


斫,消除,修改:~误(亦作“勘误”)。校(jiào )~。不~之论(喻至理名言)。刻:~石。~印。~本。排版印刷:~行(xíng )。创~。~登。~载。出版物:~物。报~。书~。……


1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……



汉语拼音:kān fā








  1. I'd like to issue a press release That you came up to visit our glorious campus. Princeton is a trade school.

  2. Magazines regularly mislead their readers by publishing distorted images that have been secretly airbrushed and altered.

  3. Was published on the Division of Arts and Sciences reported that at the time led to a society that hot.

  4. "I think I could have handled things better, " Cruise told the magazine in an interview for its December 22 issue.

  5. One of the mainly characteristics of the Tsun Wan Yat Po was frequently published editorial.

  6. The college publishes large amounts of information and descriptive material in its literature and on its Web site.

  7. A study published in the journal PLoS ONE suggests that hypnosis is real, and can be identified by a glazed expression.

  8. The emergence of the network so that scholars may be adopted in the form of web pages published research results.

  9. Dialectical view, as the media be controled by government, such news can be published well, means the major environment getting better.


  1. 捷克, 美国纽约时代杂志刊发

    Czech Republic, VII for The New York Times Magazine

  2. 大家可以提交自己的摄影作品,择优刊发

    where anyone can submit photographs for possible publication.

  3. 刊发稿件的质量事关期刊的质量和声誉。

    The quality of the issued articles is closely connected with the quality and reputation of the journal.

  4. 中英文对照而25日中关村未能刊发公告。

    The 25 Zhongguancun failed to publish notice.

  5. 最后的比分, 要看那些报道是否能够刊发。

    The final score will depend on whether those stories are published.

  6. 延安时期的解放日报刊发过大量广告。

    YanAn Liberation Daily carried a large number of advertisement.

  7. 他们刊发了一篇有关退休计划的专题文章。

    They ran a feature on retirement planning.

  8. 他们计划把这篇文章推迟到下一版刊发。

    They intend to hold the article over for the next edition.

  9. 再次复刊时,冰点刊发了一篇谴责袁的文章。

    When it reopened, Freezing Point ran an essay that rebuked Mr.

  10. 在此刊发部分研讨会文章, 以供进一步探讨研究。

    Here print sends partial seminar article, discuss research in order to offer further.

  11. 编辑委员会还正在仔细审查第一版刊发的手稿。

    The editorial board is also scrutinizing manuscripts for publication in the first edition.

  12. 围绕青年男女社交公开等问题, 刊发了大量文章。

    It published many articles on the open association among young men and women.

  13. 周一上午,该节选的片段将刊发于财富英文网站。

    A snapshot of it will be online early Monday.

  14. 现予刊发, 以表达我们对广大读者得感激之情。

    Grant now print hair, order to convey us the affection of the gratitude to wide readership.

  15. 改革措施详情及推行时间表载于金管局刊发的

    The details of these reform measures and the implementation timetable are contained in the

  16. 其资料在我刊发表后, 已引起学术界的关注。

    The circle paid a close attention to them after relative data was published in our magazine.

  17. 学报作为学术期刊,刊发的文稿都是作者的科研成果。

    The papers carried by academic journals are the authors'achievements in scientific research as the journals are learned periodicals.

  18. 中南在线现刊发部分商学院素质拓展的照片,以飨读者。

    The journal of Zhongnan had delivered some photos of Business school for all the readers.

  19. 为了表扬他舍己为人的精神,学校校刊发了专版报道他的事迹。

    The school published a special report with a whole page about his deeds, to praise his spirit of sacrifice for the sake of others.


  1. 问:刊发拼音怎么拼?刊发的读音是什么?刊发翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刊发的读音是kānfā,刊发翻译成英文是 to publish



刊发 kānfā [carry] 动词,报纸或杂志上登出信息,一般是正式书面语。比如:新华社今天刊发了《落实科学发展观》的评论员文章。