


还(hái ),仍然:~小。~未。~不可知。尊崇,注重:~武。~贤(a.崇尚贤人;b.《墨子》篇名,内容阐述墨子的一种政治主张)。社会上共同遵从的风俗、习惯等:风~。时~。矜夸,自负:自~其功。古,久远:“故乐之所由来者~矣,非独为一世之所……


1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……



汉语拼音:shàng kě








  1. Spring dead wood can be, but hard with lighting, and how much happiness can reset it?


  2. but there were all our stores at the bottom , and , to make things worse , only two guns out of five remained in a state for service.


  3. The staggered positioning combination piston ring can be used for an air compressor and other relevant devices.


  4. Although physically she was fine. The veterinarians felt that the loss of her litter had caused the tigress to fall into a depression.


  5. Modern curve, the proportion of men to human cheongsam swagger, for human body is not beautiful person, to avoid short.


  6. It remains to be discussed whether the connection between economic prosperity and family stability is close or not.


  7. While the economy was growing at around 5% a year, this was just about manageable; now, no longer.


  8. Didn't lose the ball too much though and it was an ok game for the Argentine.


  9. White balance was generally acceptable, but it did take a few seconds for the camera to adjust when moving quickly between scenes.


  1. 收入尚可的生活

    a snug living.

  2. 他的英语尚可。

    His knowledge of English is fair.

  3. 她考试成绩尚可。

    She only did moderately well in the exam.

  4. 这种气候尚可忍受。

    The climate is bearable.

  5. 他的英语水平尚可。

    His knowledge of English is fair.

  6. 目前这一切尚可容忍。

    This can be tolerated, for now.

  7. 足够的恰当的胜任的尚可的

    We bought adequate food for the holidays.

  8. 过错公开, 尚可救药。

    All vices are less serious when they are opened.

  9. 他虽然老了,尚可工作。

    He is only too old to work.

  10. 过错公开,尚可救药。

    All vices are less serious when they are opened.

  11. 她的法语尚可应付工作。

    She has a working knowledge of french.

  12. 汤姆在测验中的分数尚可。

    Tom received an acceptable marks on the test.

  13. 目前难民的流动尚可控制。

    The present flow of refugees was manageable.

  14. 食物尚可但乏善可陈。

    The food was adequate but unimaginative.

  15. 有尚可开垦得荒地94万亩。

    There could be 94 million mu of cultivated land.

  16. 有尚可开垦的荒地94万亩。

    There could be 94 million mu of cultivated land.

  17. 质量尚可但价格并不便宜。

    Quality barely passable but price unattractive.

  18. 但到目前为止, 防御设施尚可抵御。

    But so far, the defenses have held.

  19. 这一判决虽然简单化, 但尚可接受。

    This is a rough but acceptable justice.

  20. 此外,尚可适用于其它有相同领域。

    In addition, can be applied to other similar areas.

  21. 如果其讨论增加了价值, 尚可宽恕。

    That could be condoned if its discussions added value.

  22. 利润尚可, 但不如原先希望的那么丰厚。

    The profit was fair but not as big as they had hoped.

  23. 各类红参走势尚可,价格也比较稳定。

    Of all kinds red ginseng goes situation passable, the price is stabler also.

  24. 不好不坏, 只是一个尚可呼吸的躯体。

    Neither better nor worse, just a breathing body.

  25. 古罗马城墙尚可见到,但已不完整。

    Roman walls may still be seen but not in their integrity.

  26. 你方价格尚可,只是交货期太远了。

    Your price be in line, but the date of delivery be too far away.

  27. 这房子虽旧,但在我有生之年尚可居住。

    The house is old, but it well last my time.

  28. 这份工作唯其薪水尚可弥补一切之不足。

    The sole redeeming feature of this job is the salary.

  29. 这部影片得票房收入尚可, 观众得评价却一般。

    This object is a fuse from a fuse box.

  30. 这部影片的票房收入尚可, 观众的评价却一般。

    This object is a fuse from a fuse box.


  1. 问:尚可拼音怎么拼?尚可的读音是什么?尚可翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尚可的读音是shàngkě,尚可翻译成英文是 Ok; just so-so.

  2. 问:尚可喜拼音怎么拼?尚可喜的读音是什么?尚可喜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尚可喜的读音是,尚可喜翻译成英文是 Shang Kexi

  3. 问:尚可地拼音怎么拼?尚可地的读音是什么?尚可地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尚可地的读音是,尚可地翻译成英文是 passably

  4. 问:尚可的拼音怎么拼?尚可的的读音是什么?尚可的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尚可的的读音是,尚可的翻译成英文是 passable



“尚可”是个多义词,它可以指尚可(杭州高级中学校长), 尚可(主持人), 尚可(南京艺术学院教授)。