


1. 斗 [dǒu]2. 斗 [dòu]斗 [dǒu]中国市制容量单位(十升为一斗,十斗为一石):~酒只鸡(经常用作招待客人的简单酒食,家常便饭)。量粮食的器具:~筲之人(形容人器量狭小,见识短浅)。形容小东西的大:~胆。形容大东西的小:~……






哺乳动物,种类很多,听觉嗅觉都很敏锐,善于看守门户,有的可以训练成军犬、警犬:走~。~彘(狗和猪)。~刨(páo )(一种游泳动作)。~盗(小偷)。~腿子。~仗人势。~尾续貂(喻拿粗劣的东西接到美好的东西后面,很不相称,常指文章)。……



汉语拼音:dòu jī zǒu gǒu








  1. na.
  2. enjoy cockfights and dogracing;cock-fights and dog-racing;vulgar games

  1. 他整天斗鸡走狗,不务正业。

    He idles away one day after another, without attending to his duties.

  2. 我不是谁的走狗,鸟人

    I'm no one's lapdog,birdman.

  3. 我算是走狗屎运了。

    It was really, you know, sort of a shitty time.

  4. 我不是谁的走狗,鸟人。

    I'm no one's lapdog, birdman.

  5. 小姊妹们听说谁是走狗,就要打她!

    The girls will make short work of anybody they find ratting!

  6. 这些贫农们认为庄头是地主得走狗。

    These poor farmers consider land managers the servile followers of land owners.

  7. 更有谁想充当侵略者得走狗呢?

    More anyone who wants to serve as lackeys of the aggressors do?

  8. 我要让元老院的人召回这群走狗。

    I'll get Senator cimber to call off the dogs.

  9. 关于哈丁是个政治走狗的指控可能是个谣传。

    The charge that Harding was a political stooge may be a canard.

  10. 走狗屎运从来不是我的命,当然你也不属于我。

    The henchman excrement luck is my life and certainly you also don't belong to me.

  11. 真是走狗屎运,他就是在特定的那一天摔断了他的腿。

    It was a chance in a million that he should have broken his leg on that particular day.

  12. 每块殖民地都有自己的叛徒和走狗,波多黎各也不例外。

    Every colony had its traitors and mercenaries, and Puerto Rico was no exception.

  13. 狮子和鬣狗走在一起。

    In which lion and hyena come together.

  14. 他悄悄地向那只狗走去。

    He advanced on the dog silently.

  15. 她和那只狗走得很亲近。

    She was in close proximity of the huge dog.

  16. 猫看见狗走过来就跑开了。

    When the cat saw the dog coming, they ran for it.

  17. 狗走到前门, 但没有再向前走。

    The dog came to the front door, but not beyond.

  18. 不要让你的狗走得太远。

    Do not let your dog wander too far away.

  19. 不要让你的狗走得太远。

    Do not let your dog wander too far away.

  20. 她打开后门, 带着狗走了出去。

    She opened the back door and went out with the dogs.

  21. 这只狗走过来躺在我脚边。

    The dog came and lay down at my feet.

  22. 这只狗走进来, 摩擦罗布得腿。

    The dog walked in and rubbed up on Rob's legs.

  23. 这只狗走进来,摩擦罗布的腿。

    The dog walked in and rubbed up on Rob's legs.

  24. 这只狗走进来,摩擦罗布的腿。

    The dog walked in and rubbed up on Rob's legs.

  25. 从萨利纳斯到蒂华纳灰狗走12小时。

    The bus took 12 hours toarrive Cialis gin Tijuana.

  26. 猫咪绕着狗走了几圈用鼻子嗅了嗅。

    The cat walked around and sniffed at the dog.

  27. 于是乎, 狼就放走了狗。

    The wolf trusted the dog and let him go.

  28. 那只狗走入羊群并咬死了很多羊。

    The dog got among the sheep and killed many.

  29. 他带着我们已恢复平静的小狗走了出去。

    Off he goes with our muchcalmed pup.

  30. 劳驾你能告诉你的狗走远点吗?我对狗过敏。

    Can you please tell your dog to beat it? I'm allergic to dogs.


  1. 问:斗鸡走狗拼音怎么拼?斗鸡走狗的读音是什么?斗鸡走狗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斗鸡走狗的读音是dòujī-zǒugǒu,斗鸡走狗翻译成英文是 To make roosters fight and to make dogs race....