


1. 提 [tí]2. 提 [dī]3. 提 [dǐ]提 [tí]垂手拿着有环、柄或绳套的东西:~壶。~灯。~篮。~包。~盒。~纲挈领。引领(向上或向前等):~心吊胆。~升。~挈。~携。说起,举出:~起。~出。~醒。~倡。~议。~名。~案。……





汉语拼音:tí chū








  1. Then made a wave-like sort of flexible approach macroblock which have summed up the characteristics.


  2. acting-out calls for an interpretation and the question that I am in the process of posing, is that of knowing whether it is possible.


  3. For and against the reality of Jesus Christ and being the person He said He was.


  4. The result of this meeting was that some departments provided some solutions for the crisis.


  5. The Franco-German proposal to transform the EU or at least the eurozone into a fiscal union is such a project.


  6. It's very noticeable, I have found, how much freer people are with their observations, their criticisms, of a single parent with children.


  7. Present each argument fairly and objectively, rather than trying to make it look foolish.


  8. Silent overcomes pair of a few medium more " mix conceitedly proud " offered criticism.


  9. Quickly I told what I had done, and Mother stated firmly that she would take up the matter of lunches at school the next day!


  1. 提出候选人

    field a candidate.

  2. 提出相对论。

    Who advanced the Theory of Relativity.

  3. 提出撰因子

    factor out.

  4. 提出新议题

    To raise a new issue.

  5. 提出供讨论

    submit for discussion

  6. 肌腱提出钳

    tendon extracting forceps.

  7. 我提出意见。

    I present an opinion.

  8. 提出新观念

    to introduce a new concept.

  9. 请提出要点。

    Please come to the point.

  10. 可提出公诉

    an indictment may be preferred.

  11. 起立提出质询

    rose to order.

  12. 提出巨额索赔

    Claima huge indemnity

  13. 提出相反意见

    argue to the contrary

  14. 提出严正抗议

    lodge a stern protest

  15. 提出强硬抗议

    lodge a strong protest

  16. 提出海事债权

    assert a maritime claim

  17. 主动提出帮助

    a spontaneous offer of help.

  18. 自称提出要求。

    To put forward a claim.

  19. 提出改革方案

    put forward a proposal for reform

  20. 纷纷提出建议

    offer proposals one after another.

  21. 输精管提出钩

    hook for spermatic duct, elevating.

  22. 提出停火条件

    overture conditions for a cease fire

  23. 本文提出算法

    In this paper, an algorithm is proposed.

  24. 部长提出辞职。

    The minister tendered his resignation.

  25. 然后提出问题。

    All of that occurs within working memory.

  26. 提出宪法修正案

    to initiate a constitutional amendment

  27. 我自愿提出的

    I fired myself.

  28. 提出一项议案

    to introduce a bill

  29. 提出一项动议

    put forward a motion

  30. 你提出要求了?

    Have you claimed yet


  1. 问:提出拼音怎么拼?提出的读音是什么?提出翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出的读音是tíchū,提出翻译成英文是 put … forward

  2. 问:提出异议拼音怎么拼?提出异议的读音是什么?提出异议翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出异议的读音是Tíchū yìyì,提出异议翻译成英文是 to make/ raise an objection

  3. 问:提出指控拼音怎么拼?提出指控的读音是什么?提出指控翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出指控的读音是Tíchū zhǐkòng,提出指控翻译成英文是 to lay charges

  4. 问:提出控告拼音怎么拼?提出控告的读音是什么?提出控告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出控告的读音是Tíchū kònggào,提出控告翻译成英文是 to prefer charges

  5. 问:提出人拼音怎么拼?提出人的读音是什么?提出人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出人的读音是,提出人翻译成英文是 introducer

  6. 问:提出者拼音怎么拼?提出者的读音是什么?提出者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出者的读音是,提出者翻译成英文是 presenter

  7. 问:提出上诉拼音怎么拼?提出上诉的读音是什么?提出上诉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出上诉的读音是tíchūshàngsù,提出上诉翻译成英文是 enter an appeal

  8. 问:提出保释拼音怎么拼?提出保释的读音是什么?提出保释翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出保释的读音是tí chūbǎo shì,提出保释翻译成英文是 tender a bail

  9. 问:提出反诉拼音怎么拼?提出反诉的读音是什么?提出反诉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出反诉的读音是tíchūfǎnsù,提出反诉翻译成英文是 lodge a counterclaim

  10. 问:提出抗辩拼音怎么拼?提出抗辩的读音是什么?提出抗辩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出抗辩的读音是tíchūkàngbiàn,提出抗辩翻译成英文是 raise a plead

  11. 问:提出控诉拼音怎么拼?提出控诉的读音是什么?提出控诉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出控诉的读音是tíchūkòngsù,提出控诉翻译成英文是 enter a complaintinitiate legal proceedings a...

  12. 问:提出申诉拼音怎么拼?提出申诉的读音是什么?提出申诉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出申诉的读音是tíchūshēnsù,提出申诉翻译成英文是 make a complaint

  13. 问:提出申请拼音怎么拼?提出申请的读音是什么?提出申请翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出申请的读音是tíchūshēnqǐng,提出申请翻译成英文是 submit an application

  14. 问:提出索赔拼音怎么拼?提出索赔的读音是什么?提出索赔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出索赔的读音是tí chū suǒ péi,提出索赔翻译成英文是 file a claim

  15. 问:提出追偿拼音怎么拼?提出追偿的读音是什么?提出追偿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出追偿的读音是tí chū zhuī cháng,提出追偿翻译成英文是 file a claim for recovery

  16. 问:提出问题拼音怎么拼?提出问题的读音是什么?提出问题翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出问题的读音是,提出问题翻译成英文是 interrogate

  17. 问:提出保证书拼音怎么拼?提出保证书的读音是什么?提出保证书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出保证书的读音是tí chū bǎo zhèng shū,提出保证书翻译成英文是 tender

  18. 问:提出要求者拼音怎么拼?提出要求者的读音是什么?提出要求者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出要求者的读音是,提出要求者翻译成英文是 claimant

  19. 问:提出请愿书拼音怎么拼?提出请愿书的读音是什么?提出请愿书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出请愿书的读音是,提出请愿书翻译成英文是 memorialize

  20. 问:提出质询者拼音怎么拼?提出质询者的读音是什么?提出质询者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提出质询者的读音是,提出质询者翻译成英文是 interpellator


