


比:~量(liàng )。~劲(亦作“叫劲”)。比~。计~。对比着显得更进一层的:成绩~佳。明显:~然(显明)。彰明~著。大旨,大概:~略。……





汉语拼音:jiào jìn






  1. 明显切近。

    《水浒传》第六四回:“ 花荣 见一箭不中,再取第二枝箭,看得较近,望 宣赞 胸膛上射来。”



  1. The deepest sediments were laid down in the distant past, while more recent sediments were nearer the surface.


  2. Sarah had already provided a son for a woman in the Middle East and seemed more than willing to do so again for another one closer to home.


  3. Canyonlands The wall of a crater could pass for Arizona. It may have been sculpted by a flood in relatively recent times.


  4. Chinese restaurants. I found a number of Chinese restaurants. . . 21of them are fairly close to you.


  5. The planet, referred to as HD85512b, is about 3. 5 times the mass of Earth and may be close enough to its primary star to contain water.


  6. Carcinoid flush cannot be reproduced by 5-HT infusion though bradykinin injection will produce a tolerably close imitation.


  7. Outside of peak times and at night travel in the front carriage of the train with the driver or sit in the guard's compartment.


  8. I need a room close to the US embassy for a week in early January.


  9. Photons with a trillion times more energy than visible light are flying out of a relatively nearby galaxy.


  1. 较近的版本

    later edition.

  2. 较近的一边河岸

    the near bank of the river

  3. 关于相对较近的将来的。

    Of the relatively near future.

  4. 房子离公交设施较近。

    The building is close to public transportation.

  5. 这是一本较近得版本。

    This is a later edition.

  6. 这是一本较近的版本。

    This is a later edition.

  7. 他站在较近的河岸上。

    He stood on the near bank of the river.

  8. 唔,首先饭店必须距离机场较近。

    Well, firstly the hotel must be fairly close to the airport.

  9. 我走向了那所较近的房子。

    we walked to the nearer house.

  10. 远处看山感到较近或较低的现象

    foreshortening effect

  11. 走较近的那条街, 再向右转。

    take the near street and ten turn right.

  12. 秋沙鸭及与其关系较近的潜水鸟。

    Mergansers and closely related diving birds.

  13. 年代较近的针叶树林场还比不上年代久远的林场。

    The more recent conifer plantations cannot yet compare with the old woodlands.

  14. 由于月球离我们较近, 所以它看上去较大。

    As the moon is nearer to us, it looks bigger.

  15. 一个在小镇较近的那边参加曲棍球队。

    One has lacrosse on the near side of town.

  16. 因为低温时原子相距较近, 原子间的引力较强。

    Because atoms are closer together at low temperature, the attractive forces between them are stronger.

  17. 这个较近的相位将会用于进一步的研究中。

    This closer aspect is taken for further study.

  18. 杏、樱亲缘关系较近,此二者与李亲缘关系较远。

    Apricot and cherry in relationship were near with each other while they were far with plum.

  19. 莱蒙湖在新国展对面,距首都机场较近。

    Le Lemon Lake is opposite the new Internaional Exhibition and close to the Capital Airport.

  20. 两艘驳船中较近的那艘可能有一英里远。

    The nearer of the two barges was perhaps a mile away.

  21. 距电源点较近电流互感器的选择及验算

    Selection and checking computations on CT near the power source

  22. 约翰说夏天地球离太阳较近,但老师说他胡说。

    John said that the earth is nearer the sun in summer,but the teacher said he was talking through his hat.

  23. 与地球相比, 其中两个距太阳较近, 另六个较远。

    Two of them are nearer while the other six farther from the sun than the earth is.

  24. 火卫一火星的两颗卫星中较大的和离火星较近的一颗

    The larger and inner of the two planetary satellites of Mars.

  25. 因此, 不要将牙刷放置在离水源较近的地方。

    Therefore, do not put the toothbrush away from the water source close to the place.

  26. 有一座塔, 由于修建年代较近, 保存得较为完整。

    One of the stupas was built not long ago, so it is comparatively intact. There is an epitaph inscribed on it.

  27. 汤姆说夏天地球离太阳较近, 但老师说他在胡说八道。

    Tom said the earth is nearer to the sun in summer, but the teacher said he was talking through his hat.

  28. 在进化的过程中与绦虫类亲缘较近,而与脊椎类亲缘较远。

    In evolution, it was close relative to tapeworm and distant relative to the vertebrate.

  29. 我总想学习室内装潢,离我较近的课程起价为130英镑。

    Ive always wanted to learn upholstery, and courses near me start at130.

  30. 较近得海岸可以缩短作掩护得战斗机加油和返航得时间。

    The closer coast would allow the covering fighter aircraft to fuel and return in shorter time.


  1. 问:较近拼音怎么拼?较近的读音是什么?较近翻译成英文是什么?

    答:较近的读音是,较近翻译成英文是 nearer