







汉语拼音:cí fēng






  1. When parasitizing in rice weevl feeding on maize, the body size of both females and males was the minimum.


  2. Here are the original tracings , direct from the plotter. The "scent-image" of a female wasp.


  3. "Nest-making female bees dragged their abdomens along the tubes when they were on their way out, " says Pitts-Singer.


  4. Previous oviposition experience significantly increased parasitism against both the most suitable and the hypo-suitable host larvae.


  5. A main factor for female is the photoperiodical variation that decides whether progeny prepupae will enter diapause or not.


  6. Female bees returning to the altered homes "became hesitant and confused, " Pitts-Singer says.


  7. The wasp colonies are founded by females who fight each other aggressively to determine who will rule the nest.


  8. And they're using scanning and transmission electron microscopes to find the source of a nest-marking chemical that female bees secrete.


  9. The females use their ovipositors to bore into the bark.


  1. 雌蜂寿命在给食时平均为47。3天。

    The life span of the female wasps fed with honey solution averages47.3 days.

  2. 雌蜂用其产卵器钻入树皮。

    The females use their ovipositors to bore into the bark.

  3. 在蜂的世界里, 雌蜂的地位比雄蜂高。

    In the world of bees, the social position of the queen bee and worker bees is much higher than that of the drones.

  4. 在蜂的世界里,雌蜂的地位比雄蜂高。

    In the world of bees, the social position of the queen bee and worker bees is much higher than that of the drones.

  5. 聚果榕小蜂繁殖性雌蜂的时空分布格局

    Temporal and spatial distribution patterns of the foundress of Ceratosolen fusciceps

  6. 川硬皮肿腿蜂雌蜂触角超微结构观察

    The ultrastructure observation of the antenna of Scleroderma sichuanensis.

  7. 四环素处理的浓度越高, 其雌蜂的产卵量越低。

    And the higher tetracycline concentration was, the lower the mean number of eggs laid by female.

  8. 图华釉小蜂族群介量与雌蜂密度之关系。

    Fig. 2. Relationship between population parameters and female wasp density of Neochrysocharis formosa.

  9. 图异角釉小蜂族群介量与雌蜂密度之关系。

    Fig. 1. Relationship between population parameters and female wasp density of Hemiptarsenus varicornis.

  10. 这是从绘图仪上取下来得描记图, 是雌蜂得气味图。

    Here are the original tracings, direct from the plotter. The scentimage of a female wasp.

  11. 这是从绘图仪上取下来的描记图,是雌蜂的气味图。

    Here are the original tracings, direct from the plotter. The scentimage of a female wasp.

  12. 快速评价内寄生蜂雌蜂携带因子生理活性的简易方法

    A simple and easy method for rapidly evaluating the physiological activities of some causal factors from adult females of endoparasitoids

  13. 表明啮小蜂雌蜂对已寄生寄主蛹无明显的辩别能力。

    This shows that in female Tetrastichus sp., there were no significant discrimination ability in parasitized and unparasitized pupae.

  14. 利用饲喂不同食物的方法记录蜂的寿命和雌蜂怀卵量。

    The longevity and pregnant eggs of females were recorded by feeding different kind of foods.

  15. 毒液由成熟雌蜂的毒腺或酸腺所分泌,并贮于毒囊中。

    Venoms are excreted by the poison gland or acid gland of mature female wasps and stored in reservoir.

  16. 雌蜂在黄粉甲蛹上得平均产卵数为30粒, 最高可达91粒。

    The average of laying eggs is30, and the biggest is91. The distribution of eggs in the pupa body is equable.

  17. 雌蜂在黄粉甲蛹上的平均产卵数为30粒,最高可达91粒。

    The average of laying eggs is30, and the biggest is91. The distribution of eggs in the pupa body is equable.


  1. 问:雌蜂拼音怎么拼?雌蜂的读音是什么?雌蜂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雌蜂的读音是cífēng,雌蜂翻译成英文是 A female bee; especially a female honey bee....