆拳道四要素的读音是什么?跆拳道四要素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:跆拳道四要素的读音是tái quán dào sì yào sù,跆拳道四要素翻译成英文是 four elements of taekwondo

  5. 问:跆拳道运动员拼音怎么拼?跆拳道运动员的读音是什么?跆拳道运动员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:跆拳道运动员的读音是tái quán dào yùn dòng yuán,跆拳道运动员翻译成英文是 taekwondo athlete

  6. 问:跆拳道公园设施用地拼音怎么拼?跆拳道公园设施用地的读音是什么?跆拳道公园设施用地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:跆拳道公园设施用地的读音是táiquándào gōngyuán shèshī yòngdì,跆拳道公园设施用地翻译成英文是 Taekwondo Park



