









汉语拼音:piǎo yī yǎn






瞟一眼 [piǎo yī yǎn]
  1. 简介瞟一眼, 向…斜着眼睛看。



  1. The door will open for her, but you can have a glimpse of the door, and her movement into the unknown.


  2. One can tell the difference almost at a glance, for a spider always has eight legs and a insect never more than six.


  3. It's not really a museum, since the facility does not allow visitors, but one can take pictures and just glance at unique rare objects.


  4. London's West End was besieged with hundreds of teenage girls last night as they clambered for a glimpse of their idol Robert Pattinson.


  5. DON'T insist on making eye contact while running, since anything more than a quick glance could cause you to stumble or fall.


  6. A look at the visitors' book for the Hazlitt showing proves that Mr Axford had the right instincts.


  7. With a casual glance all the grasses looked the same; on closer observation, however, every plant was unique.


  8. When you look down and catch a glimpse of yourself, the vantage point won't be as kind as when she's seeing it up close and personal.


  9. You buy the coffees without a glance at the bill. When easterners head west, they pack sandwiches.


  1. 瞟一眼例子的转换器蓝本。

    Have a look at The Converter Pattern for an example.

  2. 当你滚回来的时候赶紧瞟一眼。

    Take a quick iook as you roii yourseif back.

  3. 我过来瞟一眼,看看究竟发生了什么。

    And I ducked in to see what the hell was going on.

  4. 兄见他瞟一眼后无动于衷,直顾自己走上去。

    Brother see him have a glimpse of indifferent after, straight regard my went up.

  5. 不知怎么回事,出租汽车司机不停地瞟一眼里程表。

    Somehow the taxidriver kept glancing at the milometer.

  6. 然后在华盛顿大街1205号瞟一眼世界情色艺术博物馆。

    Leer at the World Erotic Art Museum at 1205 Washington.

  7. 这样一来,你只用偶尔瞟一眼讲稿,而不用老盯着它看。

    That way, you can glance at your notes without being imprisoned by them.

  8. 她瞟了一眼弗恩。

    She cast a sidelong glance at Fern.

  9. 我只是瞟了一眼新闻。

    I only glanced through the news.

  10. 我偷偷瞟了一眼手表。

    I took a sneaky glance at my watch.

  11. 他朝我这边瞟了一眼

    He glanced my way.

  12. 我迅速瞟了一眼熟睡的孩子。

    I peeked quickly at the sleeping child.

  13. 她朝奶奶无可奈何地瞟了一眼。

    She cast a wry glance in her grandmother's direction.

  14. 她停下来朝坑里面瞟了一眼。

    She stops and peers into the pit.

  15. 庇皮诺不安地瞟了一眼弗兰兹。

    Peppino glanced anxiously at Franz.

  16. 温斯顿朝大厅的对面瞟了一眼。

    Winston glanced across the hall.

  17. 瞟了一眼钟。发现已经几乎是午夜了。

    A at the clock revealed that it was almost midnight.

  18. 在顶端,我壮着胆回头瞟了一眼。

    At the top, I risked a glance back.

  19. 她向他淘气而亲密地瞟了一眼。

    She darted him a mischievous intimate glance.

  20. 我只瞟他一眼便知道他在玩把戏。

    A mere glance at him and I realized what he was up to.

  21. 我操作ATM机时,他瞟了一眼我的密码。

    He caught a flash of my password as I entered it into the ATM.

  22. 她瞟了一眼睡着的孩子, 然后匆匆离去。

    She glanced at the sleeping child and then hurried away.

  23. 她瞟了一眼睡着的孩子,随即匆匆离开了。

    She glanced at the sleeping child and then hurried away.

  24. 她停下来, 睡眼惺忪地朝门口瞟了一眼。

    She paused and looked towards the door with eyes fogged by sleep.

  25. 她停下来,睡眼惺忪地朝门口瞟了一眼。

    She paused and looked towards the door with eyes fogged by sleep.

  26. 她看到他偷偷瞟了一眼受阻的汽车。

    She watched him steal a glimpse at the marooned bus.

  27. 他敏捷地朝挤满了人的舞厅瞟了一眼。

    He glanced a trifle apprehensively towards the crowded ballroom.

  28. 伊丽莎白笑盈盈地瞟了一眼就转身走开了。

    Elizabeth looked archly, and turned away.

  29. 然而她瞟了一眼协议,就把它撕了个粉碎。

    She glanced at it and then tore it into pieces.

  30. 演讲者走近讲台的时候瞟了一眼她的笔记。

    The speaker glanced at her notes as she approached the platform.