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1. 合 [hé]2. 合 [gě]合 [hé]闭,对拢:~眼。~抱。珠连璧~。貌~神离。聚集:~力。~办。~股。~资。不违背,一事物与另一事物相应或相符:~格。~法。情投意~。应该:~该。~当。“文章~为时而著,诗歌~为时而作”。总共,全……
汉语拼音:hé yǐng
南朝 梁简文帝 《饯庐陵内史王脩应令》诗:“疏槐未合影,仄日暂流光。”
冰心 《晚晴集·记一件最难忘的事情》:“这时妈妈正从墙上把我们全家合影的像片取了下来。” 张弦 《被爱情遗忘的角落》:“照一张合影相片。”《羊城晚报》1984.1.14:“在场的 香港 报纸记者马上按动快门,给我们留下了合影。”
The president of Croatia and his wife Tanja posed for a picture with Angelina Jolie.
克罗地亚总统和他的妻子塔尼娅与安吉合影。But a sudden surge of energy brought him about face as a couple of tourists and their children asked him to post for some pictures.
但是几个游客及他们的孩子们要跟他合影,由此突然激发起来的热情,立即使他振作起来。We must have had our pictures taken with a thousand people, and I smiled so much I thought my face would crack.
我们不得不和成千上万的朋友们合影,我笑的太多,我的脸都快抽搐了。a local man invited me to have a picture with him on the beach.
一位当地居民邀我同他在沙滩上合影留念。For just a few bucks, you can pose with the President or one of the other cut-outs at the fence overlooking the White House.
只需几个美元,你就可以和总统或者其他人物剪影画版在白宫的围墙前合影留念。Her husband passed away a few years ago as well, but she mailed me several photographs of her family that were taken over the years.
她的丈夫也在几年前去世了,但她寄了几张那些年里拍的家庭合影给我。You don't even need to take a picture with him, because you are him, you are in him, and he is in you.
你甚至也不必和他合影,因为,你就是他,你在他之中,他也在你之中。Let me take a picture of you guys. My mom wants me to put together, like a scrapbook full of memories.
我想帮你们拍张合影,我妈妈希望我把这些收集起来,做成回忆纪念册。"Hey, Edward, " I said with admirable indifference. "Take one of me and my dad together. "