




回,归:往~。~航。~工。~青(某些植物的幼苗移栽或越冬后,由黄转绿并恢复生长)。~销。~修。~还(huán )。流连忘~。……



汉语拼音:qiǎn fǎn







  1. 谓遣送回到原来的地方。

    晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷十五:“司命一日误召 武陵 女子 李娥 ,今得遣返。”一本作“ 遣还 ”。《小说月报》1981年第1期:“念其年幼无知,改为遣返回乡。”



  1. THE deportation of Lai Changxing counts as a big victory for Chinese officialdom, which has been trying to get him back for a solid decade.


  2. 'There was no resistance from the Hmong, and we will try to send them all back, ' he said.


  3. The individual in question has returned to Washington and the US government is looking into the matter.


  4. The children are concerned that when their parents are picking them up from school, they might be arrested and deported. . .


  5. He says the United States should live up to its obligations in the U. N. and repatriate the men.


  6. Where they made no concessions, and rightly, was on the matter of the repatriation of prisoners.


  7. She said those efforts have reduced illegal border crossings and led to more removals of illegal immigrants who have committed crimes.


  8. Seafarers should have the right to choose from among the prescribed destinations the place to which they are to be repatriated.


  9. I shall be responsible for the cost of the applicant's repatriation and maintenance pending such repatriation, if necessary.


  1. 非自愿遣返

    involuntary repatriation

  2. 自愿遣返计划

    a voluntary repatriation programme

  3. 自愿遣返手册

    Handbook on Voluntary Repatriation

  4. 海员遣返公约

    Convention Concerning the Repatriation of Seamen

  5. 三方遣返委员会

    Tripartite Repatriation Commission

  6. 遣返事务特别委员会

    Comision Especial de Actuacion

  7. 对移民的强制性遣返

    the involuntary repatriation of immigrants

  8. 三方自愿遣返委员会

    Tripartite Voluntary Repatriation Commission

  9. 撤离, 安置和遣返费用

    Evacuation, relocation and repatriation costs

  10. 释放和遣返战俘和遣返平民

    Release and repatriation of prisoners of war and repatriation of civilians

  11. 律师说他的突然遣返

    His lawyer thinks that leaving suddenly.

  12. 阿富汗遣返委员会第一书记

    First Secretary of the Afghan Repatriation Committee

  13. 遣返费用应由船东负担。

    The cost of repatriation shall be borne by the shipowner.

  14. 因病残而遣返回家

    invalid home

  15. 自愿遣返问题三方委员会

    Tripartite Commission on Voluntary Repatriation

  16. 西撒哈拉难民遣返方案

    Repatriation Programme for Western Sahara

  17. 中方是否考虑将其遣返?

    Is China considering having them repatriated

  18. 遗体安葬或遣返回国

    Burial Abroad or Body Repatriation

  19. 合理期望, 法庭裁决, 遣返他们。

    Despite reasonable expectations the courts have decided to send them back.

  20. 安排紧急医疗遣返回国

    Arrangement of Emergency Medical Repatriation

  21. 遣返,重新融入,恢复和重建。

    Repatriation, Reintegration, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction.

  22. 葫芦岛百万日侨大遣返

    One Million Japanese Repatriation via Huludao

  23. 把战争期间的难民遣返回国

    repatriate war refugees.

  24. 不要浪费纳税人金钱,马上遣返高山!

    Dont waste taxpayers money, deport Gaoshan now!

  25. 港口有拖轮拖曳,无排污,有遣返设施。

    Tugboat towing ports, no sewage, there is repatriation facilities.

  26. 欧盟支持遣返非法巴基斯坦移民的协议

    EU Backs Deal to Deport Illegal Pakistanis

  27. 利比里亚难民, 遣返和安置委员会

    Liberian Refugee, Repatriation and Resettlement Commission

  28. 我们打算至迟于2003年完成遣返工作。

    We intend to complete the repatriation exercise by2003.

  29. 大陆和港澳间遣返人犯程序初探

    Preliminary on Procedures of Repatriation of Offenders Subject to Arrest Between the Main Land and Hongkong or Macau

  30. 西撒哈拉难民遣返方案认捐会议

    Pledging Conference for the Repatriation Programme for Western Sahara


  1. 问:遣返拼音怎么拼?遣返的读音是什么?遣返翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遣返的读音是qiǎnfǎn,遣返翻译成英文是 repatriate

  2. 问:遣返战俘拼音怎么拼?遣返战俘的读音是什么?遣返战俘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遣返战俘的读音是qiǎn fǎn zhàn fú,遣返战俘翻译成英文是 Repatriation of Prisoners of War

  3. 问:遣返程序拼音怎么拼?遣返程序的读音是什么?遣返程序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遣返程序的读音是qiǎn fǎn chéng xù,遣返程序翻译成英文是 deportation proceeding

  4. 问:遣返局局长拼音怎么拼?遣返局局长的读音是什么?遣返局局长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遣返局局长的读音是qiǎn fǎn jú jú zhǎng,遣返局局长翻译成英文是 Director of Repatriation



“遣返”是个多义词,它可以指遣返(词语), 遣返(电视剧)。