







汉语拼音:shén sù








  1. 快得出奇。

    《史记·酷吏列传》:“奏行不过二三日,得可事。论报,至流血十餘里。 河内 皆怪其奏,以为神速。”《三国志·魏志·郭嘉传》:“ 太祖 将征 袁尚 ,至 易 , 嘉 言曰:‘兵贵神速……不如留輜重,轻兵兼道以出,掩其不意。’” 唐 杜甫 《故武卫将军挽词》之二:“横行沙漠外,神速至今称。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致许寿裳》:“岂法官之读日记,竟如此其神速耶!”



  1. As her momentum carried her to the top of the stairs, Alice looked back and tossed me a radiant smile.


  2. I knew that she was making fast progress, so I wasn't surprised by her game.


  3. So swift was the advance that the Germans did not have time to destroy the harbor facilities at Antwerp.


  4. It can be said of other human beings did not invent the microprocessor developed so rapidly, far-reaching implications.


  5. The new equipment was designed, built and made operational in just one year, incredibly fast for this kind of operation.


  6. Since 1978, our economy has witnessed a rapid development; in contrast that of some developed countries have declined.


  7. The word revolution has many faces. It conjures up visions of quick , even brutal or violent change .


  8. As a rule , one makes rapid progress at the beginning and then it reaches a plateau .


  9. The fire front advanced so rapidly that police often did not have time to evacuate threatened blocks even if a way out were open.


  1. 兵贵神速。

    Speed is precious in war.

  2. 神速的离婚

    a quickie divorce.

  3. 收效神速。疗效神速

    Yield marvelously quick results

  4. 牌弩弓箭威神速。

    Swift is their prowess with shields, bows, and arrows.

  5. 我看看,你进展神速啊

    Let me see.You move fast.

  6. 我看看,你进展神速啊。

    Let me see. You move fast.

  7. 让他们进步神速度

    And they are retaining that knowledge.

  8. 他神速出击,驳倒了对手。

    He wears his opponents down with his quick jabs.

  9. 科技發展神速 把越來越多人拋諸腦後

    Technology is racing ahead, but it's leaving more and more people behind.

  10. 由此可见他的意大利语进步神速。

    Danglars thought dentro la testa meant, Put in your head!

  11. 由此可见他得意大利语进步神速。

    Danglars thought dentro la testa meant, Put in your head!

  12. 老师对学生们神速得进步感到惊讶。

    The teacher was amazed at the rapid progress of her students.

  13. 老师对学生们神速的进步感到惊讶。

    The teacher was amazed at the rapid progress of her students.

  14. 伙计, 蛮尼跟伊丽今天进展神速啊。

    Boy, Manny sure took a big leap with Ellie today.

  15. 你的中文进步神速啊,伯恩先生。

    Your progress in Chinese is very impressive, Mr. Bowen.

  16. 这药封痛风患者的止痛效果神速。

    This drug gives rapid relief to sufferers from gout.

  17. 这药封痛风患者得止痛效果神速。

    This drug gives rapid relief to sufferers from gout.

  18. 欧亚国的一支军队南进神速。

    A Eurasian army was moving southward at terrifying speed.

  19. 你已经写完作文了吧你是很神速的。

    Have you finished your composition already Youre very speedy.

  20. 不过, 你得承认将军们的反应还是挺神速的。

    And the generals caught onto that pretty quick, you gotten admit.

  21. 每位病人都希望得到疗效神速的良药。

    Every patient hopes to get good medicine which can yield marvelously quick results.

  22. 万金油治疗头痛,不仅疗效神速,而且价格便宜。

    Treating headache with essential balm has a marvelously quick result at a low price.

  23. 我军行动神速,致使敌军措手不及,狼狈周章。

    Our lightning speed knocked the enemy completely off balance and struck fear into its heart.

  24. 我们已经有了很多突破,在这方面我们进步神速。

    And many advances now, we can do that fairly readily.

  25. 其中有一位分析师认为,双方的谈判进展神速。

    The talks continue apace, according to a person briefed on them.

  26. 事情竟然如此神速且不费吹灰之力, 确实让罗恩大吃一惊。

    The ease and speed of it rather astonished Ron.

  27. 第三点,它们是我们见过的最神速的修补匠。

    They're also, number three, the most efficient repairers of fractures that we've ever encountered.

  28. 他们的浪漫爱情进展神速,不出几个星期就结婚了。

    Their romance blossomed at an alarming rate, and within weeks they were having proper fights.

  29. 进展如此神速, 德军来不及破坏安特卫普得港口设施。

    So swift was the advance that the Germans did not have time to destroy the harbor facilities at Antwerp.

  30. 盟军进展神速,德军来不及破坏安特卫普的港口设施。

    So swift was the advance that the Germans did not have time to destroy the harbor facilities at Antwerp.


  1. 问:神速拼音怎么拼?神速的读音是什么?神速翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神速的读音是shénsù,神速翻译成英文是 incredibly fast



“神速”是个多义词,它可以指神速(《三国杀》技能), 神速(词语释义), 神速(《口袋精灵》中的技能名称  )。