







汉语拼音:bào tān






报摊 [bào tān]
  1. 旧时升官或科举考试,考中后通告亲朋好友的报告单。


  2. 在街头零售报纸杂志的摊位。



  1. She was unemployed for seven years, then opened up a newsstand but gave it up after her family disintegrated due to her 90-hour work week.


  2. They only went two blocks north to find that the SUV had come to a full stop because it had plowed into a newspaper stand.


  3. I popped into a newsagent's and bought my inaugural pack of Marlboros with a burning sense of shame.


  4. On his way home, he stops at a newsstand and buys a paper.


  5. I don't recall seeing a magazine called Hard-Hearted Boss on the newsstand back then, but I'd probably be wealthier if I had.


  6. Watch for it on newsstands this week! If I get better scans, I'll post them for you!


  7. As part of that campaign the English-language government mouthpiece "China Daily" is now available on newsstands in the US and UK.


  8. I don't subscribe to any weekly or monthly magazines, but I buy them occasionally AT newsstands.


  9. The trick was to make sure you didn't get caught by the newsstand manager but this wasn't very difficult. It was a cheap thrill.


  1. 我在报摊买报。

    I buy newspapers at the newsstand.

  2. 最近的报摊在哪?

    Where is the nearest newsstand?

  3. 我在报摊买杂志。

    I buy a magazine at a newsstand.

  4. 挨着报摊有一个。

    There's one next to the newsstand.

  5. 她可不用在报摊工作。

    She doesn't have to work at the newsstand.

  6. 我这就去报摊买一份。

    I'll go to the newsstand now and pick one up.

  7. 她不会再来这个报摊了。

    She will never come into the bookstall again.

  8. 我找到报摊的时候你会来么?

    Will you come while I find a newsstand?

  9. 各大小商店,报摊无均在售。

    The size of the shop, newsstand without sale.

  10. 报摊都需要一把大的遮阳伞。

    Every news stand needs a big sunshade umbrella.

  11. 报摊都需要一把大的遮阳伞。

    Every news stand needs a big sunshade umbrella.

  12. 在车站报摊上还可购买读物。

    At most stations one can also buy something to read from news trolleys.

  13. 报摊小贩说看见你跟着她走了。

    The newsstand vendor said that he saw you go after her.

  14. 我在车站报摊上买了一本杂志。

    I bought a magazine at the station kiosk.

  15. 人民画报往往一到报摊就销售一空。

    China Pictorial usually sells out soon after it hits the stands.

  16. 罢工期间, 全法国得报摊都是空荡荡得。

    Strike period, entire France's newsstand is empty.

  17. 尼克把我涵盖站在拥挤的报摊出来。

    Nick made my covers stand out on a crowded newsstand.

  18. 该期杂志将于10月16日起在报摊发售。

    The issue arrives on newsstands on October 16.

  19. 紧挨著报摊得,是两个卖馒头姑娘。

    Besides the newsstands are two girls selling breads.

  20. 紧挨著报摊的,是两个卖馒头姑娘。

    Besides the newsstands are two girls selling breads.

  21. 你也可以在报摊上买一张街道指南。

    And you can buy a street guide at a news stand.

  22. 我们蔑视从报摊上拿走硬币的男孩。

    We scorn a boy who takes pennies from a newspaper stand.

  23. 门厅边上还有一个妇女发廊和一个报摊。

    There's also a hairdresser and a newsstand just off the lobby.

  24. 报摊上满是数不清得印刷精美得杂志。

    The newsstands are bulging with papers and countless glossy magazines.

  25. 报摊上满是数不清的印刷精美的杂志。

    The newsstands are bulging with papers and countless glossy magazines.

  26. 在报摊那儿她停下来买了一本杂志。

    At the newsagent's she stopped to buy a magazine.

  27. 在此过程中不仅仅书店和报摊蒙受损失。

    It is not only bookshops and newsstands that lose from this process.

  28. 在报摊附近站着一个身穿制服的女人。

    Standing near a newsstand was a woman in a uniform.

  29. 我们有一个庞大得国际报摊和礼品店一楼。

    We have a large international newsstand and a gift shop on the first floor.

  30. 我们有一个庞大的国际报摊和礼品店一楼。

    We have a large international newsstand and a gift shop on the first floor.


  1. 问:报摊拼音怎么拼?报摊的读音是什么?报摊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:报摊的读音是bàotān,报摊翻译成英文是 news stall; news stand