


1. 许 [xǔ]2. 许 [hǔ]许 [xǔ]应允,认可:~可。允~。特~。承认其优点:赞~。嘉~。预先答应给与:~诺。女方接受男方求亲:~配。~嫁。以身相~。或者,可能:也~。或~。处,地方:何~人。表示约略估计的词:几~。少~。这样:……





汉语拼音:xǔ yuàn









  1. 见“ 许愿 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 许愿 ”。对神佛有所祈求,许下某种酬谢。

    明 陈荩 《修慝馀编》:“凡人疾病时,勿要轻信鬼神,出动许愿,听巫祷祀。”《镜花缘》第十二回:“凡父母一经得有子女,或西庙烧香,或东菴许愿,莫不望其无灾无病,福寿绵长。” 萧乾 《南德的暮秋》:“ 奥村 尸横遍野,村人于是向天许愿,说逢十年全村必演一季警世的宗教戏。”

  3. 借指事前答应对方将来给以某种好处。

    冰心 《寄小读者》十三:“我素不轻许愿,无端破了一回例,遗我以日夜耿耿的心。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部八:“﹝ 张学海 ﹞就向 巧珠 许愿道:‘等哪天有空,我和 陶伯伯 一同带你上 中山公园 白相去。’”《花城》1981年第2期:“有次父亲还许愿说:‘ 阿霞 ,你能跳个第一名,爸爸发给你奖金!’”



  1. When you make a vow to God, do not delay in fulfilling it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow.


  2. But a neighbour reminds him to donate half of his fortune as he had vowed many years ago should his wife recover.


  3. Vow, and pay unto the LORD your God: let all that be round about him bring presents unto him that ought to be feared.


  4. In it her mother wishes to see Fujiki (Sanada of Twilight Samurai fame) one more time beneath the wishing cherry tree.


  5. At first the old soldier did not answer, but in the end he said quietly, "OK. But remember! Be careful! Think before you make your wish, "


  6. If you were granted a wish to be able to instantaneously acquire one trading skill, what skill would you choose?


  7. Wishing light are on the rise, that of the flying, cannot the long time not put, and the Flight not to be append the FOREIGN BODY.


  8. thou hast brought me very low, and thou art one of them that trouble me: for I have opened my mouth unto the LORD, and I cannot go back.


  9. If I had one wish to make, what would I ask for? Nothing. It would be too greedy and ungrateful of me to ask for anything more from god.


  1. 默默地许愿

    to make a wish

  2. 向月亮许愿

    wish for the moon.

  3. 许愿马桶畅通

    and wish for it to unclog.

  4. 您许愿了吗?

    Did you make a wish?

  5. 你的许愿珍珠

    Love Pearl to you.

  6. 我向星星许愿

    And I wish on a star.

  7. 有人不断许愿

    Some of us throw in more.

  8. 对着星星许愿。

    To make a wish on the star

  9. 许愿也要小心!

    Be Careful For What You Wish For!

  10. 许愿也要小心!

    Be Careful For What You Wish For!

  11. 吹蜡烛许愿吧。

    Blow out the candles and make a wish.

  12. 一定要慎重许愿。

    Be careful of what you wish for.

  13. 许愿树霞多丽

    The Wishing Tree Merlot Cabernet

  14. 既然许愿就要还愿。

    If you make a promise, you should carry it out.

  15. 我可以是许愿井

    I could be your well wishing well

  16. 她对着满月许愿。

    She wished on the full moon.

  17. 安娜苏粉色许愿精灵

    Anna sui secret wish pink

  18. 但是,我们还是会许愿

    We still wish, though.

  19. 许愿不还, 不如不许。

    It is better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill it.

  20. 许愿不还,不如不许。

    It is better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill it.

  21. 许愿井里的金山

    Wishing Wells Contain Money Mountain

  22. 所以我对着星星许愿

    So I wish on a star

  23. 易事,我们不需许愿

    We don't wish for the easy stuff.

  24. 艾米莉公主和许愿星

    Princess Emily and the Wishing Star

  25. 许愿泉的背景建筑

    The background of Wishing Well

  26. 安娜苏许愿精灵香水

    ANNA SUI Secret Wish Perfume

  27. 我们许愿是因为我们需要帮助

    We wish because we need help.

  28. 你记得给我许愿了吗?

    Do you remember having promised me that?

  29. 日久难兑现, 不如不许愿。

    Better deny at once than promise long.

  30. 当你看见流星时你许愿吗?

    Do you wish when you see a shooting star?


  1. 问:许愿拼音怎么拼?许愿的读音是什么?许愿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:许愿的读音是xǔyuàn,许愿翻译成英文是 vow; promise

  2. 问:许愿池拼音怎么拼?许愿池的读音是什么?许愿池翻译成英文是什么?

    答:许愿池的读音是xǔyuànchí,许愿池翻译成英文是 wishing well



“许愿”是个多义词,它可以指许愿(基础含义), 许愿(梁永琪、古巨基演唱歌曲), 许愿(中国传媒大学学生), 许愿(杨晨晖歌曲), 许愿(2013年韩国电影), 许愿(许愿), 许愿(武艺演唱歌曲), 许愿(2Stroke Design制作的同名游戏), 许愿(主持人许愿)。