


1. 汗 [hàn]2. 汗 [hán]汗 [hàn]由身体的毛孔排泄出来的液体:~水。~流浃背。出汗,使出汗:~颜(因羞惭而出汗;泛指惭愧)。~马功劳。~牛充栋。汗 [hán]〔可(kè)~〕见“可2”。……





汉语拼音:hàn shān








  1. 吸汗的贴身短衣。

    晋 束晳 《近游赋》:“设繫襦以御冬,胁汗衫以当热。”《汉书·石奋传》“取亲中帬厕牏” 唐 颜师古 注:“厕牏者,近身之小衫,若今汗衫也。” 五代 马缟 《中华古今注·汗衫》:“汗衫,盖三代之衬衣也。《礼》曰:‘中单’。 汉高祖 与 楚 交战,归帐中,汗透,遂改名汗衫。”《朱子语类》卷二九:“圣人则和那里面贴肉底汗衫都脱得赤骨立了。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第三幕:“他光着脚,穿着一件白汗衫。”



  1. My husband had a landscaping business and I wanted to be with him all the time so I would go with him to his jobs and help him.


  2. I admit I had a little peek inside. There was a freshly washed pair of blue jeans, a white tee shirt, and a grey hooded sweat shirt.


  3. Back in my room I dressed in a blue sweater and black trousers. I also stuffed a pair of fur-lined leather gloves in my back pocket.


  4. And he disappears, and he starts coming out with trousers, jeans, t-shirts, jackets, and I see my credit card going out of the roof!


  5. Since this time we have seen nylon used in the production of tires, sweaters, men's hose, and carpets, to name but a few.


  6. An older man, in a grey sweatshirt and hat, quickly emerges as the star, shouting questions as the senator proceeds through the slides.


  7. A stout man, with a red sweater that sagged generously at the neck, came out and signed the book for the driver.


  8. If they're not willing to wear a suit and tie, it's probably not going to work. I've actually had people come to me in undershirts .


  9. Rhett carefully set the baby on the floor and pulled his shirt and undershirt out of his trouser band.


  1. 男圆领汗衫

    skivvy shirt.

  2. 圆领短袖汗衫

    tee shirt

  3. 穿牛仔裤, 旧汗衫。

    Turn up in jeans and an old sweater.

  4. 美国求购绦纶汗衫,背心

    Buy Bright Orange Hiviz Polyester Vest.

  5. 保暖汗衫, 棉汗衫, 网眼背心。

    thermal, cotton, string, etc vests

  6. 将你的汗衫拉直。

    Straighten up your top singlet.

  7. 你知道吗,我还想穿汗衫

    You know what? I'd love to wear sweats.

  8. 你喜欢这件黑色的汗衫吗

    Do you like this black sweatshirt

  9. 汗衫肘间得线已经散开了。

    The sweater has ravelled at the elbow.

  10. 其他棉制男式汗衫及其他背心

    Other mens singlets and other vests, including boysNo. 8No. 18, other than underwear, of cot ton, knitted or crocheted.

  11. 这件汗衫是薄布料制成的。

    This undershirt is made of thin fabric.

  12. 这件汗衫是薄布料制成得。

    This undershirt is made of thin fabric.

  13. 这件汗衫是薄布料制成的。

    This undershirt is made of thin fabric.

  14. 男性短裤汗衫,强壮体格一样引人注目。

    The masculine short shirt, the strong physique is equally noticeable.

  15. 他穿着汗衫, 灯笼裤, 长袜和吊袜带。

    He wore a vest, knickers, stockings and suspenders.

  16. 她只穿了一件汗衫和一条短裤。

    She was dressed only in a vest and underpants.

  17. 如梅,给你的弟弟买件汗衫怎么样?

    Rumei, how about a SWEATSHIRT for your brother ?

  18. 他白汗衫的脖领儿处有些脏了。

    The collar of his white shirt was dirty.

  19. 他白汗衫的脖领儿处有些脏了。

    The collar of his white shirt was dirty.

  20. 大山,你觉得这件橘黄色汗衫怎么样?

    Dashan, what do you think of this orange sweatshirt?

  21. 我们的汗衫和裤子湿漉漉地黏在身上。

    Our shirts and slacks were stuck fast to our bodies.

  22. 马海毛一般用于汗衫,围巾,外套和其他衣物。

    Mohair is used in sweatssweaters, scarves, coats and other clothing.

  23. 谢谢。大山,你觉得这件橘黄色汗衫怎么样?

    Thanks. Dashan, what do you think of this orange sweatshirt ?

  24. 妇女宽衬衣一种宽松的衬衫, 长汗衫或罩衫

    A loose shirt, shift, or tunic.

  25. 什么?里面还要穿汗衫?那不是更热了嘛!

    Your dress shirt is fine, except that you are not wearing an undershirt.

  26. 今天,你还要我穿着红,白,绿相间的花汗衫

    You clothed me in an argyle red white and green vest today.

  27. 装扮还应该还有一双滑雪板以及内附粉红双襟汗衫。

    The getter up of two clubs will have a pair of skates, and a double breasted pink undershirt thrown in.

  28. 在铁丝网上攥的发白的指关节, 旧汗衫腋下大片的汗迹。

    Joint points to hoarly in what grasp on abatis, old singlet is alar big sweat is slash.

  29. 一位身着灰色汗衫, 戴着帽子的老者很快成为了焦点。

    An older man, in a grey sweatshirt and hat, quickly emerges as the star, shouting questions as the senator proceeds through the slides.

  30. 衣服多穿了一点点或穿了件汗衫可能让你失去一份工作。

    You can lose a job by wearing an undershirt or simply a little too much clothing.


  1. 问:汗衫拼音怎么拼?汗衫的读音是什么?汗衫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汗衫的读音是hànshān,汗衫翻译成英文是 T-shirt; undershirt; vest




